Dragon Blood King



"Howl!" At this moment, the two-headed four-winged white dragon above them let out an earthshaking cry.    


"Xiao Xue, are you hungry?" After Mu Yinv heard it, a doting look flashed past her eyes. She used the Spiritual Energy to open a crack and took out two yellow crystals, throwing them into the sky. This two-headed four-winged white dragon of hers was named Jade Spirit Sky Snow, and its name was Xiao Xue.    


The two-headed four-winged white dragon immediately opened its mouth and sucked the two yellow crystals into its mouth.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao couldn't help but ask: "Why did you give it a rock? Aren't you afraid of indigestion? "    


"What stone?" They were Yellow Spirit Profound Crystals, and they contained a special Spiritual Energy that could help Spirit Control level up and evolve. There were a total of six Spirit Profound Crystals, and the special Spiritual Energy they contained went from low to high, with red, yellow, blue, green, green and purple. As a Royal Spirit Controller, you don't even know this? " Mu Yinv glanced contemptuously at Bai Yuhao.    


"So there's such a thing, then what's the difference between eating these Profound Spirit Crystals and eating food?" Bai Yuhao finally experienced it.    


"How can ordinary food compare to Profound Spirit Crystals? Even the worst Red Spirit Profound Crystal could directly raise a normal one star beast to the maximum level. If it was a Spirit Beast that could evolve, as long as it had two Red Spirit Profound Crystals, it could at least raise the Spirit Beast from a one star to a two star. However, Profound Spirit Crystals were not common, because Profound Spirit Crystals were made from the remains of powerful beasts and Spirit Beast, or even rare species, so they could only be found in dangerous places. Especially those after the Green Profound Crystals, they were basically very rare. Even my Little Snow, had only eaten one Cyan Profound Crystal. Therefore, Spirit Controller would never be able to get it, even if it's just a Red Spirit Profound Crystal, in Spirit Controller's eyes, it would be like a treasure. " Mu Yinv said.    


"Then as long as I can eat one of my Dragon-like's pills, I should be able to become very powerful as well?" Bai Yuhao's eyes lit up, he was secretly considering whether or not he should use his benefactor's identity to buy two Spirit Profound Crystals from Mu Yinv, even if it would be the worst case scenario.    


However, Bai Yuhao looked at the two-headed four-winged white dragon above him with great interest. He first asked curiously: "Your dragon, what star War Dragon are you talking about?"    


"What War Dragon? My Little Snow, is a five star spirit dragon! " Mu Yinv scolded.    


"Spirit dragon? Isn't that rare? And it's even a five star one. " Bai Yuhao was already drooling in his heart.    


"Rare doesn't mean there aren't any. However, it took me a lot of effort to cultivate Xiao Xue to the current 5-star level, but I probably ate at least 2-300 Red Spirit Profound Crystals. Now that he couldn't grow much by eating Yellow Spirit Profound Crystals, he could only eat them as snacks. If he were to use ordinary Nurturing techniques, he would have to nurture them for at least a few decades, or even a hundred years, in order to be able to reach the 5-star level. But I, Xiao Xue, only used ten years. All thanks to eating Profound Spirit Crystals! Look at my Little Snow's four wings, this allows her to be much faster than anyone of the same level. In the air battle, she has a great advantage. It was much harder to grow four wings than a few heads or tails! "Only a top grade spirit dragon like Snowy can evolve." Mu Yinv said proudly. This spirit dragon of hers, Xiao Xue, was the crystallization of her blood and sweat.    


"Is that so? If you change your genes directly from your body, not to mention four wings, you can even grow six wings. " Bai Yuhao muttered. In his modern genetic experiments, he had successfully made a bat grow six wings, allowing it to fly faster than the speed of sound.    


"What did you say?" Mu Yinv asked when she saw Bai Yuhao talking to himself.    


"Nothing. Beautiful General, you should be a Spirit Profound Crystal right? " Bai Yuhao asked Mu Yinv with a scheming smile.    


"There is!" There are still some Yellow Spirit Profound Crystals inside the Ethereal Realm. " Mu Yinv said.    


"Then on the account that I'm your savior, give me some." Bai Yuhao said greedily.    


"This Yellow Spirit Profound Crystal is priceless, it is more valuable than gold. But, if you tell me where the bottle of elixir came from? I can consider giving you one. " Mu Yinv asked curiously. Even someone like her, who had eaten all kinds of Magic Pill and spirit fields, had to admit that Bai Yuhao's spirit liquid had an extraordinary effect and was definitely not an ordinary item.    


"If you didn't say that I had already forgotten about it, can you give me back the bottle?" Bai Yuhao reached out his hand.    


Mu Yinv looked at Bai Yuhao suspiciously and returned the bottle to Bai Yuhao. Bai Yuhao opened it and saw that the two drops of Fake Dragon Saliva were all gone. He immediately said with a pained heart: "Beautiful General, you didn't use both drops, right? This is very expensive! One drop should be enough! "    


"How would I know!?" Isn't it just two drops? How petty! You still haven't told me where this spirit liquid came from? " Mu Yinv glanced at Bai Yuhao and said in a cold tone.    


"Secrets!" Bai Yuhao said mysteriously.    


"Do you have more?" I can have Profound Yellow Spirit Stone to exchange with you. " Mu Yinv seemed to have taken a fancy to Bai Yuhao's Fake Dragon Saliva, as she said in an alluring manner.    


"Those are the only two drops I have." Because Dragon-like only needed to secrete three drops of Fake Dragon Saliva, he had already taken three drops last night. If he wanted to, he could only take them after a full day. However, he guessed that Mu Yinv wouldn't wait for him.    


"Oh." Mu Yinv responded softly, not minding much as she continued: "Looking at your strength, you should be Royal Spirit Controller, who just merged with a Dragon Spirit Pearl. Shouldn't you be entering Dragon Field training then? Why are you here? "    


"That's a long story. "However, these are not important. The most important thing is …" Bai Yuhao smiled shrewdly.    


"What?" Mu Yinv knew that Bai Yuhao had something he wanted to say, so she crossed her arms and waited for Bai Yuhao to speak. However, her eyes were like two cold knives staring straight at Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao shivered at being stared at, then immediately said: "I'm your savior, even if you don't give me the Profound Yellow Spirit Stone, you should at least show some gratitude, right?"    


"You called me Beautiful General, which means you already know my identity. Since you know my identity and dare to make conditions for me, you must be bold!" I know that you will certainly make some request for me to repay you with my life, but you men are just full of disgusting thoughts! "" . Mu Yinv immediately displayed the aura of a great general as she spoke. "Of course, she knew that she had to repay Bai Yuhao for his kindness. However, she was afraid that Bai Yuhao would make some rude request, so she intentionally intimidated Bai Yuhao.    


"Actually, I'm not asking for you to repay me with your body. I just want you to take me in as your disciple!" Bai Yuhao said.    


"Huh?" Mu Yinv couldn't help but be surprised. She didn't expect Bai Yuhao to acknowledge her as his teacher. According to her thinking, Bai Yuhao should at least bring up some kind of gold, silver, jewelry, or a reward like that for being a high official. After all, with her status and position in the Holy Dragon Kingdom, these were merely matters of a single sentence.    


"Can't I?" Bai Yuhao asked weakly when he saw Mu Yinv's reaction.    


"Why do you want to take me as your master?" Mu Yinv's beautiful eyes narrowed as she asked.    


"Because I want to become stronger, it should be a shortcut for me to become stronger, taking Beautiful General, a peerless master, as my master." Bai Yuhao said seriously.    


After Mu Yinv heard this, she couldn't help but sneer before turning around to leave.    


"Hey, you're leaving just like that?" Bai Yuhao shouted as he saw Mu Yinv leave.    


"Is there anything else?" Mu Yinv stopped and turned around to look at Bai Yuhao.    


"You haven't even agreed to take me in as your disciple!" Bai Yuhao asked.    


"A whimsical person like you only knows that you are ambitious and that once and for all, you will never be able to become strong. To become an expert, one couldn't just find an expert to acknowledge as his teacher. "Only by constantly overcoming difficult situations and constantly growing stronger can you slowly become stronger!" Mu Yinv said with a stern expression. She seemed to think that Bai Yuhao was a person who only knew how to play tricks and not learn anything.    


"Of course I know that. I don't expect you to teach me anything powerful, as long as you tell me how I can become strong in the shortest amount of time. Any method is fine." Bai Yuhao replied.    


After listening to Bai Yuhao's words, Mu Yinv realized that she had misunderstood Bai Yuhao. Bai Yuhao actually wanted to know the way to become stronger. After thinking for a moment, she asked: "Why do you want to become stronger?"    


"Because I want to prove to everyone that I'm not trash!" Bai Yuhao replied resolutely. He had endured this humiliation for a long time, especially that Loong Ao. Sooner or later, he would make Loong Ao kneel in front of him and beg for forgiveness!    


"Trash? This is the first time I have seen such a bold piece of trash! " Actually, since Bai Yuhao was able to attract the blue shadow, asking Dragon-like to give her the spirit liquid and buy time for her to recover from the injuries, she did not think that a useless person would be able to come up with such meticulous plans.    


Mu Yinv was silent for a moment. Then, she looked up at Bai Yuhao and said, "I don't accept disciples. Since you are Royal Spirit Controller, the training you receive must be the most formal and strict. So, you don't need to take me as your master at all. There are no shortcuts to getting stronger, but if you work twice as hard as others, or even three times as hard, your progress will definitely be greater than others. "    


"No matter what you say, you just won't accept me as your disciple." Bai Yuhao said in disappointment.    


"Since you've helped me a lot, I'll give you something in case you say that I'm ungrateful!" After Mu Yinv finished speaking, she opened a crack in her Ethereal Realm and took out a yellow colored ancient book.    


"What is this?" Bai Yuhao glanced at him and asked.    


"This is from a treasure box. However, it is of no use to me. If you want to be Beastmaster, this is a good thing. You should know that Beastmaster is very popular in Desolate Spirit Continent. With just a word from Beastmaster, he can turn a normal warbeast into a hundred times more valuable quality in an instant. " Mu Yinv said as she handed the old book over to Bai Yuhao.    


When Bai Yuhao heard that, he immediately took the yellow ancient book. Since there was such a good thing, he would be an idiot if he didn't want it. He immediately knew that this "Beast Discriminating Tactic" came from the hands of a long time ago, Beastmaster. Not only did it record a complete set of Animal Identification Art s, it also recorded information on most of the beast species in the Desolate Spirit Continent, whether it was warbeasts, Spirit Beast or dragons. Moreover, they were all classified and had various beast type Cub s as well, just like a beast book.    


Obviously, this book of "Beast Discriminating Tactic" was the most precious treasure of all to Bai Yuhao, who was planning to study the beast genes of this world! At the very least, he wouldn't have to spend too much effort to gather all sorts of information, which would save him a lot of time and trouble! After all, with his current strength, it was impossible for him to explore and collect information on various warbeasts, Spirit Beast and other rare species.    


Also, if he could learn the Animal Identification Art, he could become Beastmaster. Just as Mu Yinv had said, Beastmaster was a very popular and profitable profession in Desolate Spirit Continent.    


"And this piece of Yellow Spirit Profound Crystal, I'll give it to the little guy in your arms!" Compared to your master, it's countless times cuter, even though it's just a little kid who's not even a 1-star. " Her gaze landed on Dragon-like who was in Bai Yuhao's embrace. Seeing Dragon-like's innocent big eyes staring at her, she let out a faint wail, and the corner of her mouth hooked up into a faint smile. She immediately took out a Yellow Spirit Profound Crystal from her bosom and stuffed it into Bai Yuhao's hands, then leaped into the air and jumped onto Jade Spirit Sky Snow's back.    


When Bai Yuhao came back to his senses, Mu Yinv had already disappeared on Jade Spirit Sky Snow.    


"You walked so fast?" Afraid that I will eat her! " Bai Yuhao shook his head and smiled bitterly, but when he saw the "Beast Discriminating Tactic" in his hands, he immediately became excited, it seemed like he really did not waste his two drops of Fake Dragon Saliva.    


At this time, Dragon-like looked at the Yellow Spirit Profound Crystal in Bai Yuhao's hand and immediately bared his fangs and brandished his claws, looking like he was about to drool.    


"Watch out for indigestion after eating. It seems like Beautiful General likes you more. When I asked her for it just now, she refused to give it to me! " Seeing that Dragon-like was so excited, Bai Yuhao kept the Yellow Spirit Crystal. He planned to give it to Dragon-like to level up after he got back.    


"Crap, Brother Wang must be waiting for me!" Bai Yuhao suddenly thought of something and immediately rushed back to the imperial city while carrying Dragon-like.    




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