Dragon Blood King



An hour later, Bai Yuhao stopped and carried the Dragon-Red that was already sleeping in his arms onto the bed. After giving it to Dragon-like to take care of, he left the house and went to the beast stables to get some food for the Dragon-Red. Now that he was outside of the breastfeeding area, the Dragon-Red could begin to eat some simple meat and vegetables to strengthen its physique.    


Not long after he left the house, Bai Yuhao saw all sorts of looks of contempt, ridicule and disdain. Ever since he became the captain of the sixth team, he had become a hot topic of conversation within the Northeast Military Camp. Many people were wondering when this sixth team would make a huge fool of itself and become the joke of the entire Northeast Military Camp. In their eyes, for a trash to become the team leader, it would be difficult for him to not be embarrassed!    


However, even if the 6th team wanted to embarrass themselves, they still had to have a chance. It had been some time since their last mission, but the mission of the sixth squad was still patrolling. Bai Yuhao was a very idle person, so he would give anything to Lei Yong and Luo Xiusheng. Other than taking the Dragon-Red to the village to borrow milk, he hid in his house and trained without eating or sleeping.    


It was just that the progress of his cultivation was far from satisfactory. Even if there was a Fake Dragon Saliva, it would be impossible for his cultivation to soar a thousand miles in a single leap. Furthermore, even if he gave Bai Yuhao the Spirit Profound Stone now, without the special ability of the sealed Holy Dragon Pearl, he could only look on with envy.    


But in reality, there were many treasures that could help the Spiritual Energy obtain them. It was just because they were relatively rare and difficult to obtain!    


However, if Bai Yuhao followed the current cultivation progress, he probably wouldn't be able to reach Second Grade of the Earth Battle Stage in even a few months. This woman was hard to find. No matter how smart he was, it was impossible for him to think of a method to speed up his cultivation.    


Actually, it was already very valuable for him to have a treasure like the Fake Dragon Saliva as support. Under normal circumstances, it would take at least twenty years for Spirit Controller to cultivate from Earth Battle Stage to Celestial Master Stage. With the Fake Dragon Saliva, in theory at least, he would be able to reach the Celestial Master Stage or even faster within ten years.    


However, he, Bai Yuhao, couldn't wait that long. He must reach the strength that he wants to compete with Loong Ao before he ascends to the position of Dragon Emperor. Otherwise, everything would be in vain!    


In other words, Bai Yuhao's ability to reach Mad God Stage level in just a few short years was absolutely something that Spirit Controller could not imagine! Just by breaking through bottlenecks from Celestial Master Stage to Mad God Stage, many people, including Spirit Controller, might not be able to breakthrough even after a lifetime.    


However, Bai Yuhao had the powerful and evil power of the sealed Holy Dragon Pearl. Mu Yinv had said before, as long as he could obtain Celestial Master Stage, he would be able to obtain the power of the Holy Dragon Pearl again. In other words, the faster he reached the Celestial Master Stage, the faster he would be able to regain the power of the Holy Dragon Pearl. Furthermore, through the continuous cultivation and strengthening of the Holy Dragon Pearl, it was not impossible to reach a strength comparable to Loong Ao within a few years.    


"If I can regain control of that Evil Power, I can kill my way back to the Imperial City!" Bai Yuhao said to himself with a cold and sinister look in his eyes.    


After getting the food from the beast stable for the Dragon-Red, Bai Yuhao wanted to continue cultivating after returning to the house. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.    


Bai Yuhao opened the door a crack and saw Lei Yong and Luo Xiusheng standing outside.    


"What's the matter?" Bai Yuhao squinted his eyes and asked. He had told Lei Yong and Luo Xiusheng not to disturb him unless it was something important.    


"A mission." Luo Xiusheng said.    


"Oh, wait for me." Bai Yuhao nodded, he closed the door and changed into a military robe, then told Dragon-like to look after the Dragon-Red, then he left the house.    


"Captain, why didn't you bring your Spirit Control along for a mission?" Just then, when Bai Yuhao closed the door, Lei Yong saw Dragon-like lying on the bed and could not help but ask.    


Luo Xiusheng also agreed with a curious expression. Since Bai Yuhao had arrived at the army camp, they had not seen Bai Yuhao bringing Dragon-like along, so they felt that it was strange.    


Bai Yuhao glanced at the two of them and walked away with a cold expression.    


Lei Yong and Luo Xiusheng looked at each other and were also confused. Then, they quickly followed.    


Bai Yuhao originally thought that it was just a routine patrol mission, just like usual. He didn't expect that the sixth team would gather in front of Vice Commander Chen, who was in charge of distributing the tasks. Vice Commander Chen immediately assigned a mission to his team, which was to escort a batch of food to a outpost on the front lines.    


"Vice Commander Chen, it seems like our 6th squad has never carried out this mission before right? "Why did it suddenly …" Lei Yong cautiously asked when he saw that Bai Yuhao didn't say anything.    


"As there is a temporary shipment of food to be escorted, and the other squads also have their own escort missions, so, without time to split up, I discussed it with the commander and decided to send your sixth squad." Vice Commander Chen said.    


"Is it dangerous? "How long will it take?" Bai Yuhao asked lazily.    


"If we follow the route, there shouldn't be any danger, and there won't be any Beast and Spirit Control coming and going. Ordinary Spirit Controller bandits would not dare to offend our Holy Dragon Kingdom army, so they should be very safe. Let's go now, we should be able to arrive at night, and return tomorrow. " Vice Commander Chen said as he took out a map and handed it to Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao took the map and looked at it. There was a already drawn route on the map, extending from Northeast Military Camp to the western side of the front lines. This so-called front line, which was also the border between the Holy Dragon Kingdom's defense and jurisdiction, was also the area where war was the most frequent.    


"As long as you are careful, there will be no problem. Bai Yuhao, you've just been promoted to captain and you've just received a mission like this. The commander specifically asked me to remind you that if anything goes wrong, you'll end up like Zhao Daquan. So, you'd better be careful! "Now that we're ready, we'll go to the logistics side to pick up three carts of rations …" After Vice Commander Chen finished, he turned around and left.    


"Captain, it looks like our luck isn't bad. If we can complete the mission well, we can definitely make the other teams look at us in a new light!" Lei Yong and the rest immediately said excitedly.    


However, Bai Yuhao's brows slightly knitted, because although he had already chosen a safe route, he was not afraid of ten thousand. He was afraid, because especially since the Border of Lianluo was extremely dangerous, there might be some unexpected situations, so it seemed like he had to bring Dragon-like along.    


"Lei Yong, all of you go to the logistics depot to collect the fodder and then wait for me two miles to the west. I'll go and do nothing, and I'll immediately join you guys! " Bai Yuhao thought for a moment and instructed. Then, he turned around and left.    


After Bai Yuhao returned to the house, he picked up the Dragon-Red that was still sleeping. Then, he called Dragon-like and sneaked out of the camp to the village to the east.    


After entering the village, Bai Yuhao saw Susu playing with the children in the village and immediately walked up to her.    


"You're here to borrow milk again?" When Susu saw Bai Yuhao hug the Dragon-Red, she immediately pouted.    


"Do me a favor." Bai Yuhao said.    


"Why should I help you?" Hearing this, Susu immediately groaned and asked.    


"Oh, I had originally wanted to find a nanny for Dragon-Red because they might not be back for a day or two if they had a mission to complete. Therefore, they needed someone to take care of the Dragon-Red. "Since you're not helping, I'll just have to find someone else." Bai Yuhao said and turned to leave.    


However, a petite figure quickly snatched the Dragon-Red from Bai Yuhao's hands. After saying, "Seeing that you're so pitiful, I'll reluctantly take care of the Dragon-Red for you", she ran away.    


Bai Yuhao's gaze became serious, and then brought Dragon-like to the west side where the reunion started.    




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