Evolutionary Plunder System: From A Snake

C42 Meeting a Human

C42 Meeting a Human

Time flies, half a month passes quickly.    


At that instant, the beasts that had left gathered once again.    


Zhang Lingfeng had now enslaved the hundreds of beasts that belonged to the outer region. There was a mysterious connection between them.    


Although some demon beasts didn't know how to speak the language of beasts, after being controlled, Zhang Lingfeng could communicate with them mentally.    


When he learned from all the demonic beasts that they had completed their mission, Zhang Lingfeng immediately became excited.    


At this moment, he had realized that through these demon beasts, he had already gained control over the billions of demon beasts in the outer perimeter of the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range.    


Next, Zhang Lingfeng ordered these demon beasts to order the smaller demon beasts to search for spiritual herbs for it.    


No matter what grade of herbs it was, he would take them all.    


Since the quality of the spiritual herbs in the outer region was not high, he would use quantity to make up for it.    


No matter how small the mosquitoes were, they were still meat!    


Even if a stalk of Tier 1 herbs could only increase Zhang Lingfeng by a few dozen or hundreds of energy points, if there were tens of thousands of herbs, the amount of energy points that could be increased would still be terrifying.    


This was what Zhang Lingfeng thought.    


After the beasts left, Zhang Lingfeng suddenly realized a problem.    


Now that it had let its little brothers do the search for herbs, it seemed like it had nothing to do.    


After being in this world for so long, Zhang Lingfeng had been staying in the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range. He had no idea what was going on outside the mountain range.    


He still remembered that when he first met Hu Linger, he heard from her that it was very dangerous outside the mountain range.    


Zhang Lingfeng had always liked to take risks.    


As the thought of going to the outside of the mountain range rose in its mind, it felt an irresistible itch in its heart, and it urgently wanted to go to the outside world to take a look.    


In any case, its Lifespan had already increased to nearly a year's worth after devouring a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.    


It already had so many Lifespans, so it didn't mind wasting those three to five days.    


Not to mention, the hundreds of millions of demon beasts in the outer region were all searching for spirit medicines for it without stopping.    


With this thought in mind, Zhang Lingfeng started heading towards the exit of the mountain range.    


Half a month later, Zhang Lingfeng finally arrived at the edge of the outer region.    


He estimated that he would be able to leave the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range in less than half a day.    


However, he was now a demonic beast, and the outside world was most likely the human world. Therefore, he could only go out and take a look, and had to return.    


If it wasn't of my race, its heart would definitely be different. Zhang Lingfeng naturally understood this principle.    


With its demon beast body, it wouldn't be able to stay in the human world for long.    


After all, he was a human in his previous life. Therefore, Zhang Lingfeng was still looking forward to the human world.    


Right now, he desperately wanted to improve his cultivation base and transform into a human form as soon as possible.    


In this way, he would be able to stay in the human world for a long time.    


As his thoughts ran wild, Zhang Lingfeng continued forward for another two to six hours.    


At this moment, he suddenly sensed three powerful auras not far from here.    


"Could it be that there are humans nearby?"    


Zhang Lingfeng's eyes slightly narrowed as he muttered to himself.    


This place was about to leave the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range. There were no demonic beasts here, only the most ordinary ferocious beasts lived here.    


However, a few powerful auras had suddenly appeared in this place, which was why Zhang Lingfeng had such a guess.    


After coming to this world for so long, Zhang Lingfeng had always had a habit of hiding his aura.    


Therefore, he was not worried about being discovered by the other party.    


After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Lingfeng decided to go to that place to investigate.    


He really wanted to know if there was anyone there.    


Speaking of which, it had been in this world for so long, but it seemed like it had never seen a human before.    


Of course, Hu Linger, who had become a beautiful girl, was naturally not one of them.    


Very soon, Zhang Lingfeng arrived at his destination. He carefully hid on top of a towering ancient tree and began to check the situation ahead.    


The truth was almost as it had expected. There were indeed humans here.    


There were a total of three people, two men and a woman.    


These three people were all wearing the ancient clothing that Zhang Lingfeng had worn in his past life. Two men were in their twenties, and they were wearing the same white robes.    


As for the only woman, she was about the same age as the other two young men, and she had a pretty good appearance. She was wearing a long white dress that wrapped around her delicate body.    


At this moment, the three of them were talking, so Zhang Lingfeng held his breath and started listening attentively.    


"Seniors, why don't we return? The Sect Elder had repeatedly warned them that no disciple was allowed to step into the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range at will. Those who violated the rules would be punished according to the sect rules.    


If we continue forward, once the matter is exposed, it will be troublesome. "    


The three of them talked as they advanced. All of a sudden, the girl in the white dress stopped in her tracks and said worriedly with a frown on her face.    


The two young men looked at each other and a strange look appeared in their eyes.    


One of the young men smiled like a spring breeze.    


"Junior Sister, ever since our Profound Heaven Sword Sect took control of the Myriad Beasts Realm, we have gained a lot of natural treasures.    


Now, we, the service disciples, are stationed in the Myriad Beasts Realm. Are you really not interested in the treasures in this mountain range? "    


"This. . . "    


When she thought of the huge amount of precious Spiritual Materials in this mountain range, the lady in white was slightly moved.    


Her cultivation base had already reached the Vigour Refining Stage. The peak of the eighth rank could be compared to a demon beast that was comparable to a demon general of the eighth rank.    


If she could obtain some fortune in the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range, and with the two Soul Breaking Pills, she was confident that she would be able to break through to the Soul Transforming Stage in a year's time.    


At that time, she would be able to leave this damned Myriad Beasts Realm and return to the headquarters of the Profound Heaven Sword Sect, becoming an outer circle disciple.    


When she thought of this, a resolute look flashed across her beautiful eyes, and she gently nodded her head.    


Upon seeing this scene, the two young men in white revealed a smile, and a strange look of conspiracy flashed across their eyes.    


As the saying goes, the person in the eye is unable to see what is going on, and the person in the eye is able to see what is going on.    


The lady in the white dress did not notice anything unusual, but Zhang Lingfeng was hiding in the distance, and he could see the changes in the expressions of the two young men.    


Initially, he was planning to leave, but he didn't want to have any conflict with the three of them.    


After all, he was a human in his past life.    


However, it realized that the two young men were plotting something, and the lady in the white dress didn't know about it at all. Therefore, Zhang Lingfeng decided to follow them in the dark and investigate the situation.    


The three of them carefully walked forward. As they went deeper and deeper, their expressions gradually became serious and alert.    


The classification of human cultivation was completely different from the classification of demon beasts.    


Human Martial Cultivator's first three major realms. . . From low to high, they were respectively: Body Tempering stage, Vigour Refining Stage, and Soul Transforming Stage. Correspondingly, they were demon soldiers, demon generals, and Demon Commander Level.    


These three major realms: Each realm was further divided into ten minor realms, corresponding to the ten minor realms of demon beasts.    


These three people clearly had some understanding of the situation in Myriad Beasts Mountain Range. They knew that the deeper they went, the higher the chances of them encountering powerful demon beasts. Therefore, they couldn't afford to be careless.    


Half a day later, the two disciples of Profound Heaven Sword Sect estimated that they were far enough from Profound Heaven City. Even if something were to happen, the sect wouldn't be able to find out about it, so they no longer hid it.    


Killing intent burst out from their eyes. Without holding anything back, they sent a palm strike towards the lady in the white dress who was walking in the middle.    


Zhang Lingfeng, who was hiding on an ancient tree, was extremely surprised when he saw this scene.    


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