Dragon Blood King



"Commander Ma said she didn't have time to come because something happened at the front. So, let me represent you in showing your face. " Bai Yuhao replied.    


"You want to represent Northeast Military Camp?" Hearing that, Liu Yunxuan's face immediately revealed a strange expression, thinking, doesn't this Northeast Military Camp have two vice commanders? Why did this cousin send Bai Yuhao?    


"I understand, then come with me." Wait for me outside. " Although she had some doubts in her mind, Liu Yunxuan nodded, gave an order, and then entered the Yunxuan Pavilion.    


Bai Yuhao could only wait outside. After the time it took for an incense stick to burn, Liu Yunxuan's red armor appeared before him. It looked valiant and valiant, but it had a myriad of styles.    


Only when Liu Yunxuan walked up to him did Bai Yuhao come back to his senses. He joked, "I thought you wouldn't wear this kind of armor." Because Liu Yunxuan was only lightly dressed the last time he saw her at Lingxiu Valley, it was the first time he had seen her in armor.    


"I don't usually wear it." Liu Yunxuan replied in a cold tone and then walked past Bai Yuhao.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao smiled. He clearly understood that Liu Yunxuan didn't want to talk to him for too long. Perhaps it was because there was an unspeakable secret between them. After that, he followed behind them. The female guards who had retreated to the side earlier immediately followed closely behind them.    


"Oh right, did you receive my cousin's message?" At this moment, Liu Yunxuan suddenly looked at Bai Yuhao with her beautiful eyes and asked.    


"Got it." Bai Yuhao answered with a calm expression.    


"Do you understand what that means?" Liu Yunxuan was obviously testing Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao obviously knew that Liu Yunxuan was tricked by him, so he pretended to be helpless and said, "Vice Commander's words are too profound. I'm very shallow with my knowledge and talent, so I'm unable to understand the meaning behind the Vice Commander's words."    


"Oh, then forget it. Just pretend you've never heard of it. " Liu Yunxuan seemed to have expected such a reaction from Bai Yuhao, so she replied very calmly. However, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Bai Yuhao.    


What Old Man Xu said was right, this Liu Yunxuan was indeed very smart. From letting Ma Lan pass the message to testing him without leaving a trace, it was obvious that they had planned this on purpose. If he made any mistakes, Liu Yunxuan would definitely find out. However, the reason why Liu Yunxuan had put in so much effort was obviously because he had obtained the Tianluo Seed.    


"This woman is even harder to deal with than Ma Lan. It's best not to provoke her in the future!" Bai Yuhao calculated in his heart.    


Not long after, Bai Yuhao, along with Liu Yunxuan, appeared on top of a tall cliff at the northwest end of the base camp. Bai Yuhao, along with Liu Yunxuan, appeared near the top of a tall cliff at the northwest end of the base camp. The forest, flat ground, valleys, hills, and all sorts of complicated terrain were concentrated within this area.    


"This is the training ground of our base camp which is specially used to practice all kinds of military tactics and combat. Originally, only the commander level and above of a thousand cavalrymen can enter." Because you are here today on behalf of the Northeast Military Camp, that is why I broke up to bring you in. " In other words, Bai Yuhao was currently receiving the same treatment as a commander of a thousand-horse squad.    


"Then wouldn't I be flattered?" Bai Yuhao replied in a cynical manner, causing Liu Yunxuan to roll her eyes at him.    


After that, Liu Yunxuan brought Bai Yuhao to the end of the cliff. There was a high platform similar to the viewing gallery in the viewing gallery. Looking from the platform, one could see more than half of the training grounds.    


At this moment, a lot of people were gathered on the high platform. Most of them were Spirit Controller who was dressed in the uniform of a commander, and their strengths were all above Bai Yuhao. Although they were also Spirit Controller, their strength basically did not exceed the Mortal Feather Stage rank. Spirit Controller was a citizen of Red Dragon Legion and was considered to be relatively capable, as he was specifically responsible for managing the various affairs of the Old Chi Legion. His official position was the same as the commander of the Thousand Horses.    


When everyone saw Liu Yunxuan appear, they stood up and clasped their hands together before shouting out respectfully, "Vice Commander!"    


Liu Yunxuan gave a slight nod to the crowd. She appeared to be extremely calm and composed, and her aura was oppressing, with the demeanor of a vice commander-in-chief.    


At this moment, the crowd quickly realized that Liu Yunxuan had a young man by her side. This shocked them. What was the relationship between this man and the vice general? Why was he with the vice commander-in-chief?    


Because Liu Yunxuan was the only one qualified to walk shoulder to shoulder with Liu Yunxuan, within the Red Dragon Legion, there was only Grand Commander and Liu Cheng. Even Elite Cavalry Commander, who was second only to the Vice Commander-in-Chief, could only follow behind Liu Yunxuan.    


"Because Commander Ma of Northeast Military Camp has important matters on his person today, it's inconvenient for him to come here. Therefore, he sent a representative here." Liu Yunxuan seemed to see the doubt in everyone's eyes towards Bai Yuhao's identity and immediately explained.    


When everyone heard this, they realized that they were overthinking it. And among them, one of them felt that Bai Yuhao looked a little familiar when he saw Bai Yuhao. When he looked carefully, he immediately cursed in his heart, "Why is it this kid?" He actually belongs to the Northeast Military Camp! This brat almost caused my son to lose his balance last time. If it wasn't for the vice commander-in-chief, he would have already been in trouble.    


This man was the same commander who wanted to stand up for his son, but was forced to publicly praise Bai Yuhao and teach him a lesson because of the presence of Liu Yunxuan.    


Bai Yuhao also noticed someone looking at him with hostility and immediately raised his head to greet him. Seeing that it was Zhao Zhaofeng, his lips curled up into a sneer.    


Their eyes met, sparks flying in all directions.    


"So he's here on behalf of Northeast Military Camp, I wonder what kind of official he is?" He knew the two vice commanders of Northeast Military Camp, and coupled with Bai Yuhao's weak aura, he had thought that Bai Yuhao was a civil servant. However, Bai Yuhao seemed to be too young.    


"I am the keeper of Northeast Military Camp." Bai Yuhao replied without batting an eyelid.    


When the audience heard this, they were immediately stunned, their jaws dropping!    




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