Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C704 The Cunning Peng Yaoxing

C704 The Cunning Peng Yaoxing

Liu Ruomei looked at Feng Yimo in surprise. She did not know why he said that, but Feng Yimo continued, "Do you think Peng Yaohsing is the only one who did this?"    


"You mean," Feng Yimo said. Liu Ruomei thought about it. "He has accomplices?"    


Feng Yimo nodded. He had obtained many treasures from the leader of the bandits in Black Wind Stronghold. One of them was a ledger that had been recorded for decades. In it was a bill that was given to Peng Yaohsing every year. The amount was frightening.    


Moreover, it was not just a bandit's den in Black Wind Stronghold. It was a group of bandits that had gathered in the Pengjia City Domain, and were then transferred from the Black Wind Stronghold to Peng Yaohsing.    


Judging from this, Peng Yaohsing alone wouldn't be able to eat so many offerings!    


When Feng Yimo and Feng Yimo returned to the palace, they were called over by Ren Xiao.    


The atmosphere in the hall was solemn. There were only Ren Xiao and Ren Biyao. Although there were only the two of them, they were very safe. Firstly, Ren Xiao was a Deification Middle Period warrior, and secondly, he had the young master of the Prefecture. With such a precious treasure, even a late stage Soul Formation warrior wouldn't be able to obtain it.    


Ren Xiao pointed at the 27 boxes on the ground and said, "Liu Duansheng, you did well just now. These boxes are for you, so it's useless for me to come here. Do well in the future. I will reward and punish you. I will not mistreat anyone who has contributed."    


Feng Yimo hurriedly cupped his fists and thanked him, but he found it difficult. The 27 boxes occupied half of the living room. They could not be stored in medicinal Sumeru Bracelets. How should he get them away?    


As if he had seen through Feng Yimo's difficulties, Ren Xiao waved his hand and placed all the boxes into the medicinal Storage Rings. Then, he handed the medicinal Storage Rings to Feng Yimo and said, "Take this medicinal Storage Ring. Do you need to find any shop assistants to open it? As long as it is a cultivator, it is fine."    


"Thank you, Second Young Master!" Feng Yimo clasped his fists gratefully, took the Storage Ring, and turned around to leave.    


"Second Brother, why are you so nice to him? Although these treasures aren't worth much in our eyes, they are a huge sum of money to them. Don't tell me you think this man is worth nurturing?" Ren Biyao was puzzled by Second Brother's generosity.    


Ren Xiao smiled and said, "Second sister, Haven't you noticed that this man is young and intelligent? And his combat strength should be the highest among these warriors. All of them went to annihilate the Black Wind Stronghold together. It was said that this person had killed the leader of the bandits alone. As for the others, they had seen Yue Liang working together with another man with their own eyes. He had fought the leader of the bandits to a draw. He was able to kill the leader alone. Perhaps this person would have to rely on his achievements in this competition. These worldly wealth... To us, it doesn't make much difference whether it's real or not. "Why don't we just give it to him?"    


Ren Biyao thought for a while. As expected, she could not help but praise, "Second Brother thought it through." However, Feng Yimo had already aroused her interest.    




Feng Yimo returned to his residence and called Qing Yu over. He told her about Ren Xiao's reward. He wanted to share the 27 boxes of treasures with Qing Yu, but Qing Yu did not want them. It was Feng Yimo's credit that she did not lose any followers. She was grateful that he did not lose any followers. Furthermore, it was useless to ask for so much money.    


Feng Yimo saw Qing Yu push him away, so he decided to let it go. He left the palace alone and walked towards the biggest shop in Pengjia City. He planned to exchange all the Spirit Crystals for Primeval Stones. Of course, he also found the Spirit Crystals in the dozens of cards.    


The shop was called "Na Chuan." It occupied a large area of more than ten acres. Moreover, it was a five-story building. There was an endless stream of customers coming and going.    


When Feng Yimo walked into Na Chuan, a Golden Core Period worker walked up and asked with a smile, "What do you want to buy?"    


Feng Yimo took out his Storage Ring and said, "Sorry to trouble you, little brother, to exchange all the Spirit Crystals inside for Primeval Stones. En, as well as the Spirit Crystals inside these dozen diamond cards, exchange them for Primeval Stones."    


The shop assistant smiled as he took the Storage Ring to drink the diamond cards. When he came to the exchange window and saw the Spirit Crystals inside, he was stunned. "Sir, are you really going to exchange all of them for Spirit Crystals?"    


Feng Yimo nodded.    


"Okay, please wait a moment." The shop assistant said and handed the diamond card and Storage Ring inside. Soon, all the Storage Rings in the Storage Ring were taken out. Together with a dozen diamond cards, they were exchanged for 100,000 Low Grade Primeval Stones.    


When Feng Yimo saw this number, he was shocked. He did not expect the diamond card to have so many Spirit Crystals. He heard the shop assistant say, "Dear customer, the other items in the Storage Rings did not move. They only moved the Spirit Crystals out. There are also 100,000 Low Grade Primeval Stones in the Storage Ring. Please keep them well."    


Although Feng Yimo's aura was empty and he did not have a single trace of magic power, the shop assistant did not dare to underestimate him. To be able to possess so many Spirit Crystals was not something an ordinary person could do.    


Feng Yimo smiled and took the Storage Rings. He said intentionally or unintentionally, "Thank you. I am working for Ren Xiao and Second Young Master."    


The shop assistant was stunned. Who did not know that the Prefecture Master, Second Young Master, came to Pengjia City and took down the city lord? This caused a huge commotion in the entire city. No wonder this man was so bold. He dared to exchange so many Spirit Crystals for the city lord's city lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord's City Lord.    


Even when Feng Yimo had left, the shop assistant was still in a daze.    


Although 100,000 medicinal Low Grade Primeval Stones wasn't a lot, it also gave Feng Yimo an unexpected surprise. Now that he cultivated, the speed at which he absorbed medicinal Primeval Stones was extremely shocking. The two medicinal Low Grade Primeval Stones could only be maintained for 100 breaths of time before they were completely absorbed.    


Hence, he needed more medicinal Primeval Stones to support his cultivation. Although he couldn't use them now, he had to slowly accumulate them. Once he cultivated his Qi Sea, the amount of medicinal Primeval Stones he needed would be astronomical.    


"It would be great if I encountered more than a dozen places like Black Wind Stronghold along the way. I would be able to obtain at least a million medicinal Primeval Stones!" Feng Yimo secretly dreamed of getting rich. Not long after he left Nachuan, his gaze was attracted by a person's back view.    


That person was thin and only had the cultivation of Golden Core Late Period. He was not eye-catching among the many cultivators on the streets, but he gave Feng Yimo a feeling of familiarity.    


Who was he?    


Feng Yimo quietly used the Great Wisdom Eye to observe the man. When he saw the man's true heart, he was shocked.    


The man was actually Peng Yaohsing, who had already escaped!    


Didn't he already escape from the city? Furthermore, Elder Lu chased after him. Why would he appear in the city?    


Could it be that Elder Lu acted together with him?    


Feng Yimo shook his head and rejected this idea. Elder Lu had just entered the city with Ren Xiao, so it was impossible for him to conspire with Peng Yaohsing. The one who had escaped the city was Peng Yaohsing's second clone!    


Seeing Peng Yaohsing's heart, Feng Yimo was shocked and angry. Peng Yaohsing actually had the second Deification Middle Period clone. If he joined forces with his second clone, Unfortunately, there were three late stage Soul Formation cultivators who had come with Ren Xiao. Even if he wanted to fight back, there were seven mid stage Soul Formation cultivators. Therefore, he sacrificed his second clone. He lured Elder Lu away so that Ren Xiao and the others would think that he had already escaped. Little did they know that he had changed his appearance. He had only left the Pengjia City slowly, so how could the others notice the Cultivator of the Golden Core Late Period warriors on the streets?    


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