Revenging Son-in-law

C461 The Second Task

C461 The Second Task

Zhang Shuixiang's jaw dropped as she watched the lightning strike down from the sky. But to her surprise, just as the heavenly lightning was about to strike her head, it suddenly turned around and struck towards the black-robed messenger standing beside her.    


Splash! Splash! Splash! A series of electrical sounds could be heard from the black robed envoy's body. Immediately, a series of silver and yellow sparks flew out. When this series of sparks disappeared... His body became stiff all of a sudden, and then he lied down on the ground. He became charred black.    


The black-clothed messenger was struck to death by lightning.    


Then the heavenly lightning quickly disappeared into the clouds.    


Everyone stared with widened eyes at the black robed messenger that was charred black by the lightning.    


"This... How is this possible?" Zhang Shuixiang couldn't believe it, and she couldn't understand why the black robed messenger was struck to death by the heavenly lightning just as she was about to kill Qin Yuan.    


"Shuixiang, what's going on? Shouldn't the Heavenly Lightning strike Qin Yuan? Why did it strike the black-clothed messenger to death? "    


Zhang Shuixiang stood there in a daze, as if she had yet to regain her senses.    


Qin Yuan looked at all of this with interest. This secret realm space was really out of his expectation. The rules here didn't seem to be as simple as they seemed on the surface.    


Seeing the smile on Qin Yuan's face, Qin Lei was instantly enraged. He stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Shuixiang's arm and said, "Shuixiang, don't worry about that. Let's kill this guy first."    


Zhang Shuixiang still stood there without moving, as if she didn't hear what he said.    


"Shuixiang, don't hesitate anymore. Let's kill this guy first. You have to know that we are here to kill him. As long as we kill him, our goal will be achieved."    


"Quick, raise your bow and aim at him."    


"Shut up." Zhang Shuixiang suddenly shouted at Qin Lei. Her face showed anger, which made Qin Lei confused.    


"What's wrong, Shuixiang? What are you yelling at me for? Shouldn't you kill this guy right now? "    


" He can't be killed " Zhang Shuixiang shouted again.    


"I understand, someone is protecting him in this secret realm" Zhang Shuixiang suddenly realized.    


Qin Lei was even more confused.    


"What do you mean? Someone is protecting him. This is the secret realm space, who will protect him?"    


"I don't know." Zhang Shuixiang shook her head, her face revealing a hint of dejection. She loosened her grip, and the bow in her hand fell to the ground.    


"The heavenly lightning doesn't dare to strike him, and I can't kill him. I believe that if I raise my bow again and aim it at him, the heavenly lightning will come again. Just now, the heavenly lightning killed the black-robed messenger, then the next one to be struck will be me. "    


"Although I don't know who is protecting him, I can be sure that the person protecting him must be very strong. He must be very powerful in this mystic realm space."    


Qin Lei was stunned. He had never thought that he was no match for Qin Yuan in the real world. Now, there was actually someone protecting him in this secret realm. This fellow's luck was too good.    


"Then what should we do? Should we give up just like that?"    


Qin Lei was unwilling to give up. In order to watch Qin Yuan die, he took the initiative to invite him into the secret realm. It wasn't easy to pull him in. From the moment he entered the secret realm, it wasn't easy for him to get out. He was destined to become a newbie and a rookie, and then wait for the mission to be assigned. Then, he would complete the mission. If he couldn't complete the mission, the only thing waiting for him would be death. How big of a risk did he take?    


Zhang Shuixiang was also very unwilling, but she was still relatively calm when doing things. She thought for a moment and said, "Although we can't kill him, since he came in... Then he has to abide by the rules here. He is a newbie. He is waiting for the secret realm space to give him a task and then complete it"    


"Although the first mission, he destroyed the Stairway to Heaven, and the heavenly lightning didn't dare to strike him, I don't believe his luck will always be so good. There will be a second mission after that"    


"Moreover, the missions in the secret realm are more and more difficult. I think even if it's the person who wants to protect him, it's impossible for him to keep protecting him all the time. It's also impossible for every mission to let him succeed."    


Upon hearing this, Qin Lei's face revealed a proud expression.    


"Right, there's no backdoor to the mystic realm. There will be missions sent over soon."    


In fact, just as he said this, a white light suddenly flashed. One. The strange man in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Chen Yulan and the other girls were shocked again, because this man had suddenly appeared. It was really strange.    


This was the white-robed emissary from the pocket dimension. After he appeared, he stood there condescendingly. After sizing up Qin Yuan and the others, he said, "I am the white robed messenger in the secret realm. Now, I will give you guys a second mission."    


"There is actually a mission?" Chen Yulan and the others all revealed dejected expressions.    


Zhang Shuixiang and Qin Lei, on the other hand, became complacent. They looked at Qin Yuan with gloating expressions.    


The messenger in white said, "The second mission, Kobe, is much more difficult than the first one. You will be attacked by the wolf beasts later. Although the wolf beasts are the lowest level divine beasts in the secret realm, to mortals and rookies like you, it's enough for you to drink a cup "    


"When wolf beasts appear, all you need to do is attack. When the wolf beasts attack you, you have to attack them as well. You can't just sit and wait for death, otherwise, you will automatically give up on the mission. There is only death. Of course, you are definitely not a match for the wolf beasts. Groups of wolf beasts might tear you into pieces. If you die... That's the same as failing the quest."    


"Does that mean we'll die no matter what?" Zhang Min's voice trembled.    


"That's generally the case." The white robed messenger expressionlessly said: "But perhaps your luck will be very good and you will be able to survive the wolf beast's attack. If that's the case, then you will receive a generous reward from the system "    


"Eh? What is this reward?" Qin Yuan asked.    


He asked because he thought of his uncle, who was a mediocre man. However, as the leader of Qin Family, he had harmed his brothers over the years. Then, he asked the old man to abdicate, and on the surface, he was controlling the Qin Family. Qin Yuan estimated that it was because of the reward of the spatial zone that he was able to come up with a plan.    


In fact, Zhang Shuixiang and her daughter were not particularly talented in the cultivation of the technique. It was also because of the reward of the adverse spatial zone that they reached the peak in a short period of more than ten years.    


From this, it could be seen that the reward of this secret realm was very attractive. For this reason, some people did not hesitate to take a huge risk to enter the spatial zone and complete the mission to obtain these rewards.    


The white robed messenger looked at Qin Yuan and said, "If you can survive the attack of the wolf beasts, then the system will reward you with a Five-Colored Night Pearl. As the name implies, this luminous pearl has a total of five colors, and each color has its own use. For example, red can cure hundreds of diseases, and white can make people who are in extreme pain feel no pain. Green can change a person's appearance and make them extremely beautiful. "    


When the white robed messenger said this, he suddenly paused for a moment and revealed a mocking smile: "The reward is quite generous, but you should have no hope. Because rookies like you are very rare to be able to pass this stage. It can be said to be one in ten thousand, and only one in ten thousand can pass. The others will all die. "    


Hearing this, Chen Yulan, Zhang Min, Jiang Yiran and the two men all sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Qin Yuan, on the other hand, became interested. This five-colored pearl sounded quite attractive. It could cure all diseases and relieve pain, and also change a person's appearance. This was much simpler than medicinal pills, because medicinal pills still needed to be refined. It was quite troublesome, but if he used this pearl, he could cure a good person's illness in an instant. It could make a person's body stronger.    


"En, this reward is not bad. Then quickly start the mission." Qin Yuan. He seemed to be somewhat impatient.    


Are you crazy?" asked Chen Yulan. Those are wolf beasts, and they are in packs. If the mission starts, we will die. Are you in such a hurry to die? If you want to die, we don't want to die "    


Qin Yuan said," Don't worry, I will protect you. "    


Zhang Shuixiang said with contempt, "If you want to get that reward, you not only have to defeat those wolf beasts. And kill all the wolves. Can you do that? Even if there is someone to protect you, that person can only protect you from death. But he can't help you kill all of those wolf beasts."    


Just as he said that, a hissing sound suddenly sounded. The white robed messenger revealed a sinister smile and said, "Alright, the mission has begun. Are you guys ready? I really want to see your wonderful performance next. I wish you good luck. Hahahahaha."    


The white-robed emissary's figure instantly disappeared, and the scene around him suddenly changed. Numerous black shadows rushed over from all directions. When these shadows were about to reach them, only then did they clearly see that it was actually a pack of wolves, one after another. Each wolf was huge, and their eyes were green, looking very fierce.    


"Oh my god, this is too scary." When Jiang Yiran saw these wolf beasts, her face turned pale with fright. If it wasn't for her good friend, Chen Yulan, she would have collapsed to the ground. In the past, she had relied on her family's money to go adventuring in the wild with some of her second-generation classmates. She had also encountered a pack of wolves. But compared to these wolves in front of her, the difference was too great.    


"It's over. This time, we're definitely going to die."    


Although Qin Lei and Zhang Shuixiang did not participate in the mission, they could watch from the side as bystanders. This was exactly what they wanted to do. They wanted to see Qin Yuan die. It would be best if they were torn apart by these wolves bit by bit.    


Those wolf beasts whimpered and approached them step by step, quickly surrounding them.    


"What should we do? What should we do?" The girls were so scared that they huddled together. The two boys, on the other hand, said loudly, "It is indeed very scary, but didn't the messenger in white say it just now? We can't just sit and wait for death, we can only attack. Otherwise, our mission would be a failure, and that would be death. "    


"But these wolf beasts are so fierce. If we attack them, won't we also die?"    


Suddenly, a wolf beast at the front raised its head and let out a long cry. Then, like an arrow leaving the bow, it rushed towards Qin Yuan and the others.    


"Ah..." Chen Yulan and the other two girls instantly screamed. They held their heads with both hands and squatted on the ground, asking them to attack the wolf beasts. How was this possible? It was already good enough that they weren't scared to death.    


However, as soon as their cries rang out, there was suddenly no movement.    


The three girls were stunned. Then, they slowly opened their eyes. They saw a scene that they couldn't believe.    


The wolf beast that rushed over was stuck in Qin Yuan's throat. It was frozen in place.    


Because it was stuck in ___'s throat, the wolf beast couldn't make any sound. It could only make gulping sounds.    


Qin Yuan had great strength. After pinching the wolf beast's throat, he made it unable to move.    


Then Qin Yuan did not kill it immediately. Instead, he stared at the wolf beast carefully with his eyes wide open.    


"It is indeed much bigger and more ferocious than an ordinary wolf, but how is it compared to the werewolf race of Rottoff? Of course it is far from that. The werewolf of Xue Country has turned into a human from a wolf. He is much more powerful than this. "    


Qin Yuan smiled. Even the werewolves of Xue Country had become tough, and they had even killed the leader of the werewolves, Letoff, not to mention these wolf beasts in front of him.    


The wolf was choked by Qin Yuan. The rest of the wolf beasts did not dare to move forward anymore.    


Qin Yuan had lost interest, so he exerted force on his hand. With a cracking sound, the bone of the wolf's throat was broken. The wolf beast didn't even have the time to scream and died just like that. Its huge body fell to the ground.    


Everyone widened their eyes in disbelief. That terrifying wolf beast was killed so easily.    


The remaining wolf beasts stopped for a moment. Suddenly, they raised their heads and let out a long cry at the same time. Then, like surging seawater, they rushed towards Qin Yuan together.    


Qin Yuan had already infuriated them.    


However, to everyone's surprise, those wolves had not charged over yet. All of a sudden, they took two steps forward and grabbed the head of one of the wolf beasts, raising it with all their might. Then, they fiercely fell to the ground with a bang. The head of the wolf was actually directly smashed into pieces. Blood that was mixed with brain matter splashed out.    


Then, he turned around and grabbed the neck of another wolf beast. At the same time, he raised a leg and kicked one of the wolf beasts away with a bang.    


Qin Yuan did not use any weapons. Instead, he jumped into the pack of wolf beasts with his bare hands and launched a fierce attack. Those wolf beasts originally wanted to attack them, but now they all turned their attention to Qin Yuan.    


Blood kept splashing, flesh and blood kept flying, and screams kept sounding.    


A great battle between humans and wolf beasts was happening just like that. However, to outsiders, there was a huge disparity in strength. This was because the wolf beasts were in groups, but there was only one person.    


However, the outcome was obvious. In just half an hour, these wolf beasts were all killed by Qin Yuan, and only the wolf king was left in the end.    


Qin Yuan's hands were covered with wolf blood, and his body was also covered with wolf blood. He looked extremely terrifying.    


The most terrifying thing was the wolf king, because all his subordinates were dead. He was the only one left. He was extremely furious, and his mouth kept letting out furious roars. However, he hesitated and didn't dare to step forward. He just stared at Qin Yuan with his pair of glowing green eyes.    


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