Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C400 Demon Insect Stream

C400 Demon Insect Stream

After a group of people left, Feng Yimo's figure finally appeared. He smiled and disappeared into the endless night.    


He did not notice that the moment he escaped, a figure flashed in a building at the top of the Qitian Palace. Chi Xing appeared on the roof. He looked at the strange octagonal golden plate in his hand in surprise. The needle on the plate shook slightly. It was heading in the direction of Feng Yimo's escape!    


He did not have time to think. He flew down and passed through the defensive array, chasing after Feng Yimo. As the only junior brother of the Supreme Elder Kong Shengyun, he naturally did not need Palace Lord's order. He could enter and exit the array at will.    


Chi Xing was originally a Deification Early Period warrior, but due to an accident, he lost his body and possessed a Nascent Infant warrior. Moreover, he was good at divination and could predict good and bad fortune. There were rarely any mistakes. This time, he didn't find the young Budda Cultivator for a long time, so he opened the altar to perform a divination.    


However, the divination showed that the young man was right in front of him, which made him confused. He thought he was wrong, so he spent a lot of effort to divine the same result. Just when he was surprised, he felt the fluctuation of the formation. He came out to check and found that the needle of the Octagonal Golden Plate had changed, so he followed it.    




Demon Worm Stream was located in the Tongtian Great Canyon, which was connected to the Black Wood Cliff and Qitian Palace.    


It was because of the Tongtian Great Canyon that created a huge gap between the two sides. The Black Wood Cliff's terrain was higher than the Business Alliance and the Profound Yin Sect, and the Qitian Palace was much higher than the Black Wood Cliff. It could be considered as the roof of the Hongming Continent. The Luoyu River flowed from the Jueyin Cave to the ground. It was rumored that it flowed into the Tongtian Great Canyon and flowed to the east.    


The Great Canyon was 63,000 miles long. The Demon Worm Stream was located in a huge mountain stream in the middle of the city. The Great Canyon of Heaven Span was almost vertical to the east and west. It was 1,880 miles long, and the widest part was 40 miles wide. It was a world where demon insects gathered!    


Due to the increase in the level of the restrictive spell formation, Feng Yimo refined the Trembling Feather Flying Boat again. Together with the 18 high-grade spirit stones, its speed surpassed Great Cultivator of the Nascent Infant Late Period's. It could fly more than 20,000 miles a day without using any magic power. Ghost Midwife could change the spirit stones. Therefore, although Chi Xing was chasing closely, he could not catch up. Moreover, he was getting further and further away, because he needed to replenish his magic power and rest.    


A few days later, the Trembling Feather Flying Boat landed at the intersection of the valley and Demon Worm Stream. Feng Yimo and Ghost Midwife came out of the valley and looked at the cliff that was thousands of feet high. It was as if the sky was split in half. They were not only amazed by the supernatural skills of nature, but also by the fact that it was called the Sky Canyon.    


Feng Yimo turned his eyes to Demon Worm Stream and opened his huge mouth, like the mouth of a demon beast, waiting for its prey to deliver itself to its doorstep.    


Feng Yimo opened the Qi Watching Technique and saw white, green, purple, and black demon Qi intertwining. They were all released by First, Second, Third, and Fourth Grade demon insects. In the distance, there was a golden demonic Qi. Clearly, there were Fifth Grade demonic insects!    


Although Ghost Midwife couldn't see the level of the demonic insects in Demon Worm Stream, the buzzing sound coming from the entrance and piles of bones made him swallow his saliva with difficulty. "Master, this old slave is very humble. There are no ghosts inside to be taken. This old servant won't trouble Master."    


Feng Yimo knew that she was afraid of death. After all, there were thousands of demonic bugs. It was impossible to guard against them. It was understandable that she was like this. Without saying a word, she put it into the corpse bag.    


The Semilunar Spider belonged to Fourth Level Middle Rank demonic insects. If it was a single one, Feng Yimo wouldn't be afraid at all. However, it was hiding in Demon Worm Stream, surrounded by hundreds of thousands, or even millions of demonic insects. It was difficult to kill the Semilunar Spider!    


The skeletons at the entrance were the best proof. They died here before they could even enter the Demon Worm Stream.    


If they wanted to obtain the Semilunar Spider, they could not fight it head on. They could only use their wits to obtain it!    


Feng Yimo released the medicinal Soul Devouring Insect. He formed an incantation gesture with one hand and used the Earth Changing Transfigure Technique. Black smoke rose from his body and turned into a black medicinal Soul Devouring Insect!    


After continuous cultivation, the Earth Changing Transfigure Technique became increasingly proficient. It could instantly transform and last for seven days!    


The moment Feng Yimo turned into the Soul Devouring Insect, the green-red and red Rootless Iceheart Bamboos that had been suppressed by the Rootless Iceheart Bamboo in his dantian suddenly released a demonic aura, and it immediately covered the human aura on Feng Yimo's body.    


Feng Yimo was first shocked. Ever since the green-red Demonic Cores appeared, he had been on tenterhooks for fear of any unforeseen events. Fortunately, under the suppression of the Rootless Iceheart Bamboos, there was no unusual movement. Now, a wave of demonic aura suddenly appeared, causing him to feel uneasy. However, he found that apart from concealing the human aura, there was nothing unusual, so he relaxed and became happy instead.    


Back then, he had turned into a Ghost Face Ice Bee and entered the beehive. It was because he revealed the human aura that the queen bee had seen through him. Now that he no longer had the human aura, he naturally would not easily reveal himself.    


The Soul Devouring Insect King was very surprised. Why did his master look like him? Then, should he listen to him, or should his master listen to him? Just as he thought of this, his master's orders came. Insect King, wrap me up and rush inside.    


Well, you still have to listen to your master!    


Buzz buzz!    


Thousands of Soul Devouring Insects wrapped Feng Yimo in the middle, forming a cloud of insects that flew into the mountain stream.    


After Feng Yimo left for four hours, he appeared at the place where Feng Yimo was just a moment ago. He chased after him at a slow pace. Every day, he only rested for an hour. By using spirit pills and spirit stones to support himself until now, he had already reached his limit. Fortunately, his target had stopped. Otherwise, he would have been exhausted to death.    


But when he took out the Octagonal Golden Plate again, he discovered that the needle had spun around randomly and had lost track of the target.    


Dvesha'Xing was dumbfounded. He shook the Octagonal Golden Plate, but the needle was still spinning around. It was obvious that the target had disappeared. Not only did he raise his head and let out a long sigh, what was going on? After all the hard work he had gone through, he had ended up with a loss of both wealth and wealth. The amount of spirit stones and spirit pills he had consumed was more than a few million spirit stones!    


Hmm? This is, this is Demon Worm Stream!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    


Only then did Chi Xing notice a few demonic bugs flying around the entrance of Demon Worm Stream. When he saw a stranger, he flew over with a buzzing sound. Before he could fly close, he was hit by Chi Xing's two medicinal Finger Lights.    


"Level two demonic bugs and feces smell like flies. Could it be that that person entered the Demon Worm Stream, because the demonic qi here is rampant, blocking his breath, causing the eight-pointed golden compass to malfunction?" Chi Xing muttered to himself, "It's very likely! However, why did he enter such a dangerous place?"    


Could it be that the spirit spring ran here and he pursued it?    


While he was thinking, a pure and rich spirit energy rose from the depths of the mountain stream, and there were even faint fluctuations of spirit energy from battle. Chi Xing gritted his teeth, took out a low rank five concealment talisman, and stuck it on his body. With a sway of his body, he charged into the Demon Worm Stream!    


The Soul Devouring Insect bug cloud slowly pushed forward. Not long after entering the Demon Worm Stream, Feng Yimo saw more than a hundred kinds of demonic insects. There was a low rank two demonic bug Red Butterfly, a middle rank three demonic bug Double-Tailed Scorpion, a high rank three demonic bug Thousand-Legged Flower Back Centipede, and so on. Of course, the highest number was still the high rank two winged Fire Ants. If not for the Soul Devouring Insect King emitting a powerful aura, they would have pounced on him long ago.    


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