Dragon Blood King



On the other side, Bai Yuhao left Ma Lan's tent and went back to his house first. After taking off his belongings, he went to the east village to pick up the Dragon-Red.    


When they arrived at the eastern village, they coincidentally met Uncle Chen driving a carriage back from the market.    


"Brother Bai, you came at the right time." "The things that you asked me for, I sold them all. They were practically all sold out. Many people were fighting over them …" When Uncle Chen saw Bai Yuhao, he immediately laughed heartily and said.    


"Is that so?" Bai Yuhao just nodded.    


Uncle Chen stopped the carriage beside the sheepfold, got off the carriage, walked in front of Bai Yuhao, took out a heavy bag with trembling hands, and gave it to Bai Yuhao, saying: "This is the money for sale, a total of more than 100 gold coins. This is the first time I've seen so much money in my life, I'll be afraid of losing it when I come back."    


"More than a hundred?" Bai Yuhao frowned when he heard this, because he knew that the materials could at least be sold for a thousand gold coins, but Uncle Chen was a layman after all, so he did not know that the materials were all from the Earth Battle Stage and wild Spirit Control. Thus, he did not say anything, he did not plan to take the money.    


"Just treat this money as the goat's milk for the Dragon-Red." Bai Yuhao pushed the bag of gold coins back and said.    


"How can we do that? "So much money is used as milk money, but my mother's milk is not made of gold …" Uncle Chen was surprised and quickly passed it over.    


Bai Yuhao still didn't accept it. He insisted on letting Uncle Chen accept it, but Uncle Chen refused to accept it no matter what.    


"Grandfather, you're back?" What are you doing? " Just then, Susu walked out of the house carrying the Dragon-Red. Seeing Uncle Chen and Bai Yuhao pushing something, she immediately walked forward and snatched the bag away. When she opened it, she saw a bunch of gold coins inside.    


"So much money!" Susu's eyes widened as she watched, because she had never seen so much money.    


"Susu, hurry up and give the money to Brother Bai." Uncle Chen hurriedly said.    


"Susu, you keep the money. Consider it my thanks to you and Uncle Chen." Bai Yuhao said.    


"Then I won't be polite." When Susu heard that, she put the money away with a smile.    


"You child, why …" Uncle Chen's expression changed.    


"Grandfather, if we don't accept it, then this guy will definitely not come tomorrow, then I won't be able to see the Dragon-Red, why wouldn't I want to see the Dragon-Red since I have the money and can also see it!" Susu was a clever girl and understood Bai Yuhao's weird personality, so she knew that since Bai Yuhao wanted them to accept him, they definitely wouldn't take him back. Otherwise, Bai Yuhao might not appear tomorrow.    


"Susu is right." Bai Yuhao also nodded.    


When Uncle Chen heard this, he glanced at Bai Yuhao in embarrassment and sighed. After all, he had accepted so much money for no reason at all. Naturally, he felt uneasy.    


"Susu, do you have a pen and paper?" Bai Yuhao thought of something and immediately asked Susu.    


"Uncle Wang from next door has some." As Susu spoke, she ran next door to borrow a pen and paper for Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao immediately dipped his pen in ink and drew a pattern on the paper. It looked like the shackles that imprisoned the criminals, but there were also barbed teeth on the shackles. This was the large-scale shackles he specially designed to imprison the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire.    


"Uncle Chen, if you still want to go to the market, may I trouble you to help me go to the blacksmith store and forge six pieces of the pattern? I have already written down the length and length of each piece." As Bai Yuhao said this, he handed over the blueprint to Uncle Chen.    


"Good, good!" Uncle Chen took the drawing and carefully put it away.    


"Then I'll come and get it in two days. I'll be troubling Uncle Chen." "I'll be leaving first." After Bai Yuhao said his goodbyes, he carried the Dragon-Red and returned to the camp with Dragon-like.    


Because of the disturbance caused by the spy and the attack on the front lines, the entire Northeast Military Camp had also entered into an emergency state of alert. As a result, Bai Yuhao was unable to go out as he pleased, in order to avoid arousing suspicion. However, it was also a good opportunity for him to stay under Ghost Village in his lair to study Celestial Worms of Dark Desire.    


Two days later, Bai Yuhao went to Uncle Chen's place to get the six large shackles that he had customized, brought them to the den underneath Ghost Village, smeared a small amount of Centipede Dragon poison juice on the barbed teeth of the shackles, and then shackled them onto the six legs of the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire. This way, not only could the movement of the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire be restricted, the small area of the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire could also be used to move inside the den.    


Based on his previous understanding of Celestial Worms of Dark Desire, Bai Yuhao knew that Celestial Worms of Dark Desire eat the soil as their food, and especially liked the deep half rotten soil. Thus, he sent some time to survey the geology around Ghost Village and picked out a few decent pieces of soil. He found a dilapidated cart from the abandoned Ghost Village and brought it back to the den every day.    


In addition, Bai Yuhao would feed the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire every three days to speed up the formation of the Black Desire Egg. However, the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire had a strange habit, which was to automatically produce one after the three Black Desire Egg s were nurtured in the body.    


Therefore, it was still unknown when exactly this Celestial Worms of Dark Desire would give birth to a Black Desire Egg!    


In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed and the atmosphere within the northeast camp was still very solemn. It was said that Woodgod Kingdom and Holy Dragon Kingdom could start a war, so a war could break out at any time.    


Today, when Bai Yuhao left the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire's nest after feeding, it was still early. He thought it had been a few days since he went to the east side village, so he wanted to go see Uncle Chen and Susu. Susu probably didn't see the Dragon-Red for a few days, so she must blame him in her heart.    


In this half a month, the Dragon-Red had grown up quite a bit, and now, it could bounce around freely. Every day, it would circle around Dragon-like and treat him as its own mother. Bai Yuhao would give the Dragon-Red two hours of brain stimulation every day, but whether it could work the way he expected, he would only know when the Dragon-Red was older.    


When Bai Yuhao brought Dragon-like and the Dragon-Red to the east side of the village, they saw a huge mess, as if the village had been robbed by bandits. The villagers in the village all hid themselves in their own houses and closed their doors, as if they were afraid of something.    


At this moment, a somewhat childish scream rang out.    


Bai Yuhao immediately looked up and heard the scream coming from Uncle Chen's house. Moreover, two people were standing outside of Uncle Chen's house, and they seemed to be wearing Northeast Military Camp's Spirit Controller Jungong.    


In that moment, Bai Yuhao seemed to have guessed something. His eyes turned cold and he shot towards Uncle Chen's house like an arrow that had just left the bow. Dragon-like and the Dragon-Red followed closely behind.    




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