Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C161 Flying Fish

C161 Flying Fish

Feng Yimo was so fascinated by the book that he forgot the time. Four hours later, he put down the jade slip and grabbed the black stone. His palm sank and he almost lost his grip. He exclaimed in surprise, "The Cosmic Gravity Crystal! It's actually the Cosmic Gravity Crystal!"    


In the book, the Cosmic Heavy Crystal was introduced. The fist-sized one weighed more than six hundred kilograms and was extremely hard. It was on par with the black crystal diamond. Since ancient times, there had been a saying that one's strength was reduced by ten. Hence, the Cosmic Heavy Crystal was the best material to refine heavy magic treasures.    


Originally, Feng Yimo planned to use instant gold to refine a shadowless spear. After seeing the "Indestructible Dao," he changed his mind. Since he had grown magical equipment and spiritual magical equipment, why would he refine ordinary magical equipment?    


Therefore, after Feng Yimo sorted out all the refining materials, he planned to refine a growth-type magical equipment called Rainbow Wind Chasing Sword!    


The main materials were mainly Heaven's Beyond Heavy Crystals and Instant Gold, supplemented with 37 supplementary materials such as Moke Gold and Earthshatter Stone. Feng Yimo had the Zuo Family's treasure vault and dozens of medicinal Storage Bags. It was very easy to gather 36 supplementary materials. However, in order to refine a growth type magic treasure, he still lacked a very important material - Life Mud!    


Although it was called Life Mud, it was a rare metal that could slowly grow. It was indispensable for refining a growth magic treasure. It was rumored that the Life Mud had once appeared in the extremely cold North Boundary Field, and it grew in the extreme cold. Ordinary grade five refining materials could be frozen and cracked, but the Life Mud was soft and boneless!    


After hearing this information, Feng Yimo hesitated. Because he was currently fleeing, if he changed directions again and went to discuss the North Boundary Field in the north of the alliance, the danger would multiply.    


Suddenly, he saw the Celestial Secret Plate. His heart moved. He took it in his hand and silently chanted the Celestial Secret Book technique in his heart, driving the Celestial Secret Plate.    


The needle in the Celestial Secret Plate spun around and finally pointed to the Sea of Death in the west. That was where the Gate of Life was!    


Hence, after Feng Yimo tidied up, he appeared in Heavenly Kui City.    


As long as he entered the Sea of Death, he would be safe. Little did she know that Lian was looking for him at the place where Uncle Gui saved her. She thought that Feng Yimo would enter the sea again this time.    


Tian Kui City was not small. There were more than 200,000 people in the city, and it was quite lively. Feng Yimo had turned into a yellow-skinned, skinny cultivator of the second level of Foundation Establishment with the Earth Changing Transfigure Technique this time. There was a worn out Storage Bag hanging around his waist. The purpose of entering the city was to buy some fresh water, food, and other things. If there was a chance, it was best to buy a spiritual tool or magic treasure magic boat, so as to avoid being soaked in the seawater.    


Last time, he had drifted in the Sea of Death for a few months, and there was no fresh water. When he was thirsty, he would catch fish and sea monsters in the sea and drink their blood, causing him to be unable to swallow the stench. Now that he thought about it, his stomach was in a mess!    


Feng Yimo stood in front of the largest market in Sky Kui City and walked in. There were shops on both sides of a five-miles-long street. There were also many cultivators who paid spirit stones to set up stalls. There were all kinds of different kinds of things. He didn't need these things. He went straight to a merchant house called the Magical Extraction Pavilion. An enthusiastic shop assistant immediately came over and greeted him. "Senior, if you need anything, this junior can introduce it to you."    


Feng Yimo smiled and said, "If I want to go out to sea, I wonder if your store can sell it on a good magic ship?"    


The shop assistant had a look of understanding. Recently, there had been a lot of people going out to sea, and the sales of various magic boats had increased. "Senior, please come with me!" As he spoke, he led Feng Yimo to the second floor. When Feng Yimo came up the stairs, he saw all kinds of spiritual boats. Some were made of wood, some were made of metal, and some were made of bone. They were of different grades from low-grade spiritual tools to middle-grade magic treasures. They were all of different shapes and sizes. The largest one could carry more than 200 people, and the smallest one could carry three people.    


"Senior, please take a look." The shop assistant said respectfully, "Senior, please take a look.    


Feng Yimo swept his gaze over the spiritual weapon and decided to buy a magic ship of magic treasure level. These magic ships used spirit stones as the power source. They were inlaid with spirit stones and set the direction. Without human control, they could sail in the sea. However, the consumption of spirit stones was not small. This was because in addition to sailing, the most important thing was that there was a defensive formation. Otherwise, if a huge wave came, the entire ship would fall apart and lose its significance.    


In the end, Feng Yimo took a fancy to a magic boat with Flying Fish Numbers. It was a low-grade magic treasure. The reason why he chose this boat instead of a middle-grade magic treasure was because the defensive magic formation on it was a level four magic formation and a level three acceleration magic formation. The materials were slightly worse than a middle-grade magic treasure magic boat. However, it didn't matter. He could refine some more and increase the quality of the magic boat, but a level four magic formation was something he couldn't carve at the moment.    


"Just this one. How many spirit stones?" Feng Yimo pointed at the Flying Fish Number and asked.    


The shop assistant was overjoyed. This ship had 1.9 million spirit stones, and his commission was not cheap. He hurriedly said, "1.9 million. Senior, please follow me. After you pay, you can take it away!"    


Feng Yimo frowned. "1.9 million. Is the price high?"    


The shop assistant explained with a smile, "In the off-season, this boat is only 1.5 million spirit stones. Because it is in the middle of the Sand of Life flood, it has increased by 30%."    


Feng Yimo thought for a moment. "How about this? Do you have a sea map here? If you have one, you can give it to me as a bonus. How about it?"    


The shop assistant smiled bitterly and thought for a moment. "Well, since you have asked, I will do as you say!"    


After successfully handing over 1.9 million low-grade spirit stones, Feng Yimo took the Flying Fish Number and a sea map and left the Magical Extraction Pavilion. Not long after he left, a panting voice came from behind him. "Fellow Daoist, please wait a moment."    


Feng Yimo stopped and turned around. He saw a middle-aged man in his forties running in front of him with sweat all over his forehead. This man was at the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. He looked embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist, I am Yu Hsingzhou. I heard that you bought the Flying Fish Number. I wonder if you can give it to me and sell it to me?"    


Feng Yimo was surprised. He was very dissatisfied with the Gathering Pavilion. How could he reveal his information to an outsider? He said with a cold face, "I'm sorry. I won't sell it." After saying that, he turned around and left. Who knew that Yu Hsingzhou would grab his sleeve and beg him, "Fellow Daoist," he said. The Flying Fish Number was personally refined by me. The formation on it hasn't been completed yet. At that time, because of the tight grip on the hand, it was placed in the Aquarius Restaurant. I never thought that they would sell the Flying Fish Number. This Flying Fish Number is something that I wish to personally go out to sea. I hope that Fellow Daoist can fulfill my wish! "    


"The Flying Fish Number was refined by you?" Feng Yimo looked at Yu Hsingzhou in shock. According to common sense, those who could refine magic treasures were at least Golden Core Early Period. There was another possibility that the middle-aged man in front of him was a master of refining weapons and array formations!    


Seeing that Feng Yimo was no longer in a hurry to leave, Yu Hsingzhou quickly released his grip and bowed with both hands. "I did refine the Flying Fish Number myself. If you don't believe me, you can come to my humble abode and take a look." Feng Yimo noticed that this person was wearing a leather glove on his left hand.    




Looking at the simple thatched cottage in front of him, Feng Yimo found it hard to believe that there was a master refiner and array master living here! On the way, he asked a few questions about refining weapons. Yu Hsingzhou answered the questions fluently, making him believe that Yu Hsingzhou was indeed a master of refining! Yu Hsingzhou seemed to have found a confidant in Feng Yimo's questions, and he actually talked about refining experience endlessly, which allowed Feng Yimo to gain a lot from it.    


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