Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C694 They Trapped Ren Ningqi

C694 They Trapped Ren Ningqi

"Fei Fei, you can only blame yourself for being too greedy. You and I have a good time together. It's not suitable for us anymore. It's better to just leave each other like this. " But you insist on pestering me. If father finds out, This matter, I, as the first successor, will be stripped of my position. For the position of Prefecture Master, I will have to sacrifice you. Letting you lie in my arms and die is also a good thing, to prevent a beauty like you from falling into someone else's embrace. " Ren Ningqi said.    


You, you want to kill me? " Yu Feifei opened her eyes wide and a layer of fog covered her eyes. "You want to kill me for the position of Prefecture Master?"    


"Who asked you to not know what's good for you? It's not that you did not compensate me. I will give you ten thousand high grade Primeval Stones. And the Highest Grade Magic Treasure Snow Phoenix Hairpin, it's just that you are too greedy and unsatisfied!"    


"Hahaha, good, very good indeed. I, Yu Feifei, am blind. I fell in love with a heartless fellow like you. Retribution, retribution!" Yu Feifei laughed bitterly. Circulating the spirit energy around her body, the snow white jade body bulged up one blood vessel after another. She actually wanted to forcefully break through the restrictions on her body.    


Ren Ningqi sighed, "Why do you need to do this?" After he finished speaking, he bent his finger twice and pointed at Yu Feifei's smooth and creamy lower abdomen. The Dantian Spiritual Sea was broken and her cultivation was reduced to nothing. The second point was pointed at Yu Feifei's chest.    


The originally beautiful woman instantly aged. Her smooth jade-like skin was wrinkled, as if a tree bark was draped over a skeleton, and she was on the verge of death.    


Ren Ningqi thought about how he was still in a relationship with such a woman just now, and could not help but shiver. He quickly walked towards the entrance of the cave. "Since you like this place, you can stay here and fend for yourself."    


"Ren Ningqi, have... have you heard of the Equal Life Spear?" Yu Feifei did not beg and no longer roared crazily. Instead, she panted and said.    


Ren Ningqi stopped in his tracks. "The Equal Fate Spear? What is this thing?"    


Yu Feifei's hair drifted down, revealing her wrinkled bald head. Her teeth also fell off one by one, and her lips trembled. She smiled and said, "Same Life Sha is a type of strange poison, normally nothing much. However, once one of the lovers who consumed this poison dies, the other one will soon die as well, which is why it is called the same Life Sha!"    


Ren Ningqi had a bad feeling. He hurriedly checked his body, but he did not find anything. He sternly asked, "You poisoned me with the Equal of Life poison? When did this happen?"    


Yu Feifei struggled and laid down. She put on a comfortable posture and slowly said, "Just when you entered my body, Don't you feel very happy when you are running around? Hahaha. I didn't expect it. No matter how stupid I am, I have been tricked once. I am going to die. Not long after I die, Brother Qi, I, I really love you! I love you... "    


Yu Feifei let out a long breath and finally finished the journey of her life. She turned into a pile of bones and laid quietly on the bed that was filled with the smell of two people.    


Just as Yu Feifei was about to die, Ren Ningqi felt a kind of poison in his body spreading rapidly along his meridians. He was scared out of his wits. He quickly pressed his fingers on many acupuncture points on his body, trying to stop the spreading of the poison.    


However, the poison only slowed down and could not be stopped. Ren Ningqi quickly wiped his Storage Ring and took out a few detoxification pills. He stuffed them into his mouth and used his spirit energy to activate them, but it was still ineffective.    


"No, I have to go back quickly and ask my father for help!" Ren Ningqi ignored Yu Feifei's corpse and flew out of the cave.    




His body heavily hit a layer of transparent barrier and was bounced back. In a hurry, he did not notice that there were a few spiritual restrictions at the entrance of the cave.    


"Who is it? "Don't you know that I am First Young Master, the Prefecture Master? Come out quickly!"    


Ren Ningqi's heart skipped a beat. His cave abode had been set up without a sound. Who was the one who felt sorry for him?    


"Smack! Smack!" Feng Yimo appeared from a shadow at the entrance of the cave. He clapped his hands and said, "It's wonderful. It's really wonderful. Not only did I see a living erotic painting, but I also saw a scene of couples killing each other! The young master of the Prefecture is indeed extraordinary." He recovered his cultivation and turned into an unfamiliar young cultivator.    


Ren Ningqi looked at the unfamiliar young man. This young man's cultivation base was only at the peak of Nascent Infant realm. If it was any other time, he would have killed several of them with a single palm strike. Now that the poison had spread throughout his body, he had no time to pay attention to this young man. "Who are you? Hurry up and remove the spiritual seal!"    


Feng Yimo initially wanted to watch the show, but who would have thought that he would witness Ren Ningqi's shamelessness. Yu Feifei was cruel, and he wanted to drag Ren Ningqi down even if he died. Initially, he didn't want to fight, but he knew that Ren Ningqi was poisoned, so he secretly set up the seal. As long as he trapped this young man for a moment, he would die from the poison. He didn't need to do anything. He sneered and said, "Ren First Young Master, are you going to let me go after I remove the seal? Or do you think you can give me any benefits?"    


Ren Ningqi was anxious. He said with a gloomy face, "As long as you let me go, I can swear that I will not hold you responsible. I will give you a Highest Grade Magic Treasure, 100,000 Yuan Stones!"    


Feng Yimo curled his lips and said with a sneer, "The dignified Prefecture Master, First Young Master, is worth a Highest Grade Magic Treasure, a hundred thousand Origin Stones? This is too ridiculous."    


"Then how much do you want?" Ren Ningqi suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.    


"Two Doctrine Artifacts and a hundred thousand high-grade Primeval Stones!"    


"Impossible!" Ren Ningqi screamed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, "Kid, being greedy doesn't end well."    


Feng Yimo activated the Great Wisdom Eye and took care of Ren Ningqi. He found that he could see through Ren Ningqi's thoughts, but Ren Ningqi seemed to be unaware of it. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and asked, "Who is your mother?"    


Ren Ningqi was stunned. He couldn't help but think of his mother. "Why are you asking this? Quickly remove the spiritual restriction!"    


"What do you like? Hmm, lecherous and gambling, what are the characteristics of your brothers and sisters?"    


"What treasures do you have in the treasure vault of Hsingyi Mansion? How do we open it? "    


"Who else has the highest cultivation base in the entire Hsingyi Mansion other than the Prefecture Master?"    


"Who else?" ...    


As Feng Yimo asked the questions one by one, although Ren Ningqi didn't want to answer them, he couldn't help but think of the answers to Feng Yimo's questions. He was puzzled. What was this man trying to do?    


Hmm, not good. He was stalling for time, waiting for his poison to take effect! Ren Ningqi suddenly realized something. He took out the black scimitar. He aimed it at the Spirit Restriction!    




The spiritual seal flickered and his Yuan Qi surged. It was violently shaken by his attack, causing Feng Yimo's heart to be in the air. When he saw that the spiritual seal he had set up had blocked the attack of a Deification Middle Period warrior, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


After hundreds of years of accumulation and accumulation, Feng Yimo's attainments in the Dao of Formations had already surpassed that of a master craftsman, and he had entered the level of a master of the Dao of Formations.    


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