Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C729 Dry Mysterious Technique

C729 Dry Mysterious Technique

Moreover, in the Storage Ring of the red-nosed demonic path, Feng Yimo also found a rare cultivation method: Withering Mysterious Art!    


Withering Mysterious Art was similar to the Soul Concealment Art. However, the former was the life force of a needle against a person. When cultivated successfully, one could conceal one's life force. Once used, one's entire person seemed to have become a piece of wood, a stone, without any life force. In other words, from a living person to a "dead person," fake death!    


However, the Withering Mysterious Art was divided into three levels. The first level was "dead wood," which meant that the cultivator would turn into a piece of wood. Even if the Cultivator of the Deification Period faced it face to face, it would not be able to tell whether it was real or fake death. One must know that cultivators had Divine Senses that allowed them to sense everything. They relied on the perception of the aura of life. If a person concealed the aura of life, then it would be as if he had become a member of thousands of dead objects, avoiding the pursuit.    


The red-nosed demonic path cultivated this technique, allowing it to escape many times when it was being pursued.    


The second level, Withered Wood Rejuvenates Spring. Once the Withering Mysterious Technique enters the second level, it will have the divine effect of reviving the dead. As long as one's body is not blasted to pieces, one will be able to narrowly escape death and come back to life! However, the second level was extremely difficult to cultivate. Even the Red Nose Demonic Dao, who had cultivated the Withering Mysterious Technique for nearly a thousand years, had only cultivated to the perfection of the first level.    


The third level, fight to the death! This level was somewhat vicious, because by using the third level, one could plunder the life force of others for their own use! One thing was clear, cultivators could absorb the life force of others to replenish their own life force, thus obtaining an even longer lifespan!    


Seeing the Withering Mysterious Technique, even though Feng Yimo disdained to fight to the death at the third level, he was full of expectations for the first and second levels. If he succeeded in cultivating it, he would have a chance to increase his chances of survival. * Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!    


Therefore, Feng Yimo was not afraid of the pursuit of the Yueping Manor. As long as he sent Liu Ruomei back to the Liuyu City, he would be like a fish returning to the sea, allowing her to roam freely. However, if he wanted to obtain the Essence Transforming Pill and Cleansing Dust Pill, he would have to think of another way.    


Fortunately, Ren Xiao was responsible for this, so he was not in a hurry to escape. However, when he turned around and left, he felt Ding Haoyue's murderous gaze and knew that this matter would not be good. What should he do?    


He cast his gaze at the Spirit Restriction in Lord Mansion.    


According to Feng Yimo's judgment of the Ding Family, even if he could bring Liu Ruomei away from the Lord Mansion for the sake of Hsingyi Mansion, he would still take his life halfway. Then, should he still be polite to them?    


As an Array Master, he surpassed Spiritual Array Masters. However, he could easily change the structure of the Ding Family's Spiritual Restriction, turning it from a Defense Array and Spirit Gathering Formation into a killing array!    


Thinking up to here, Feng Yimo unfolded the Great Wisdom Eye and saw through the entire Ding Manor's spirit restriction. Next, he changed it.    


However, in front of so many cultivators, what should he do to turn the defensive array into a killing array without anyone noticing?    


Feng Yimo looked at Liu Ruomei who was still in a daze and secretly sighed. She was a rich young lady and had never experienced such a dangerous scene. She was quite frightened and asked, "Second Miss, are you alright?"    


Liu Ruomei turned her head and suddenly threw herself into Feng Yimo's arms. She started to sob loudly.    


Feng Yimo was at a loss and did not know what to do. He raised his hands and did not know where to put them. "Second Miss, Second Miss, you are..."    


"Wuwuwu. I don't care. I just want to hug you and cry!" Liu Ruomei's rough voice sounded almost like a rogue. She also reached out and hugged Feng Yimo's waist. Her skin stuck to his body like glue.    


There was nothing he could do. Feng Yimo let out a long sigh. He could only let Liu Ruomei hug him and let her cry for a while. Her body was wet and her snot and tears flowed.    


"Thank you, Severed Life. If not for you today, I would have been captured by him!" Liu Ruomei let go of her hands and looked at Feng Yimo with tears.    


Feng Yimo smiled and said, "Nothing. Oh right. Second Miss, do you know why a dignified Void Refinement Period warrior wanted to capture you? "    


Liu Ruomei looked confused and shook her head.    


Feng Yimo thought for a while and said in a low voice," Ren Xingkong of Hsingyi Mansion wants to marry you, and the Second Master of Yue Ding Prefecture wants to capture you. The common thing is that they are all Void Refinement Period warriors. Even if Second Master found out that you are a girl, he would not arrest you for no reason. Could it be that you have some secret? "    


Liu Ruomei smiled bitterly. She had no idea what was going on.    


Seeing Liu Ruomei's sad expression, Feng Yimo didn't say anything else. He secretly planned to not let any Void Refinement Period warriors see her in the future.    


In the evening, the Ding Mansion held a banquet to welcome Ren Xiao and the others. Second Miss, Elder Lu and the others were holding a banquet in the main hall. The Nascent Infant servants and warriors were all in the courtyard. The atmosphere was harmonious.    


Ding Haoyue, Ren Xiao, and Second Miss and Ren Biyao said these words. The Ding Mansion's Second Young Master, Ding Zhiwei, and Third Young Master Ding Yingjie were accompanying them.    


After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Ren Xiao vaguely mentioned that he wanted to pay a visit to the Prefecture Master, Ding Dongqiu. Ding Haoyue used the Prefecture Master's seclusion as an excuse to stall for time. Ren Xiao did not insist anymore.    


Just when the banquet was about to end, a person strode in from outside with a 15-16 year old young man in his hand.    




That person threw the Si in his hand onto the ground and cupped his fists at Ding Haoyue. "Reporting to First Young Master, I ran into Ding Ce on the way back to the city and brought him back."    


Ding Haoyue looked at Ding Ce, who was lying on the ground. He shouted, "Ding Ce, when did you leave the city? "Why don't you take a good look at the soul card room?"    


Ding Ce was shaking all over, as if he was seriously ill. He shook his head and said, "Master, master, master, master, master, master's natal soul cards and natal soul cards are broken!"    


"What?" Ding Haoyue stood up and poured the wine in front of him. The wine fell to the ground. "You... "What did you say?"    


"I checked my natal soul token during the day and found that the master's natal soul token had become several pieces. I was scared and scared of being punished, so... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I..."    


Ding Haoyue did not wait for him to finish his sentence. He did not even greet Ren Xiao. He disappeared in a flash. Ding Zhiwei and Ding Yingjie followed him to the soul card room. "Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master... Master...    


The three of them rushed to the Soul Card Room in front and two behind. They found that the soul tokens placed at the top had been broken into six or seven pieces and scattered on the shelves.    




Ding Haoyue's face was pale as he fell to the ground. "Impossible. How... how is this possible?"    


Ding Zhiwei and Ding Yingjie were dumbstruck and at a loss for what to do, and their minds went blank.    




The figure next to them flashed. Second Master Ding Baozhen, who had received the news, appeared. He looked at the shattered Natal Soul Token in a daze and found it hard to believe as well. "Big Brother..."    


The Ding family members who had rushed over one after another saw an unacceptable scene. They were in extreme pain. They cried and cried, and the entire Ding family was instantly thrown into chaos.    


Ren Xiao and the others' eyes were filled with shock. The dignified Lord of the Ding Family was actually dead?    


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