Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C211 Little Bell

C211 Little Bell

"No need!" "If you want to leave, go ahead. But if you are caught again, you may not meet someone like me."    


Little Long-furred Ape Man's eyes showed surprise. He hesitated for a moment and followed.    


At this time, Feng Yimo looked like a middle-aged man in his forties. He was tall and sturdy, but his appearance was not unique. He could not be recognized at a glance when placed in a crowd.    


The two of them went to the largest market in the Wind Smoke City one after another. However, Feng Yimo did not find any Crimson Spirit Grass in more than ten shops. He was a little disappointed.    


"Let's go. Let's find an inn to stay at first. Right. Are you hungry? Feng Yimo looked at the sky. It was getting late. Little Long-furred Ape Man had been with him for more than six hours. He should have been hungry a long time ago.    


Little Long-furred Ape Man was surprised again. Why would his master care about his servants' hunger? She still nodded in embarrassment. "Master, I can handle it. I'm not too hungry." As soon as she finished speaking, her stomach started to grumble.    


"You, talk when you're hungry. It's not like we can't afford to eat. Let's go and eat. I don't know your name yet. What's your name?" Feng Yimo asked again.    


When our slaves were bought by our masters, they were all named by their masters." Little Long-furred Ape Man's eyes showed helplessness and sadness as he said.    


"That's them. I don't like it here. You should call me by your original name. Your parents gave you that name, didn't they?"    


Long-furred Ape Man raised his head in surprise and looked at Feng Yimo. Why was this master different from the others? He didn't bring any chains or give himself a random name. He even cared about whether he was hungry or not. There was such a good person among human cultivators? She did not believe it.    


As they spoke, the two of them arrived at a restaurant. Feng Yimo led Little Long-furred Ape Man inside. Under the lead of the waiter, they found an empty table. Feng Yimo sat down and pointed at the chair opposite him. "You sit too. Right, you haven't said your name yet. I can't just call you 'Ya Ya'."    


Little Long-furred Ape Man was stunned. His eyes were full of disbelief. "M-Master, you want me to eat with you?"    


Feng Yimo was puzzled. It was just a meal. What was there to be surprised about? He was about to say something when he suddenly realized that everyone else in the restaurant was looking at him as if they were monsters. He then realized that Long-furred Ape Man was squatting beside the other tables in the building. They were all picking up the food that their master had thrown on the ground to eat.    


Feng Yimo shook his head in sympathy. He got up and went to Little Long-furred Ape Man's side. He pressed her down on the chair. "From today onwards, you eat whatever I eat. I will eat while I sit. You also sit and eat. Do you understand?"    


At this moment, Long-furred Ape Man believed him. Two tears rolled down from his eyes. He said in a choked voice, "Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master!"    


Feng Yimo waved his hand. His expression was serious. "There is one more thing. Don't call me Master."    


Long-furred Ape Man stood up in a panic and said with a trembling voice, "Master, did Lingdang do something wrong? Did you, did you not want Lingdang?"    


Feng Yimo smiled and looked at Long-furred Ape Man with a smile. "So you are called Lingdang. It is a good name. I mean, from now on, you and I are friends. I don't want Master or Master to call me. I am not chasing you away."    


"Master..." Lingdang stood on the spot in a daze. Tears rolled down her face one after another. Ever since she was caught, she only had one meal a day. Sometimes, she could not even eat one meal. That triangle-eyed cultivator was in a bad mood, so he beat and kicked her. He had never heard such concerned words before. She even called herself a friend and called herself by her nickname. Was all of this true?    


Feng Yimo motioned for Lingdang to sit down. Coincidentally, the waiter brought up some good food and wine. He first picked up food for Lingdang and poured wine before he ate by himself. He said, "Eat as much as you want. If it's not enough, we can order more. It counts."    


Lingdang's eyes were filled with tears. She nodded and used her hand to grab the food on the plate to eat.    


Feng Yimo frowned. He stretched out the chopsticks and hit Lingdang's hand on the back. Lingdang was shocked and looked at Feng Yimo in panic. She did not know what she did wrong.    


"You have to use chopsticks to eat. Don't use your hands to grab food. Look at your hands. They are all long hair. They are so dirty." Feng Yimo said seriously.    


"But, but I don't know how to use chopsticks." Lingdang felt so wronged that she was about to cry. Feng Yimo sighed and came to Lingdang's side. He picked up the chopsticks and placed them in her hands. Then, he patiently taught her the experience of using chopsticks. Very quickly, Lingdang learned it. Her eyes were full of excitement. She kept pushing the dishes into the plate in front of her and piled them into a small hill.    


Feng Yimo looked at Lingdang with a smile. His heart was full of sympathy. She was seven or eight years old. In the human race, she was still the age of having sex with her parents. But as Long-furred Ape Man, her fate was so miserable. She was sold as a slave. If he did not buy her, the result could be imagined.    


This was what happened to the weak. How could he not be the same? Back in Xiansha Island, she couldn't fight back against the powerful Shark King. She could only watch helplessly as her sworn brother, Yu Hsingzhou, was left in the Broken Prison. In the end, she had to turn into a fish to escape from Sea of Death. If she wanted to live a better and freer life, she could only continue to strengthen herself. If she was strong enough to make others fear her, she wouldn't be bullied.    


"By the way, Lingdang, what did you say about mining?" Feng Yimo ate a mouthful of food and asked.    


Lingdang's hand trembled when she heard Feng Yimo's question. Her chopsticks fell on the table. Her face was pale and she panicked as if she had heard something terrible. "No, nothing. I... I didn't say anything before."    


Feng Yimo was stunned. He had heard it clearly before. There was no mistake. Could it be that Lingdang had revealed her true feelings before, but now she didn't want to mention it?    


Suddenly, he noticed that everyone around him was looking at him with strange eyes. Could it be that what he said was taboo?    


While he was thinking, the waiter ran over with a crying face and begged. "Celestial Immortal, please don't talk about national affairs in this restaurant!"    


Feng Yimo smiled and said, "We have finished eating. Let's go now." With that said, he pulled Lingdang to pay the bill and left the restaurant. He went to another restaurant and ordered another table of dishes. "Don't say anything. Let's eat first."    


Lingdang gratefully nodded and started to eat.    


After eating for a while, a few burly men rushed into the restaurant. They came straight to Feng Yimo's table. One of the men with a huge axe on his shoulder saw Lingdang and reached out to grab her shoulder. "I want to see where you can run to!"    


Feng Yimo's face darkened. The chopsticks in his hand suddenly flew out and shot towards the big man's arm. When he was about a foot away from his arm, he suddenly turned into countless strands of bamboo and pierced it like hundreds of steel needles.    


The man's expression changed abruptly. He was too close to the man, and it was too late to dodge. Just as he was at a loss, the bamboo strands suddenly spread out agilely and tightly wrapped around his arm, making him unable to move or continue grabbing.    


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