Dragon Blood King



"Did you receive a very serious internal injury?" Bai Yuhao was shocked, but quickly remembered that when he captured the two Celestial Worms of Dark Desire in the Beast Corpse Valley, in order to protect the Dragon-Red, it seemed as if Dragon-like had withstood the Three-Star and Second Grade's attack. Bai Yuhao was shocked, but very quickly, he remembered that when he captured the two Celestial Worms of Dark Desire s in the Beast Corpse Valley, in order to protect the Dragon-Red, it seemed as if Dragon-like had withstood the Three-Star and Second Grade's attack.    


"And it's a relapse." Old Man Xu then said something shocking.    


"Old injuries?" Bai Yuhao could not help but be startled, he thought, could it be that back then when he was fighting in front of Witch Hall, Dragon-like and Expert of the Celestial Master Stage's Spirit Control had left these treasures, because Dragon-like's injuries were extremely severe? If it was a normal Spirit Control, they would have died long ago. But later on, Dragon-like was completely healed, so, he thought that Dragon-like was fine, but did not expect to leave any internal injuries.    


"Look at you, the master." It's not that I'm talking about you, but to Spirit Controller, this Spirit Control is … " Old Man Xu opened his mouth and chattered in an earth-shattering manner.    


Bai Yuhao's ears almost became a cocoon hearing this, but he did not dare to reply because he had truly been careless. How did he know that there were injuries that Fake Dragon Saliva could not heal?    


Of course, no matter how strong the Fake Dragon Saliva was, it was still a knock-off item and could not revive the dead like the real Dragon's Saliva. Furthermore, Dragon-like was only at the Three-Star and Second Grade level right now, so the Fake Dragon Saliva it secreted definitely had a limit, it was just that Bai Yuhao did not know about it.    


"Can it be cured?" Bai Yuhao immediately asked.    


"Very troublesome. If the old wound was discovered earlier, then the treatment would have been quick and there would be no root of the disease. However, your old injuries have started to flare up and your injuries have become more severe. If not for your Spirit Control's physique being so good, I'm afraid the consequences would have been even worse. " Old Man Xu said with a serious expression.    


"No matter what the method is, as long as it can be cured, it will be fine." After all, Dragon-like was very important to him. Along the way, Dragon-like had always been with him, and if not for Dragon-like, he wouldn't have been able to live to this day. There was already a very deep bond between him and Dragon-like. To him, Dragon-like wasn't just a Spirit Control, he was more like the only family he had in this world.    


"It's not that there's no other way. However, it was a bit dangerous … Do you know the Spiritual Fusion? " Old Man Xu said.    


"Spiritual Fusion?" Of course Bai Yuhao had heard of it, because he had once seen Tian Xin using the Spiritual Fusion when he competed with that genius Little Beauty from Demon Phoenix Kingdom.    


"The Spiritual Fusion is also a secret skill used to merge one's own Spirit Control into one's body. But as everyone knew, the Spiritual Fusion was extremely dangerous. Although after it was merged, one's power would increase greatly and if one did not have enough strength to control the power of the Spirit Control that was fused into their body, that was equivalent to seeking death. However, many of them did not know that the Spiritual Fusion was not created by Spirit Controller in the first place, but by a veterinarian named Beastmaster. The goal was to be able to use the Spiritual Energy to treat the injury and illness of the Spirit Control. Until later, when it was transformed by Spirit Controller into a Spiritual Fusion that could fuse with the Spirit Control's power. " Old Man Xu explained.    


"What you mean is, if you want to heal Dragon-like's injuries, you must use the Spiritual Fusion." Bai Yuhao's gaze turned serious.    


"That's right. If you can merge with your own Spirit Control, you will be able to understand in depth the position of your own Spirit Control's injuries, and you can also use your own Spiritual Energy's to repair the injuries on its body. " Old Man Xu nodded.    


"How can I achieve Spiritual Fusion like that?" Bai Yuhao asked.    


"If you and your Spirit Control are sincere enough to communicate, and trust each other, you can do it. I can teach you the mental cultivation method of the Spiritual Fusion, but whether you can do it will depend on yourself. This was because ordinary Spirit Controller could not achieve the Spiritual Fusion. Usually, only Spirit Controller, who had fused with the power of Spirit Clan, would be able to do such a thing. In other words, in our Holy Dragon Kingdom, only Royal Spirit Controller is capable of doing something like that. Learning Spiritual Fusion required a very strong innate talent and aptitude. From what I know, there are very few Spirit Controller who can achieve the Spiritual Fusion in his identity as an ordinary Spirit Controller. " Old Man Xu said.    


"Moreover, the first time you fuse with the Spiritual Fusion was the most dangerous. Especially with your Spirit Control s right now, they are the most unsuitable state to start a Spiritual Fusion. If things go wrong, both of you will be finished. Are you sure you want to learn the Spiritual Fusion without caring about the danger in order to save your own Spirit Control? " Old Man Xu stared at Bai Yuhao with his cloudy old eyes.    


"Danger?" Bai Yuhao suddenly sneered. He had already done more dangerous things, what does that matter? Most importantly, it could cure the internal injuries on Dragon-like's body.    


Old Man Xu saw Bai Yuhao's disdainful expression and was shocked. Bai Yuhao's current performance was not something that an ordinary Spirit Controller could display. If it was any other Spirit Controller, he would definitely not risk his life for his own Spirit Control. After all, even if the Spirit Control died, he could still exchange for it.    


"I'll teach you my mental cultivation method now. Listen well!" Old Man Xu's eyes flashed, and then he passed down the Spiritual Fusion's mental cultivation method to Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao memorized it and then said to Old Man Xu, "Thanks. Consider that I owe you a favor." After he finished speaking, he brought Dragon-like along with him.    


"Brat, let me see how capable you are!" Old Man Xu suddenly revealed an enigmatic smile and said.    


This was because the Spiritual Fusion was extremely dangerous, and after fusing with the Spirit Control's power, the destructive power would definitely increase greatly. Naturally, it could not be carried out inside the house, otherwise, it would definitely cause a commotion within the entire army camp. For safety's sake, Bai Yuhao went back to his house, brought along the Dragon-Red, and two beasts each. They sneaked out of the camp and went to Ghost Village.    


After arriving at Ghost Village, Bai Yuhao went to the den first to look at the condition of the three Celestial Worms of Dark Desire, and also dug out two carts of fertile soil for them. After that, he returned to Ghost Village.    


After leaving the Dragon-Red to the side, Bai Yuhao and Dragon-like walked to the center of the Ghost Village.    


"Are you ready?" Bai Yuhao said to Dragon-like.    


Dragon-like said weakly.    


Bai Yuhao immediately used the Spiritual Fusion's mental cultivation method, causing all the Spiritual Energy in his body to instantly explode with light.    


At the same time, with the help of the Spiritual Fusion's mental cultivation method, Dragon-like's body started to shine with a strong light, which resonated with the light on Bai Yuhao's body.    


In the end, Dragon-like turned into a ball of blurry light and started to merge with Bai Yuhao.    


But because Dragon-like was severely injured, the Spiritual Energy that he possessed was also affected. After transforming into a ray of light, it also became extremely unstable, sometimes bright, sometimes dim, and this also caused its fusing speed to become abnormally slow.    


Although Bai Yuhao could feel that Dragon-like's Spiritual Energy was overlaying itself onto his body, he also felt that Dragon-like's power was extremely chaotic. Furthermore, the Spiritual Energy on his body was strongly rejecting it, and continued to attack him time and time again.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao's body was like a battlefield. As Dragon-like's Spiritual Energy slowly fused with each other, the scope of the battlefield expanded, and quickly spread to his entire body. And what he wanted to do, was to fuse the Spiritual Energy on Dragon-like's body with his own, and use that to complete the Spiritual Fusion.    


However, Dragon-like's Spiritual Energy was not inferior to Bai Yuhao's, so fusing with Dragon-like's Spiritual Energy was not as simple as talking about a soldier on paper.    


All of a sudden, Bai Yuhao's body was covered in cold sweat and his face was extremely pale. He felt as if there were countless small bombs inside his body that were exploding continuously, causing a strong impact throughout his body.    


However, the light and shadow that Dragon-like had turned into was only half fused, and already so intense. If it were to completely fuse with Dragon-like's Spiritual Energy, then the situation would be difficult to imagine.    


However, Bai Yuhao knew that he had to hold on no matter what …    




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