Revenging Son-in-law

C273 Interesting

C273 Interesting

In the blink of an eye, it was the second night.    


At nine o'clock, in an underground boxing arena located in the northern suburbs of Linhai City, there was already a huge crowd.    


Logically speaking, this underground boxing match was not open to the public, because this was a boxing match that was only held once every five years.    


Most of the people who came to participate were the big shots of the various cities under Jiangbei. The way they divided the profits was also very simple, which was to decide the winner and loser with their fists.    


However, this year's underground boxing match was different from the previous years, because Lau Family had been destroyed this year.    


In the past, Lau Family was the second largest family in Jiangbei, and its momentum even surpassed the Wei Family. On the surface, most of the major powers were in the Lau Family's hands, but this year, the Lau Family had been destroyed. Most of the powers were once again controlled by the Wei Family.    


After this turmoil, those families that had attached themselves to the Lau Family were naturally unconvinced. When they had attached themselves to the Lau Family, they had obtained a lot of powers. But now, the Lau Family had been destroyed, and all of their powers had been taken back.    


Therefore, they had to take advantage of this underground boxing competition to gain back some benefits.    


Although most of the influential people in Jiangbei were standing on the side of the Wei Family, such as the army, those who had attached themselves to the Lau Family in the past were also jumping up and down with the support of the Murong Family behind them.    


The most representative figure among them was the number one family in Dongning City, the Luo Family, Luo Fangshun.    


Luo Fangshun's son Luo Sheng and his girlfriend Zhang Xiaoman died in Lin Hai for no apparent reason.    


This Zhang Xiaoman used to be Lin Fei's girlfriend, and she had fooled Lin Fei quite a bit. In order to vent his anger for his brother, Qin Yuan attacked with lightning speed. After dealing with Luo Sheng and Zhang Xiaoman, he burned them down. Not even a trace of them was left behind.    


However, Luo Sheng's family was the number one family in Dongning City after all. Therefore, after Luo Sheng and Zhang Xiaoman went missing, his father, Luo Fangshun, naturally had to investigate.    


Luo Fangshun was a man with some tricks. Although his son and girlfriend had no news of him, he still found some clues.    


His son and girlfriend had already died. Even their corpses had been destroyed. The murderer was most likely a person called Qin Yuan.    


When he first found out about this news, Luo Fangshun was furious. That was his only son, and he was killed for no reason. Of course, he wouldn't let this matter rest.    


Initially, he wanted to gather some people to avenge his son and kill that man called Qin Yuan. However, he wasn't a reckless man. After secretly investigating this man, he found out that this man called Qin Yuan wasn't simple at all. This was because he was backed by the Wei Family and had a close relationship with Old Master Wei and Wei Ziqing.    


Therefore, he did not act rashly. Instead, he had been waiting for an opportunity. Now, the opportunity had finally come.    


He found out that it was this Qin Yuan who had destroyed the Lau Family, and the Murong Family behind the Lau Family wasn't willing to let this matter rest. Therefore, Luo Fangshun had contacted the Murong Family. Right now, the Murong Family was also planning to attack Qin Yuan and the Wei Family. Thus, after discussing for a while, they decided to participate in this underground boxing match. They would eliminate the Wei Family and Qin Yuan in one fell swoop.    


With the Murong Family backing him up, what was there for Luo Fangshun to be afraid of?    


One should know that the Murong Family had sent out three great domesticated experts in this underground boxing match. In addition, they had also sent out a famous elder who was an elder in the pugilistic world.    


Therefore, the Murong Family was determined to win this underground boxing match. Not only did they want to eliminate the Wei Family in one fell swoop and kill that person called Qin Yuan, they also wanted to redivide the entire Jiangbei and keep it in the Murong Family's pocket.    


Luo Fangshun was also determined to win this match. In his opinion, the Murong Family's power was concentrated in the capital. He didn't care about Jiangbei, this small place. After Jiangbei was occupied, the Murong Family would definitely send someone to take over Jiangbei. As long as Luo Fangshun could get close to the Murong Family, he would definitely become the best candidate. At that time, he would be the overlord of the entire Jiangbei.    


Thinking of this, Luo Fangshun was extremely proud of himself. He said fiercely in his heart, "Qin Yuan, right? No matter what your background is, if you dare to touch my son, I will make you pay a heavy price."    


Although this underground boxing competition was not open to the public, there were also many people who came to participate. After all, there were many cities under Jiangbei, and all the representatives from different cities had come.    


Qin Yuan also came. He, Old Master Wei, Wei Ziqing, and a few bodyguards of Wei Family walked into the underground boxing ring.    


The arrival of the three of them had caused quite a stir. After all, the Wei Family was currently in the limelight, and they were the true overlords of Jiangbei.    


"Did you see that? A heavyweight had arrived. It was Old Master Wei from the Wei Family. When this old man was young, his means were fierce. Despite his age, his demeanor is still as elegant as before. " Someone said in a low voice as he watched Old Master Wei and the other two walk over.    


"That's right, that's right. The Wei Family can become the overlord of Jiangbei. There must be a reason for that. Old Master Wei isn't an ordinary person. When he was young, he was the overlord of his territory. However, after he grew old, his courage didn't diminish. Although it was said that the old man had become a vegetable and had been lying in bed for three years, at that time, everyone thought that the old man would definitely not wake up. They did not expect that the old man would appear in front of everyone again. Moreover, he is so hale and hearty. It is truly unbelievable. "    


" Also, Old Master Wei's granddaughter, Wei Ziqing, is the apple of the old man's eye. This young lady's charm cannot be underestimated. Don't look at her young age, but look at her temperament. This is not something that ordinary women can compare with. "    


"This Wei Ziqing Miss Wei, don't look at her just because she is a woman. In a few years' time, she will definitely become an influential figure with this kind of development."    


"Hey, look to the side. The young man beside the old man. That imposing manner was also very powerful. It was said that this person's surname was Qin. On the surface, he looks like a useless son-in-law, but in reality, he is very capable. It was him who cured Old Master Wei and destroyed the Lau Family. He even destroyed the Octupole Sect and Form-Intention Sect."    


" That's right. This man is now called Master Qin, and he is very angry with Old Master Wei. I heard that the Wei Family is relying on this Master Qin in this underground competition. "    


"According to the rumors, Old Master Wei has the intention of taking this young man with the surname Qin as his grandson-in-law. I wonder if it's true or not?"    


A few of them were in the midst of a heated discussion when another two people squeezed in from the side. One of them sneered and said, "You ignorant fools. Don't tell me you still think that the Wei Family is the overlord of Jiangbei? Let me tell you, the seat of the overlord of Jiangbei is almost at the top of the Wei Family. "    


The rest of them revealed surprised expressions.    


"You can't just say that."    


"Hmph, I'm not talking nonsense. In this underground boxing match, the people of Murong Family had already participated, and it was said that they had sent out three great experts. There was also a fist elder who wanted to take revenge for the Lau Family. Therefore, this time, they will definitely use this match to eliminate the Wei Family in one fell swoop."    


"Now you know, the people of the Wei Family won't be happy for long. Perhaps today's match will be the day of their death. After today, the entire Jiangbei Province will be divided into different forces, and all of this will be under the Murong Family's control."    


"As for that young man surnamed Qin, hmph, he only has some ability, but even so, so what? Could he defeat the three great experts of the Murong Family? Can he defeat the fist elder invited by Murong Family?"    


While they were discussing, another group of people slowly walked into the underground boxing ring.    


There were more than ten people in this group. The leader was the army, and beside the army was an old man with a proud expression. Behind the old man were Liu Haifeng and the other big shots from the various cities under Jiangbei.    


Thus, the people who were discussing turned their gazes to this side. One of them said, "Did you see that? These were the people from the Wei Family, the old man who was in charge of the Martial Arts Dojo Association, Old Man Lu. He is also on the side of the Wei Family. Furthermore... In order to win this match, we've invited an expert."    


"Do you see that expert? He's the one who walked next to Old Man Lu."    


"Wait, why do I feel like this person looks familiar? Isn't this the fist technique master who was famous in the Pugilistic World more than ten years ago? "    


"That's right, it's Master Huiming."    


"My god, they even invited the retired Master Huiming here. It seems like the Wei Family might have a chance of winning. One should know that this Master Huiming is a very powerful figure."    


"Come on. Although Master Huiming was invited by the Wei Family, I heard that he has already fallen out with Old Master Wei."    


"Ah, it can't be. Why did their own people start a fight?"    


"Who knows? So it's really hard to say who will win this time."    


"Hey, look, someone else is coming."    


Everyone raised their heads and looked at the entrance of the boxing arena.    


The person who came was Luo Fangshun. Because he was backed by the Murong Family, he had a very big style. There were more than twenty bodyguards following behind him, which caused the crowd to discuss among themselves again.    


After that, more people came in one after another.    


"Hey, didn't they say that the people of the Murong Family will participate in the boxing match? Why didn't they come?"    


"The people of Murong Family are low-key when it comes to matters. They wouldn't make such a big deal out of it. Who knows? They might have come a long time ago. It's just that we can't see through them. Look at the three young men who are wearing black clothes over there. I think they might be the three great experts invited by the Murong Family."    


By 9: 30 p.m., most of the people had arrived. In order to not be disturbed later on, some of the staff immediately closed the door of the boxing village.    


A male host walked onto the stage. After giving an opening speech, he went straight to the topic.    


"Guests, big shots, I now announce that the underground boxing match has officially begun. Since it's a boxing match, we should use our fists as the deciding factor. Whoever has the stronger fist will be the winner."    


"Here, you can accept other people's challenges, or you can challenge others. As long as your fist is strong enough, nothing is a problem. However, I advise everyone to be self-aware. If you know that you are not a match for them, yet you insist on provoking the other party and end up being beaten to death. You can only die in vain. "    


"I believe that this isn't the first time that everyone here has participated in such a boxing match, so I won't say much about the rules. In short, human lives aren't worth much here, so I advise you to stop when challenging others. "    


"Alright, let's cut the crap. Now, the first one to go on stage is the expert of the number one family in Dongning City, the Luo Family, Tai Xiong. Please welcome him."    


As soon as his voice faded, a man with a fierce face and a strong back jumped onto the stage. The host immediately turned around and left the stage.    


"The Luo Family is the first one to step onto the stage." Someone said from below the stage.    


"This Luo Family is located in the Dongning City, and it also belongs to Jiangbei. In the past, they depended on the Lau Family, but now that the Lau Family has been destroyed, and they are relying on the Murong Family behind them, they are still acting arrogantly and tyrannically."    


After the man called Tai Xiong walked onto the stage, he cupped his fists and said proudly, "Who dares to challenge us?"    


The audience immediately fell silent, and for a moment, no one said anything.    


At this moment, Qin Yuan, Old Master Wei, and Wei Ziqing were sitting in the first row of the VIP seats.    


Old Master Wei looked at Tai Xiong on the stage, then turned to Qin Yuan and said, "What do you think about this person, Master Qin?"    


Qin Yuan said, "He's just bluffing. Although this man has muscles all over his body, he looks very strong. If it was brute force, he would have some strength, but unfortunately, he had reached a certain level. Who would still fight with brute force? If he were to meet an expert with some ability... Then this person probably won't even be able to withstand a single move. "    


Old Master Wei nodded his head.    


After that, a middle-aged man in a green robe jumped onto the stage.    


This man was about thirty years old, and he had a calm expression on his face. He always had a faintly discernible and frightening temperament. This kind of aura... The aura was invisible, and it was not easy to be discovered. It was the exact opposite of the muscular man in front of him.    


"This man isn't simple at all" Qin Yuan was stunned when he saw this man. He could sense the invisible Qi from this man's body and immediately determined that this man was an invisible expert.    


If the brawny man was a cup of plain water, then this person was like a cup of coffee. No one could see through him. He could only taste it in his mouth.    


"I'm Liu Qingfeng. I admit it." The middle-aged man in the green robe cupped his hands and said. There was a gentle smile on his face. He did not look like he was here to fight. Instead, he looked like an elegant teacher.    


Tae Xiong, who had a strong back and a strong waist, revealed a proud smile. Haha, I actually got myself a weak chicken. This little guy probably won't be able to withstand a punch from me.    


Tai Xiong didn't say much when he thought of this. He immediately shouted and raised his fist to rush towards the man in the green robe.    


The people on the stage broke out in a cold sweat for that man. Because if he was hit by Tai Xiong's fist, with his small body, he would probably be beaten into a meat patty.    


However, what made people's eyes drop was that in the next second, there was a bang.    


This loud sound shook the sky and earth. When they looked up again, they found that the person who was sent flying was not the thin man in the long robe, but Tai Xiong, who had a strong back and a strong waist.    


Tai Xiong was sent flying by that man in the long robe. He landed heavily on the stage and then rolled off the stage.    




Everyone exclaimed because the reversal happened too fast.    


As for Tai Xiong, he had no idea what was going on at all. He had clearly raised his fist to hit his opponent, but in the blink of an eye, he was sent flying by his opponent.    


That punch just now had smashed into Tai Xiong's chest. At this moment, his chest had caved in from the impact. In the end, he spat out a mouthful of blood and was on the verge of death. He had been carried down by someone.    


The man in the green robe on the stage cupped his hands once again and smiled. "Admit it."    


At this moment, everyone's facial expression changed, including Old Master Wei's.    


"We can't judge a book by its cover in the martial arts world. This person looks ordinary and even has a thin and thin body. Who would have thought that he would have such a shocking explosive force? With just one punch, he beat Tai Xiong until he was on his last breath."    


Qin Yuan said, "I didn't expect that a top expert would come at the beginning of this boxing match. Interesting. This underground boxing match seems to be very interesting."    


Then Qin Yuan asked Old Master Wei, "Old man, do you know which side this person belongs to?"    


Old Master Wei was stunned.    


"He shouldn't be on our side, because the army only invited one person. Our Wei Family only invited you, Mr. Qin. Could it be... that this person is from the Murong Family? It shouldn't be possible, the people from the Murong Family appeared so quickly? "    


Qin Yuan's facial expression became serious all of a sudden.    


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