Dragon Blood King



However, the two men in cyan, Spirit Controller, came with such ferocity that Bai Yuhao was a little surprised. He felt that it was a pity that these two men were not professional actors!    


"Please spare us, big brothers!" Bai Yuhao pretended to beg for mercy and took out three secret letters from his body. He shook them and said, "These should be what you want. Take it, as long as you let me go." As he spoke, he tossed three letters over.    


When the two men saw this, one of them took the three secret letters, but immediately said to the other: "Get it, kill him!"    


The other person, Spirit Controller, closed in on Bai Yuhao in the blink of an eye.    


Only then did Bai Yuhao feel that something was amiss. If it was an act, then he wouldn't act it out so completely, right? But seeing that person rushing over aggressively, with a palm full of Spiritual Energy at the seventh level of Mortal Feather Stage, he pierced through the air and attacked with his hand.    


"Don't tell me they really …" Bai Yuhao's expression changed. Seems like these two weren't sent by Ma Lan, but maybe Spirit Controller, who snuck into the area under the jurisdiction of Northeast Military Camp, was here specifically to intercept the three secret letters on his body. It seems like there really was such a blind spy who actually knew that there was a secret letter hidden on his body. However, if they were allowed to take three secret letters with them, they would be done for!    


As a result, Bai Yuhao's face immediately darkened, and his eyes became devilishly charming. Seeing Spirit Controller's spy rushing over, the aura on his body suddenly surged, and the originally seemingly trash Spiritual Energy's aura instantly surged. In the blink of an eye, it reached Earth Combat Level 1.    


At this time, Spirit Controller's spy who was rushing over realized that the situation was not good. He wanted to withdraw his hand, but he was already a step too late. Bai Yuhao's eyes flashed with killing intent, and in the next moment, a mass of nebula light appeared in his palm.    


Suddenly, with a scream, that level 6 Mortal Feather Stage spy, Spirit Controller, was sent flying with a slap from Bai Yuhao, rolling on the ground while half-dead.    


When the other spy saw this, he was shocked. Seeing Bai Yuhao, who looked like trash just a moment ago, suddenly became an Earth Warrior at Level 1, he was also scared and wanted to run away with the three letters.    


But at this moment, a beast shadow silently appeared behind another spy. The moment he turned around, his mouth opened wide and he directly bit Spirit Controller's neck. Instantly, blood gushed out like crazy and he fell to the ground, twitching before perishing.    


Bai Yuhao immediately walked over to the corpses and took back the three letters. Then, he walked over to the half-dead spy Spirit Controller and questioned, "Which country are you from?"    


That spy of Spirit Controller was obviously unwilling to speak, as he clenched his teeth.    


"If you don't want to say it, that's fine. But who told you to have your eyes on me!" You guys are out of luck! " Bai Yuhao's gaze darkened and he didn't want to waste his breath.    


After a moment, there was another scream, and everything returned to silence.    


Not long after, a delicate figure appeared in front of the corpses of the two spies lying in the wilderness.    


"Spirit Controller's spy? "Who killed them …" The delicate figure was shocked and searched the two corpses. After finding nothing, she stood up and looked around her. "That Bai Yuhao hasn't been seen since yesterday. Where did he go?" I didn't manage to catch up to her after a whole night of chasing. However, now is not the time to care about him. I must return and report this to Commander Ma! " With that, he left with Feng Shao.    


Not long after, Bai Yuhao successfully delivered a secret letter to the first outpost. Soon after, he continued to move and went to the second outpost. Having learned his lesson from his previous mistake, he was extremely vigilant for the rest of the journey. He tried his best not to take the main road and only chose shortcuts that were difficult to take.    


Finally, they arrived at the second outpost at noon and didn't encounter any other spies with Woodgod Kingdom along the way. After leaving behind a secret letter, they headed towards the last outpost. As long as he finished sending the three secret letters, he would be able to do his own thing.    


However, what Bai Yuhao did not expect was that when he arrived at the third outpost, he saw the floor full of corpses. The hundred soldiers that were responsible for guarding the outpost and a few Spirit Controller, they had all died a violent death.    


"Was it attacked?" Bai Yuhao's gaze focused as he looked around vigilantly. Immediately, he discovered a few auras approaching him.    


Very quickly, five or six people appeared around the outpost, surrounding Bai Yuhao, all of them releasing Spirit Controller's Qi, the highest one was already at Earth Battle Stage, while the lowest one was at Mortal Feather Stage level 5 or 6, all of them were evil and obviously did not have good intentions, following closely behind them were a few Spirit Control, almost all of them around two stars, the strongest one was already at level 2, the most powerful one should be the red haired man's Spirit Control, who had reached Earth Battle Stage.    


"Who are you people? Why did you attack the outpost! " Bai Yuhao asked with narrowed eyes.    


"Haha, big brother, this trash actually asked who we are?" One of them suddenly laughed out wildly.    


"Then tell him that we are here to kill and cause trouble." The strongest, the red-haired man replied arrogantly.    


"You are from the Woodgod Kingdom?" Bai Yuhao asked coldly. Because he had heard from Ma Lan that the Woodgod Kingdom was moving in the front lines, and now that he saw these people ambushing the outpost, it was more likely that these people were Woodgod Kingdom's Spirit Controller.    


"Hmph, as long as the price is raised, we will belong to anyone. Who cares if it's a wood god or a grass god …" The red haired man replied in disdain.    


"Are you mercenaries?" Bai Yuhao had heard that there were many vicious Spirit Controller in Border of Lianluo. He was often hired by various countries to carry out secret threatening missions, such as assassinations, surprise attacks, and so on. If his guess was right, then these Spirit Controller must have been hired. But in the end, they had to ask these people who hired them.    


"Brat, you are very smart, but smart people usually don't have much time left. Do you want to do it yourself, or do you want us to do it? However, I can tell you this: if we were to make a move, it would be very difficult to leave you with a complete corpse. " The red haired man said with a vicious expression.    


Bai Yuhao looked at the mercenaries in front of him and knew that they would not show any mercy. With these people's combined strength, if he and Dragon-like were to join hands, although the odds of winning weren't small, it still required a lot of people to deal with them. Furthermore, all of them had Spirit Control s with them as well, so it was obvious that they had the advantage in numbers. But these guys definitely didn't want to let him go, so it was inevitable for them to take him in again!    


However, even if they wanted to fight, they had to do so in a situation that was absolutely beneficial to him …    




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