Dragon Blood King



Ji Feng was stunned for a moment before turning to look toward the source of the voice. He saw a figure in the shadow that he pointed at a moment ago. If it wasn't Bai Yuhao, who else could it be? Looking at the black shadow again, it was clearly Dragon-like.    


"It's you?" Ji Feng immediately understood that Bai Yuhao was the one who ambushed him.    


"If I had known it would be so useful, I wouldn't have bothered." Bai Yuhao smiled.    


However, Ji Feng did not know what had happened. It was as if he had been humiliated, and he was furious. He rushed forward, the ice sword in his hand aimed straight at Bai Yuhao. Seeing that, Dragon-like wanted to protect his master, but was stopped by Bai Yuhao.    


"It's only natural for you to be angry. "But, how can you get into the tiger's den? Who do you think was the one who saved you?" Bai Yuhao narrowed his eyes as he looked at Wu Jun.    


Ji Feng was confused, and then looked at the Cloud Tiger again.    


"That's right, your warbeast." Bai Yuhao said affirmatively.    


"Impossible, how can Cloud Tiger have this kind of ability!" Ji Feng couldn't believe that Cloud Tiger could actually use power similar to ice.    


"Dragon-like..." Bai Yuhao indicated towards Dragon-like.    


Upon hearing the order, Dragon-like immediately rushed towards the Cloud Tiger s aggressively. Sensing the danger, the Cloud Tiger instinctively waved its front claws, and just as it was about to swing down, the front claws instantly formed an ice claw image, and then, it quickly flew towards Dragon-like. And after being dodged by Dragon-like, the ice claw immediately passed through a piece of bamboo forest. With a boom, it directly smashed a few bamboo trees into dust, and frost covered the ground.    


When Ji Feng saw this scene, he was stunned. Then, he stiffly turned his head to look at Bai Yuhao and asked, "What exactly happened? Why did the Cloud Tiger suddenly … "    


"You always thought that Cloud Tiger was a strength type beast, but you're wrong. The Cloud Tiger's body contains the hidden ice attribute abilities that originate from some kind of Spirit Beast. Once its potential is activated, it can use the same special attribute abilities as Spirit Beast." Bai Yuhao explained to Ji Feng.    


"Why would the ice attribute of the Spirit Beast be hidden within its body …" Ji Feng didn't seem to understand.    


"It's probably the crystallization of the Cloud Tiger's ancestors. Moreover, I believe that not only the Cloud Tiger, but many beasts have some sort of hidden ability in their bodies." After studying and experimenting on the Cloud Tiger, Bai Yuhao gradually had a clue. He believed that this situation would not only occur on the Cloud Tiger.    


However, Beastmaster in this world seemed to only know how to judge beasts and did not know how to cultivate Spirit Control s to have the strongest ability. If it wasn't for him using Cloud Tiger s for experiments, the hidden capabilities of Cloud Tiger s might not have been discovered and they might even be buried.    


However, Bai Yuhao did not know, that actually becoming Beastmaster in this world was not so simple, there was a time when Beastmaster's Desolate Spirit Continent was filled with strife, and each had their own merits. Thus, they all stayed in seclusion, and formed their own factions, and the Animal Identification Art that they mastered was almost always secret, and they usually only passed it down to their own children or disciples, but they still had to look at their talent, otherwise, even learning the Animal Identification Art would result in nothing, and in the end, they would give up, but the person with Beastmaster's talent could be said to be one in a million, very rare. As a result of this, many Animal Identification Art s were lost, and Beastmaster became rare. In the current state, the number of powerful Beastmaster could be counted on one hand, and they were few in number.    


In other words, what Mu Yinv gave to Bai Yuhao as a gift was extremely precious!    


And Bai Yuhao, who had just become Beastmaster, had also created a new trend in this world, which was to combine beast taming and cultivation, and to expand the abilities of Spirit Control infinitely!    


"Then how did you know that the Cloud Tiger's body contained ice attribute abilities?" Ji Feng asked in confusion very quickly.    


"If I tell you, how am I going to survive in the future?" Bai Yuhao smiled mysteriously and continued to speak: "Anyway, the Cloud Tiger's potential has already been activated. The rest is to see how your master cultivates it and how it will continue to strengthen itself. Also, your Power of Dragon Spirit is ice attributed, like the Cloud Tiger, which makes it easier for you to control your Cloud Tiger's abilities. " Bai Yuhao actually thought that Ji Feng was very lucky, and just like that, he got a beast that had the ability of a Spirit Beast for no reason. As for him, he had spent a lot of effort to find out how many brain cells had died.    


However, the success of the experiment on the Cloud Tiger had greatly improved Bai Yuhao's confidence. It seemed that the theory he had developed in the modern world could also be used in this world. However, the current him did not know that the path he was walking was not as simple as he had imagined. He had only tasted a little bit of the sweetness!    


"Thank you!" At this time, Ji Feng, who was looking at Bai Yuhao, suddenly said.    


"Huh?" Bai Yuhao didn't expect the cool-looking Ji Feng to actually say the word "thank you". This was definitely an unprecedented event.    


"Looks like I owe you another one." I will return it to you! " Ji Feng nodded and left with the Cloud Tiger.    


Bai Yuhao smiled and did not pay much attention to Ji Feng's words. However, he did not know that Ji Feng's favor was extremely valuable!    


After seeing Ji Feng leave, Bai Yuhao returned to the depths of the bamboo forest and started to train for the night. He also started to learn the Spiritual Martial Arts from Lan Mei.    


In a grand and magnificent mansion located at the northwest end of the Imperial City, there was a huge room with a curtain draped over it. Under the bright light of the night like day, the water in the pool was steaming hot and the petals were fluttering.    


If Bai Yuhao was here at the moment, he would definitely feel very pleased, even though he had seen it once before.    


This girl was none other than Mu Yinv.    


At this moment, Mu Yinv was leaning against the edge of the pool, enjoying the bath. But suddenly, a playful smile flashed across her mind. She couldn't help but open her eyes wide.    


"What's wrong with me? Ever since he came back, he inexplicably thought of this guy. Could it be because of regret that I didn't kill him? " Mu Yinv asked curiously.    


Afterwards, she quickly flew into the air. Her movements were gentle and beautiful, and the air around her seemed to vibrate from the force of the wind. Under the light, silvery-white patterns could be faintly seen. She was extremely beautiful.    




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