Dragon Blood King



"What's going on? Do I look scary? " Bai Yuhao was a bit confused. He looked around the village and saw a sheepfold on the left of the village. There was a shadow of a sheep inside, so he walked straight over.    


"I'm sorry, whose sheep collar is this? I want to borrow some goat milk!" Bai Yuhao walked to the front of the sheepfold and immediately asked loudly. Because there's a family right next to the sheepfold. However, no one responded to his words.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao let Dragon-like stay outside, while he himself went into the sheepfold.    


As there were only a few sheep in the sheepfold and lambs were inside, he found the ewe at a glance. After that, he carried Dragon-Red to the side of the ewe and put it down, then sat down.    


As soon as the ewe saw the Dragon-Red, it was slightly afraid and retreated a few steps, while the Dragon-Red let out a few tender cries, just like a baby that was waiting to be fed. After the ewe heard the shout, it seemed to know that the Dragon-Red was hungry, so it took the initiative to walk to the front of the Dragon-Red and lie down.    


The Dragon-Red immediately crawled under the ewe, bit its nipple and started sucking.    


The reason why Bai Yuhao wanted the Dragon-Red to milk himself was because if he forced the ewe to feed the Dragon-Red, it would only startle the ewe and might result in it not being able to produce milk at the end. As an outstanding gene scientist, he would never make such a low level mistake.    


After the Dragon-Red had eaten its fill, Bai Yuhao was afraid of disturbing the villagers, so he left the village from a place with no one around.    


After Bai Yuhao left, the houses in the village opened up one by one. The villagers walked out with weird expressions on their faces. They looked at Bai Yuhao as he left and got busy again.    


An old man and a girl around fifteen or sixteen years old walked out from the house beside the sheepfold.    


"Grandfather, this person should also be someone from that military camp right? "But why did he leave without taking them?" the girl asked curiously.    


"Maybe a good man." The old man sighed in a hoarse voice.    


In the following days, Bai Yuhao often visited the village with the Dragon-Red in his arms. At first, the villagers seemed to be afraid of him and hid away as soon as they saw him. Later on, he found that Bai Yuhao did nothing but borrow some goat's milk every day, so he let down his guard.    


That day, Bai Yuhao came to borrow some milk with a Dragon-Red. Dragon-like followed behind him and the two entered the village. The villagers were also used to it, so they no longer hid inside the houses. They just looked at Bai Yuhao timidly.    


Bai Yuhao nodded to the villagers and then walked into the sheepfold. He let the ewe feed the Dragon-Red and sat on the side as usual.    


"Bro, drink some water." Just then, the old man who lived in the house next to the sheepfold came out with a bowl of water in his hand and walked into the sheepfold.    


"Thank you." Bai Yuhao immediately stood up and took the water. Then he asked the old man, "Is this sheepfold yours?"    


The old man nodded.    


"I've always been borrowing your mother's milk. I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you later." Bai Yuhao immediately said.    


"It's nothing, just a little milk." The old man said with a kind expression.    


"Grandfather, why did you go out?" At this time, Bai Yuhao saw another girl walking out of the house. She was about 15 or 16 years old, and although she was young, she was pretty. Her eyes were like copper bells, pure and spirited, and she was a beauty.    


"It's fine, I think this little brother is pretty friendly, he's different from those people." the old man said to the girl.    


"What do you mean, those guys just stole our two sheep and the chickens and ducks from the village last month. They are bandits!" The girl looked at Bai Yuhao with some hostility.    


"Who are those guys?" Bai Yuhao felt it was strange and immediately asked.    


"That's right …" The girl was about to say something, but the elderly immediately stopped her.    


Seeing the expressions of the old man and the girl, Bai Yuhao immediately knew that something must have happened. No wonder why the villagers were so afraid of him when he came. However, since they were unwilling to speak, he did not pursue the matter.    


After chatting with the old man for a while, they found out that the old man's name was Uncle Chen, and the girl was his granddaughter, Su Su Su. These people lived in the village for a while, and even though the Border of Lianluo was very dangerous, they were used to living in flames of war.    


Just as Bai Yuhao was chatting with the old man, Susu noticed the Dragon-Red that was eating goat's milk. Looking at its petite and fleshy body, she couldn't help but to open her face and say, "So cute!" Then, he couldn't help but step forward and touch it with his finger a few times. Then, he picked it up again.    


"Susu, don't touch her …" Uncle Chen shouted when he saw this.    


"I'm fine." Bai Yuhao smiled and said to Susu, "It's called Long Chi."    


"I didn't ask you." Su Su obviously didn't like Bai Yuhao. After glaring at him, she hugged the Dragon-Red and shouted, "So you are called Long Chi. You look so cute, but you have such an unpleasant name. "Why don't you just call it Flower Blossom."    


Bai Yuhao immediately laughed involuntarily when he heard that. Why does this flower sound like a cat's name?    


"Brother Bai, I spoiled my granddaughter. I'm sorry." Uncle Chen hurriedly said.    


Bai Yuhao didn't mind and shook his head. He let Susu play with the Dragon-Red for a while and left after seeing that it was almost time.    


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.    


Although Bai Yuhao was promoted to be the captain of the sixth squad, other than receiving the usual patrolling tasks, the sixth squad basically had nothing to do.    


Therefore, Bai Yuhao spent most of his time cultivating. However, because the cultivation of Earth Battle Stage was no longer as easy as that of Mortal Feather Stage, even with the help of Fake Dragon Saliva, his progress was still very slow.    


On the other hand, Dragon-Red did grow very fast, and because Bai Yuhao fed Dragon-Red a little every day, the Dragon-Red grew faster. In this half a month, it had already formed its parents, who looked extremely strong, just like the original Dragon-like.    


Because the Dragon-Red was too small and had not fully grown, Bai Yuhao did not appraise it for the Dragon-Red. Now, the Dragon-Red was almost grown, and it was time to appraise it to see its star level and aptitude.    


According to the appearance of Dragon-Red's parents, Bai Yuhao had found some related records among the Beast Discriminating Tactic s, but he never thought that Dragon-Red could actually be considered a very rare type of Spirit Control called bear tiger. It was born with inborn divine strength, and it was also extremely violent, so once it went crazy, it would become extremely terrifying.    


But a bear tiger was usually a race that lived in groups, so he did not know why Dragon-Red's parents would come to the Confusion Forest to give birth to them. Xiong Hu's highest star rank could reach 4-star, or at the very least 2-star. If his Four-Star and Fourth-Grade was full, then his strength would be equivalent to Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage, so his aptitude would not lose to Dragon-like.    


However, since Dragon-like had not even reached 1-star before, and had even broken through to a 3-star from that, it was still unknown how strong his potential was. At the very least, the current Bai Yuhao was still unable to identify all of the attributes on Dragon-like's body, and Dragon-like possessed a miraculous Fake Dragon Saliva and an extremely strong physique. This was definitely not something that ordinary Spirit Control possessed. There were no records of Dragon-like among the Beast Discriminating Tactic, so Dragon-like could be considered a mysterious and unique species, with great research value!    


At this moment, in the room, Bai Yuhao placed the Dragon-Red on the floor and sat down cross-legged. Then, he first performed the Spiritual Formation of Light Mirror's Identifying Art on the Dragon-Red.    


After the triangular light ray rose up from the Dragon-Red, suddenly, the Dragon-Red also flashed with different kinds of light, following that, its reflection appeared.    


"Seems like he's at least 3 stars." Bai Yuhao was overjoyed because the light reflected off of the Dragon-Red was very blurry and could not be distinguished. Now that he had comprehended the Exquisite Hand, he could at least differentiate the Spirit Control below two stars, but there was no way to do so when he was three stars.    


In other words, now that he was unable to determine the current radiance emitted by the Dragon-Red, it meant that the Dragon-Red's aptitude was at least three levels, which meant that it could be considered a pretty good Spirit Control.    


However, this Spirit Controller usually could only control one Spirit Control. No matter how strong the Dragon-Red was, he already had Dragon-like, so it was impossible for him to control another Dragon-Red.    


"Could it be that I can only look at you with envious eyes?" Bai Yuhao looked at the Dragon-Red who was rolling around on the ground, smiling helplessly.    


However, Bai Yuhao was not the kind of person who would give up easily. Why was it that Spirit Controller could only control one Spirit Control, he also wanted to make the Dragon-Red his. Thus, he started to research how to control the two Spirit Control at the same time.    


If Bai Yuhao could succeed in his research, it would definitely cause a huge uproar in this world …    




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