Dragon Blood King



"Not bad, not bad. Although this kid looks a little weak, he's quite handsome. He has a bit of a future as a pretty boy …" Bai Yuhao was smelly at his new bag in front of the mirror.    


"Prince, it's about time." The maid behind him reminded him.    


"Lead the way!" Bai Yuhao turned around and said with an imposing manner as if he was a prince.    


The maids were shocked when they heard this because in their eyes, the Prince Loong Xuan before gave off a very weak feeling. They did not even dare to enlarge their voices as they walked over with their heads lowered. However, the Prince Loong Xuan in front of her gave others a completely different feeling, as if he was completely different.    


Afterwards, under the escort of a few maids, Bai Yuhao left the sleeping quarters and walked down the stairs of the pagoda. After leaving the pagoda, he saw a very wide and flat road. On both sides were magnificent and all kinds of ancient buildings.    


From time to time, there would also be a few luxurious carriages passing by, escorted by a few guards. When they passed by Bai Yuhao, many carriages were pulled aside, and sounds of ridicule could be heard.    


Of course, Bai Yuhao knew that the people on the carriages were mocking him. However, he pretended as if he didn't hear anything and even looked straight at them. After the people on the carriages suddenly noticed, they immediately put down the carriage curtain and left.    


"Hmph, Uncle is not someone to be trifled with!" Seeing that, Bai Yuhao sneered.    


Not long after, under the lead of a few maids, Bai Yuhao walked into a large triangular building. Passing through a scarlet door, what entered his eyes was a dazzling, golden, jade-like welcoming hall. The decorations were extremely luxurious. The front part of the hall was actually half open, connected to the tenth floor of the hall. At the top of the stairs was a beautifully shaped round table, but he didn't know what use it had, but the round table was facing the open air. In the center of the round platform, there was a one meter tall pillar that was held up by the dragon's claws. On the pillar, there was a pearl that was emitting a faint light like a star.    


"Hall of Welcoming Dragons …" When Bai Yuhao came in, he took a glance at the plaque above his head.    


At this moment, the welcoming dragon palace was full of people. The royalty and nobles wearing gorgeous clothes were walking around endlessly, talking and laughing, but most of them were flattering each other, trying to curry favor with each other.    


When Bai Yuhao walked into the hall, suddenly, many gazes turned to look at him in unison. Their gazes were filled with disdain and they were filled with disdain. They were all sniffing, discussing with each other from time to time.    


"This prince is really not fond of you!" Bai Yuhao couldn't help but to shake his head and think in his heart. But he didn't mind and started to stroll around the hall.    


Bai Yuhao's stomach began to bulge as soon as he saw food. He hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. Therefore, he walked up and carried a plate of food over. He found a table that was about half the height of a person in the corner and sat down.    


"The women of this world are truly charming. Every single one of them is protruding from the front and back. I don't know if they are all made of cushions or not, but if it's that flat-chested girl, no matter how, she wouldn't be able to pile up a small hill. "Haha …" Bai Yuhao couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the endless stream of girls in front of him and thought of Ximen Xue.    


What a coincidence. Just as Bai Yuhao laughed, a familiar figure entered his eyes. It was none other than Ximen Xue.    


Ximen Xue was still dressed as a man, and she looked very handsome. However, her delicate face still had a bit of makeup on, giving her a unique charm. If this was in the modern world, he would definitely become a star after all. Wasn't it the current fashion for it to be neutral? If he could bring Ximen Xue back to the modern era, he might even be able to cause a huge ruckus!    


As soon as Ximen Xue appeared, many young nobles surrounded her like a flock of flies.    


"I didn't expect this flat-chested woman to be so popular. Speaking of which, if she had changed into a female attire, she would probably be considered a beauty. Other than that chest, she seemed to like to dress up as a male. Bai Yuhao said with interest as he saw the commotion caused by Ximen Xue.    


At this moment, a calm voice suddenly resounded in the hall, "Dragon Emperor has arrived!"    


Everyone's gaze immediately turned towards the entrance of the hall. Bai Yuhao also looked over and saw a group of people lined up neatly and slowly walking into the hall. The most eye-catching of them all was a man in his fifties. He had a broad forehead, high eyebrows, fiery eyes, was dressed in a golden robe with a dragon crown on his head. He was extremely extravagant, and with every gesture he made, he emanated the aura of a king descending to the world.    


Bai Yuhao didn't need to think to know that this man was definitely Holy Dragon Kingdom's Dragon Emperor, the father of this brat whom he possessed! However, this momentum was not just for show!    


One of them was Loong Xueyan, and to be able to accompany Dragon Emperor at such an occasion, it was obvious that Loong Xueyan had a high position in the Holy Dragon Kingdom, and the other was High Priest, whom Bai Yuhao had also seen before.    


In addition, there were a few men around the age of twenty to thirty who followed behind him. Like Bai Yuhao, they were also dressed in gorgeous robes embroidered with all kinds of dragon designs.    


"It seems they are also princes, just like me." At the same time, he noticed that between Loong Xueyan and High Priest, there was a man with a dignified and noble royal aura. He had sharp eyebrows and eagle-like eyes, and his heroic and threatening aura was much more prominent than the other princes.    


The last one was thirty teenagers. Although they were all about fifteen or sixteen years old, their physiques were much stronger than their peers. They were no different from adults, but their expressions were all arrogant and their noses were pointed towards the sky.    


Under Dragon Emperor's lead, these people slowly walked through the crowd until they arrived at the front of the hall before stopping. The thirty youths quickly stood on both sides, while the rest retreated to the sides. Only Dragon Emperor, Loong Xueyan, High Priest, and the heroic looking man stood together, facing everyone in the hall.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao, who was standing in the corner, suddenly noticed a disdainful and disdainful look directed at him. The person who was looking at him was actually that valiant prince!    




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