Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C387 The Fifth Soul Suppressing Monument

C387 The Fifth Soul Suppressing Monument

Time flew, and Hai Time arrived. Feng Yimo quietly left the inn and went straight to Ju Yuan Square.    


During the day, he had already asked the inn's second son about the location of the Gathering Fate Bar. It was located in the northeast corner of Yu City, twenty miles away from the trading area.    


When he arrived at the Gathering Fate Bar, it looked like a gambling den in the secular world. Through the curtain, he could hear shouting inside. The people inside were drinking and dreaming of gambling money.    


Before he could enter, a big man came out from inside. He looked at him and bowed. "Celestial Immortal is participating in the trade fair?"    


Feng Yimo nodded and took out the servant's note. The big man looked at it and quickly led him to a small door. He reached out and opened it, revealing a dark entrance. "Celestial Immortal, please go this way!"    


It turned out that there was another world, but it was like a thief, sneaking around.    


Walking into the small door, he walked another several hundred feet. The inside was suddenly clear. It was a spacious area of about an acre, just like a small auction house. In the middle of the room was a round table surrounded by chairs. Dozens of cultivators had been sitting on the chairs and waiting for him.    


Feng Yimo found a random place to sit. He wasn't the first one to come, nor was he the last.    


After the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, more than ten people came one after another. There were less than a hundred people in total. At this moment, someone went out and locked the door. Only then did an old man walk to the round platform in the middle, cupped his hands, and bowed. "I am Wan Lizi. He was the manager of the Gathering Fate Workshop. Fellow Daoists are all foreign cultivators, and most of them require medicinal Qitian Palaces and spirit medicines from the Qitian Palace to cultivate jade slips. Perhaps all of you didn't know this, but the map and spirit medicine cultivation jade slips were prohibited goods in the Qitian Palace. They're not allowed to circulate, and if they're caught, then they'll be captured. If they're not exiled, then they're sentenced to death! "    


Feng Yimo nodded his head. What the old man said was right. According to his understanding in the afternoon, medicinal Map Jade Chips were prohibited in Qitian Palace. Once a shop sold medicinal Map Jade Chips, it would be exterminated! Moreover, Qitian Palace itself monopolized the planting of spiritual herbs. It was for the sake of controlling all cultivation resources. Other people were not allowed to privately plant spiritual herbs. Even the various experience jade slips for planting spiritual herbs were not allowed to be sold at will!    


He did not know why so many people wanted maps. In any case, he was determined.    


He heard Wan Lizi continue. "But wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance. For shops like ours, if you don't make some money on the map, you won't be able to find the map. However, the price of the map is not cheap. " In order to conceal the Map Jade Chip trade, this trade fair will also carry out the transaction of other items. Moreover, during the transaction, no one is allowed to leave the place! "    


Everyone, Jian Wanli Zi, spoke very seriously. They all nodded their heads one after another, expressing their understanding.    


"The entire Qitian Palace is divided into ten First Grade Cultivation Country, seventy-eight Second Grade Cultivation Country, and three hundred and three Third Grade Cultivation Country. A Third Grade Cultivation Country map costs three thousand spirit stones, a Second Grade Cultivation Country map costs fifty thousand spirit stones, and a First Grade Cultivation Country map costs one million spirit stones! If you need a map of the entire Qitian Palace, Hehe, you can only buy ten First Grade Cultivation Country maps at the same time! Also, for some reason, there are some maps that only have a rough outline and no specific location. Wan Li said.    


Feng Yimo was dumbfounded. This Gathering Fate Bar was a good plan. How many spirit stones did it cost to divide a Qitian Palace into such a detailed map?    


Initially, he thought that he was very rich. Now, it seemed that he was a poor person!    


The key was that he did not know which Cultivation Country the spiritual spring was located in. Therefore, he needed a full set of maps. He could only buy ten First Grade Cultivation Country maps, which would cost him ten million spirit stones!    


At this moment, the cultivators at the scene started to raise their hands. Most of them wanted the maps of the Second Grade Cultivation Country. A few of them wanted the maps of the Third Grade Cultivation Country. They basically surrounded the three countries of Tianyuan, Tiandu, and Tianxiang. Feng Yimo was very surprised.    


He saw a decent looking middle-aged female cultivator buying a set of Map Jade Chips from Tiandu. He cupped his hands and asked. "Fellow Daoist, this way please. May I ask why you want to buy the map of Tiandu?"    


The female cultivator was very dissatisfied with being disturbed. However, when she saw Feng Yimo's handsome and elegant appearance, her eyes lit up and her plump body almost touched him. She said in a soft voice, "Brother, why are you buying a map of the Heavenly Capital Kingdom? "Little brother, you don't know yet, do you? It is rumored that in the borders of the Heaven's Origin, Heaven's Capital, and Heaven's Prosperous, a Qilin Holy Beast appeared! If you can see it, not only will it increase your fortune, but if you can obtain the Qilin blood or the scales on its body, it will also be priceless!"    


Qilin? Feng Yimo found it funny. As a legendary Holy Beast, it could instantly kill a Deification Period warrior. It was impossible for it to exist in Hongming Continent. It seemed like it was just a rumor spread by a shop like Ju Yuan Square to sell medicinal Map Jade Chips. The map of the three countries alone was sold for more than 200 pieces, and he had obtained more than 10 million spirit stones.    


Seeing that Feng Yimo didn't seem to believe it, the female cultivator became anxious. "This is true! A Golden Core Middle Period warrior saw the Qilin, but who knew that the Qilin spat out a mouthful of immortal Qi. He fainted, and when he woke up, he was already a Golden Core Late Period warrior! "    


"En, this old man has also heard of this rumor. That's why I came all the way here to see if I have the chance to see the Qilin Holy Beast!" An old man beside him chimed in.    


Feng Yimo's heart stirred. He took out a million spirit stones and bought the medicinal Cultivation Countrys of the First Grade Cultivation Country, Qi Huan Kingdom, which belonged to the three countries of Tian Yuan, Tian Tiandu, and Tianxiang.    


According to his experience, the Qilin he saw in the unconscious medicinal Golden Core Cultivator wasn't a real Qilin Holy Beast, but rather an extremely special type of spirit energy. That was why he was able to give him the so-called "immortal energy" and allow him to increase his cultivation realm!    


Following that, Wan Lizi started to promote all kinds of spirit medicine cultivation jade slips, from the Third Grade spirit medicine, medicinal Fourth Level Spiritual Medicines to the Sixth Grade spirit medicine. He had everything he wanted, but he still divided them into low, middle, and high grades. One set cost thousands, or tens of thousands of spirit stones.    


However, the demand for spirit medicine cultivation jade slips was greatly reduced, so he didn't sell many of them in total. In the end, Feng Yimo spent 100,000 spirit stones to buy three sets of jade slips for rank 6 spirit herbs.    


Wan Lizi wasn't disappointed, and he started to sell other things. Feng Yimo wasn't interested because he had agreed that he wouldn't be allowed to leave until the end of the trade fair. He could only wait quietly for the trade fair to end.    


"This is a strange token. I don't know which ancient sect it belongs to. Although I have yet to discover its use, it is very hard. Even the High Grade Magic Treasure can't hurt it. This gathering fate store is selling it at a special price of 50,000 spirit stones." Just as Feng Yimo was feeling bored, Wan Lizi suddenly raised a palm-sized black wooden token and said.    


Feng Yimo was stunned for a moment. He could see it clearly. It was a Soul Suppressing Tablet in Wan Lizi's hand, but the pattern on it was a ferocious three-eyed monster.    


When the people below heard what Wan Lizi said, they all curled their lips and looked at him with disdain. A broken sign was sold for 50,000 spirit stones. He must be crazy for being poor.    


When Wan Lizi saw no reaction from the people below, he was somewhat disappointed. He said, "This is the last time. 45,000 spirit stones. It can't be any lower."    


"I want it!" Feng Yimo raised his hand and stood up under the surprised gazes of the people beside him. He came to Wan Lizi's side and said, "45,000 spirit stones. I will buy this sign."    


Wan Lizi was delighted and quickly said, "Okay, deal!"    


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