Revenging Son-in-law

C369 A Great Enemy Is Coming

C369 A Great Enemy Is Coming

Qin Yuan stayed in one of the villas because there were quite a few of them in this manor.    


The reason he decided to rest for the night and look for the saintess tomorrow was because he felt a strange energy wave in his body that made him feel uncomfortable. Sometimes it was hot, sometimes it was cold.    


He was still thinking about that problem. His strength seemed to have reached its peak in the past few days. It seemed a little unusual.    


No matter how powerful the martial arts of Profound Sect was, the path of cultivation was still climbing up bit by bit. It was impossible for him to become so powerful in such a short period of time.    


He had defeated Zhou Jiutian, the Taoist priest of Karakorum Sword Palace, and even the Death Goddess had been scared away by him. He had even slapped the little prince of Snow Country's werewolf race a few times.    


"Am I really that arrogant?" Qin Yuan shook his head. After thinking about what had happened recently, he felt that his personality had changed a lot. In the past, he was not such a high-profile and arrogant person.    


But now, there was always something stirring in his heart that he was eager to find someone to vent. The Goddess of Death, the little Prince Andrew, or the people from the Murong Family had come to find him at this time. So, he could only treat them as targets to vent his anger on.    


He even felt that it was not a big deal to find the saintess tomorrow.    


Did he not even put the Holy Maiden in his eyes? That was the saintess of Mystery Sect. Even his master, Shanxuanzi, wouldn't dare to fight her.    


After thinking for a while, Qin Yuan didn't pay much attention to her. Soon, he fell asleep. However, he was suddenly woken up in the middle of the night.    


Because he heard heart-wrenching screams and messy footsteps.    


"Put out the fire, quickly put out the fire, it's on fire."    


Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then he opened his eyes. The scene in front of him stunned him. He found that the room he was in was on fire. The raging fire had even surrounded him.    


Even the bed and the table at the bedside were on fire.    


No, he looked down and found that not only was the room on fire, even his body was on fire.    


However, he did not panic, because he cultivated the Three Flame-flavored True Fire Art. This fire could not do anything to him, and he could even control the fire himself. However, after checking it for a while, he quickly discovered that the fire was actually coming from his body.    


"This fire actually came from my body." Qin Yuan could not figure out what was going on. What was going on? Why was his body suddenly on fire for no reason? Even the entire room was on fire. The fire was very intense. If this continued, the entire villa would be on fire in a few minutes.    


In fact, the entire villa was in a sea of fire. Qin Yuan didn't care about the fire on his body. He stood up and walked over to the window. He looked outside and found that it was no longer chaotic.    


Many bodyguards and servants were holding things to extinguish the fire. They were trying their best to extinguish the fire. In the distance, the sound of a fire truck could be heard.    


He saw Huo Jiaxin standing there anxiously, and there was also old man Huo.    


"Grandpa, why did the fire suddenly start all of a sudden?" Huo Jiaxin asked anxiously. It was alright to burn down a villa. However, she was afraid that the sea of fire would burn down the entire villa. Then their family would suffer a huge loss.    


Old Huo was also confused. He didn't understand why the fire had suddenly started. However, what he was more worried about was that Mr. Qin was still inside.    


"Quickly, quickly extinguish the fire. There are still people inside. Mr. Qin is still inside. The few of you, quickly go in and save him."    


But the bodyguards looked at each other. No one dared to go in because the fire was too big. After going in, no one would be able to come out.    


"A bunch of good-for-nothings." Elder Huo cursed angrily, but he also knew that going in now was no different from courting death.    


"Did you call the fire engine?"    


"Yes, Grandfather. They are already on their way here. Don't be too anxious."    


"How can I not be anxious? Mr. Qin is still inside. If Mr. Qin is burned to death..."    


Before Old Huo could finish his words, he suddenly saw a man walking out of the sea of fire.    


The old man was stunned. Huo Jiaxin and everyone else on the scene were stunned. Their eyes were wide open as they looked at the man of fire who walked out.    


"Oh my god, what is that thing?" Huo Jiaxin almost couldn't believe her eyes. After a long time, she finally saw it clearly. It was actually a person, a person with a burning body. But... But how was this possible? If a person's body was burning with raging flames, then this person would definitely be burnt to a crisp! Wah! However, the person in front of him seemed to be fine as he steadily walked out of the sea of fire step by step.    


"Oh my God! This man is surrounded by fire, but why does it feel like he's fine?"    


After the person in fire walked out, he quickly walked in front of Old Huo and the others.    


"Cough cough, Old Huo, you don't have to worry about putting out the fire. You won't be able to extinguish the fire." The fiery man actually spoke.    


His words scared some people to the point that their souls almost left their bodies. Old man Huo was also scared to the point that his entire body trembled. However, he quickly determined that the voice belonged to Mr. Qin.    


"You, you are Qin Yuan?" Huo Jiaxin exclaimed.    


The fiery man nodded in agreement.    


In fact, Qin Yuan himself was also puzzled. Ever since he started cultivating the Profound Sect's Three Flame-flavored True Fire Art, his ability to control fire had been improving day by day. But why did the fire on his body suddenly start burning today?    


He tried to put out the fire on his body just now, because if the fire on his body didn't extinguish, then the fire in the villa wouldn't be extinguished.    


But he failed.    


He realized that the fire on his body was not under his control. Even he himself could not extinguish it. Helpless, he could only walk out of the villa.    


"You, are you a human or a ghost? You have been burned to this extent, how can you still speak?" Huo Jiaxin shouted again, looking at Qin Yuan with a face full of fear.    


At this time, the fire truck arrived.    


The firefighters, under the command of the captain, did not say anything. They picked up the fire extinguishing equipment and started working.    


One of the firefighters noticed Qin Yuan. Out of his desire to save Qin Yuan, he did not say anything. He picked up the fire extinguisher and sprayed it on Qin Yuan's body, wanting to put out the fire on him.    


However, he found that after working for a long time, the fire on this person did not extinguish. Instead, the fire burned even more vigorously, but this person was safe and sound. Not only could he walk, but he could also speak, as if the one who was burning was not him.    


The other firefighters were also depressed to find out that they had been busy for a long time, but they hadn't even extinguished a single fire. Instead, the fire in the villa was becoming more and more intense.    


The fire captain was so anxious that his head was covered in sweat. If this continued, the entire manor would be burned down.    


Qin Yuan knew he could not drag this on any longer. The fire started because of him. If something really happened, he would feel bad.    


So he shouted loudly, telling the fire fighters not to move, and the others not to move.    


Everyone stopped moving and looked at the man in front of them with surprise.    


"I told you, you can't extinguish this fire, don't waste your time."    


"Aiya, I'll tell you the truth. This fire is actually the True Three-flavored Fire. I don't need to say anything about what the Three Flavorings True Fire is. How can you use ordinary fire extinguishing tools to extinguish it? This fire started because of me. Only I can extinguish this fire. "    


When Qin Yuan said this, he suddenly felt waves surging within his body. A cold feeling spread out, and in the next second, something that stunned him happened.    


His body started to spread, and a wave of water started to flow out.    


After that, waves of water were released from every part of his body, including his head, arms, and other parts of his body.    


It was like a spring that had been chiseled open.    


"Oh my god..." Before everyone could exclaim, the fist eye on Qin Yuan's body was getting bigger and bigger. With a swoosh, it was like a flood that had been opened. Waves of water surged out from Qin Yuan's body and rushed towards the sea of fire.    


Strangely, when the waves of water rushed towards the sea of fire, the fire immediately became smaller and then slowly extinguished.    


However, the water on Qin Yuan's body was still spraying out non-stop. Soon, the entire villa was flooded by the water.    


Just now, he was still trying to put out the fire, but now he had to put out the water.    


But now, people knew that the water and fire were coming from this young man in front of them.    


"Grandpa, this, what is going on? Is this Qin Yuan still human? How can he breathe fire and spray water on his body?" Huo Jiaxin shouted while supporting his grandfather as they retreated.    


As for Qin Yuan, the cold thing in his body had finally been extinguished. The water had also disappeared, and his entire body had collapsed onto the ground.    


He couldn't figure it out. The Jade Sea Longevity Art and the Three True Fire Art that he cultivated in the Profound Sect were water and fire, but the water and fire had always been used separately. Why did they suddenly rush to the same place?    


It was said that water and fire were incompatible, could it be...    


A bad idea suddenly flashed across Qin Yuan's mind, but he couldn't think too much anymore. His body sank and he fainted.    


When he woke up again, it was already three days later.    


He had actually been unconscious for three days.    


However, the strange energy fluctuations within his body had gradually disappeared.    


Old Huo, Huo Jiaxin, and Huang Yuzhi were all around him, but they did not dare to ask anything. Qin Yuan did not say anything either.    


"It's been three days. It's time to find the saintess." After a long time, Qin Yuan finally said this.    


Immediately after that, he ordered Old Huo to lead him straight to the mountain.    


He had a feeling of urgency in his heart. He felt that he couldn't wait any longer. He had to find the saintess and take revenge immediately.    


Huang Yuzhi also went, Huo Jiaxin also came.    


In fact, the helicopter did not fly for long before it stopped at the top of a mountain. This mountain was just an unknown small mountain.    


It could not be compared to the White Stone Mountain or Changbai Mountain and other famous mountains.    


This small mountain didn't even have a name. Not only was it remote, it was also very desolate.    


"Old man, you're saying that the saintess' Divine Gate is hidden on this mountain? Are you sure it's this mountain?"    


The old man nodded. "Of course I'm sure. After so many years, I've come to this mountain more than once. It's because this was the place that humiliated me back then. How could I possibly forget?"    


After getting off the helicopter, Master took Qin Yuan and the others to find the two big rocks.    


"After so many years, these two big stones haven't changed at all. Even their color hasn't changed, and even their location hasn't changed." The old man said with some emotion.    


Qin Yuan looked at the two big stones and said, "What you mean is that as long as I break this illusion, I will be able to make the gate appear, and then I will be able to walk in."    


"Yes." Old Huo nodded.    


"This trick is not so easy to break." Old man Huo sighed again. "As far as I know, the most powerful person in this world who can break this trick is the werewolf clan of Xue Country. Because they are half human and half wolf, and the blood of wolves flows in their bodies. The eyes of wolves are best at seeing through the Barrier Covering Technique, so for so many years, that is why I have always maintained a good relationship with the werewolf race, hoping that one day I can get them to help me break this illusion technique. It is a pity that now... we have already offended the werewolves. It is said that Letoff is almost here. Sigh."    


The old man sighed again, but Qin Yuan did not mind. He waved his hand and said," What are you counting on those wolves for? I can break this illusion myself. "    


As soon as Qin Yuan said this, he suddenly felt something cold fall on his body. Not only did he feel it, but everyone else also felt it.    


Huo Jiaxin looked down and saw that the white snow fell on her body, but it quickly melted. She looked up and was shocked.    


"Grandpa, it's snowing. It's snowing."    


Snow fell from the sky. The white snow was plentiful.    


"How is this possible? It was still clear for thousands of miles just now. Why did it suddenly snow? It's not winter. Could it be that this mountain is very evil? " Even Huang Yuzhi felt that it was strange. As Yellow River Queen, she had seen all kinds of strange things but this was the first time she had seen such a thing.    


But Old Huo shook his head and his expression changed drastically.    


"No, the snow suddenly has nothing to do with this mountain. It's because... the werewolves of Xue Country are here."    


Hearing this, everyone immediately understood.    


"Grandpa, could it be that Letoff really came? I remember now. You once told me that once the Werewolves descended, there would be snowflakes spreading first. This is a sign of their arrival."    


As soon as he said this, the snow fell even heavier. It almost turned into snow with goose feathers. In an instant, the entire mountaintop became white. The heads and bodies of Old Huo and the others who were present also turned white.    


In the distant horizon, a wild laughter suddenly sounded.    




Old Huo's expression changed again.    


"Not good, it's Rostov. It's really Rostov."    


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