Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C679 Divine Power Pill

C679 Divine Power Pill

Feng Yimo didn't really pass out, but pretended to be like this. Otherwise, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of others.    


He closed his eyes, but the Great Wisdom Eye could clearly see Liu Yuanbi reaching out two fingers and placing them on his wrist. A strange spirit energy entered his meridians.    


Feng Yimo immediately understood what Liu Yuanbi was thinking. If he was an ordinary warrior, he wouldn't be able to withstand the spirit energy condensed by a cultivator. It was like a person who had been sick for a long time couldn't be injected with medicine at once. If he didn't receive any nourishment, his meridians and body would be damaged.    


What a vicious guy. For personal grudges, he actually disregarded the interests of Liuyu City. His heart could be killed!    


Feng Yimo suppressed his anger. With a thought, he quietly activated the devouring power. That wisp of spirit energy was completely devoured as if it had never appeared before. However, before his dantian generated a trace of spirit energy, he released his spirit energy to prevent himself from being discovered.    


In public, if he was recognized as a cultivator, he would not have to leave Xingyi City alive.    


A moment later, Liu Ruomei happily returned and successfully retrieved the reward. She didn't notice Feng Yimo's strange behavior. She helped him leave the arena and returned to Yunke Restaurant.    


"Hehe, kid, let's see how you fight with this young master!" Liu Yuanbi looked at Feng Yimo's departing back and said in a low and gloomy voice.    


After returning to the restaurant, not long after, Feng Yimo pretended to wake up. Liu Ruomei handed over a diamond card with four million Spirit Crystals inside. Feng Yimo quickly thanked her, but Liu Ruomei waved her hand and went back to her room.    


Today, there was no need to draw lots at the ball. Using one's toes to think, one would know that their next opponent was definitely a Xiantian warrior. It seemed like behind the entire ball was the shadow of Thousand Mountain Casino. They would use this to control the entire competition and let the warriors they chose win in order to obtain higher profits.    


For example, with Feng Yimo's performance in front of him, Although they won one after another, the gamblers still placed their treasures on the side they thought had a higher chance of winning in order to be safe and seek greater benefits. This way, Thousand Mountain Casino would be able to earn a lot of money.    


In the seventh round, there were only 130 people left. What made Feng Yimo feel strange was that in the sixth round, Qing Yu got a lucky draw to avoid fighting and entered the seventh round.    


What disappointed Feng Yimo was that in the remaining two chances, she could not kill the only Fenng Yu in the Pengjia City.    


After a night of rest, Feng Yimo came to the arena in high spirits. Liu Yuanbi's eyes almost popped out. Why did this kid look like he was fine? Impossible!    


But no matter what, Feng Yimo appeared alive and kicking, making Liu Yuanbi very depressed and unhappy.    


One hundred and thirty people, divided into seventy-five pairs, and then selected fifty people from these seventy-five people to represent Hsingyi Mansion and participate in the Ao Lai Province competition.    


This time, Feng Yimo's opponent was a martial artist named Qu Luan. He looked to be in his forties and looked ordinary. However, his eyes emitted an oppressive light that made people not dare to look directly at him.    


The two of them cupped their fists and greeted each other. There was no need to exchange names. After a few rounds, they were already very familiar with each other. Before the battle, Chief Steward Tai came to find Feng Yimo again and asked him to place his bets according to yesterday's method. However, the ratio had changed to 1: 1. This was because Feng Yimo had displayed extraordinary strength and had naturally increased his value.    


Feng Yimo did not hesitate to place his bet on winning. It was still two million medicinal Spirit Crystals.    


"Please!" Qu Luan extended his hand very politely, indicating for Feng Yimo to attack first. Feng Yimo smiled faintly and did not stand on ceremony. He still used the Monument Opening Palm. He stood up with one palm and hacked at Qu Luan on the opposite side.    


Qu Luan also struck out with his palm. The palm wind seemed weak and weak, but it was filled with killing intent. In a daze, Feng Yimo used the Great Wisdom Eye to see a blue steel needle between his fingers.    


It was actually a poisonous needle. This guy wanted to plot against him!    


Seeing Qu Luan's inner thoughts, Feng Yimo flew into a rage. This fellow was vicious. Using despicable means to deal with him was truly detestable!    


Feng Yimo sneered in his heart. How could a mere poisonous creature do anything to him? It was better to play along with his plan. When he thought of this, his palm continued to slap out and collided with Qu Luan's palm.    




Both of them took a step back. Just as Feng Yimo was about to rub his body, his expression suddenly changed drastically. A layer of black Qi rose from his body. He pointed at Qu Luan angrily and shouted, "You, you actually used poison!"    


Qu Luan looked at Feng Yimo's expression and suddenly raised his head and laughed. His right hand was behind his back and hid the poisonous needle. He said, "There is no deception in war. This is a battle of life and death. What kind of means can't be used? I originally thought that you were a powerful character, but who would have thought that you were so pure. Brat, accept your death!"    


After he finished speaking, Qu Luan leaped up and jumped twenty feet into the air. He slammed his palm towards Feng Yimo's head like a huge rock pressing down on him. In his opinion, this Liu Duansheng was already poisoned, so he naturally wouldn't have any strength to resist and let him slaughter him as he pleased.    


Just as Qu Luan's palm was about to hit Feng Yimo's head, Feng Yimo, whose face was covered in black Qi, had a smirk on his face. His evil plan had succeeded, which made Qu Luan cry out in his heart. He pulled back his palm and turned around, trying to avoid the attack. Unfortunately, it was too late. Feng Yimo's powerful Palm of Opening Stone suddenly hit Qu Luan's arm. With a cracking sound, his arm was broken, and he was sent flying dozens of feet away.    


"You are so despicable, pretending to be poisoned!" Qu Luan's forehead was covered in sweat from the pain. He gritted his teeth and growled.    


Feng Yimo's expression returned to normal. He smiled and said, "Same here. The boss won't talk about the second brother."    


Qu Luan endured the pain and stuffed something into his mouth with his left hand. After swallowing it, his face immediately turned red. His eyes were bloodshot and bulging muscles. He roared like a beast. His broken right arm recovered at a visible speed. His entire body emitted a majestic aura as he walked towards Feng Yimo step by step.    


Dong! Dong! Dong!    


Every step he took was like a moving mountain. The earth shook and the mountains shook. The arena made a screeching sound, as if it could collapse at any moment.    


Not good, he had eaten the Divine Power Pill!    


Feng Yimo was secretly shocked. Yesterday, he had been guarding against Lei Meng, thinking that there was only one Divine Power Pill. He did not know that he had also gotten one from today's chaos. At this moment, he had completely transformed into a human-shaped monster. He was extremely strong!    


Qu Luan spat out a boiling hot breath from his mouth. His eyes were staring straight at Feng Yimo, full of the desire to kill the person in front of him.    




Qu Luan stomped his right foot on the ground. Bang! With a sound, a deep hole suddenly appeared. His body shot toward Feng Yimo like a cannonball. The air between the two of them spread rapidly due to the impact of ten times their strength, stirring up a strong wind.    


Even from dozens of feet away, Feng Yimo could feel Qu Luan's cold killing intent and powerful strength. If he used all of his strength, he might be able to face this person head on. However, he didn't want to expose his strength too early. What should he do?    


The numerous countermeasures in his mind were all rejected one by one. Suddenly, he smiled. He jumped and used his chest to meet Qu Luan's fist.    


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