Omnipotent Cellphone

C871 Roundness

C871 Roundness

At this moment, Ruan Meihong realized that Jiang Xiaobai was a little unhappy, but she couldn't understand why Jiang Xiaobai was unhappy.    


"Exactly! "It was all thanks to Assistant Jiang's strong support that we were able to make so much progress."    


Jiang Xiaobai felt very refreshed after hearing it. He felt that this Ruan Meihong was really different.    


"Boss Wang, right now, we are not only cooperating with each other, we will also be very good neighbors in the future. If you have time, come over for a meal. Director Wu will definitely welcome you."    


Boss Wang also raised his glass. He felt that it was an honor to be neighbours with Director Wu.    


He felt that he had been tricked by Miss Slight Chill. If he had known that he and Director Wu were neighbors, he would have gotten along a long time ago.    


"That's a must, as long as you guys don't mind, my family's thrush will definitely come often. Look at him, he has such a good relationship with Director Wu."    


Tang Mei beamed and said, "That's right, I feel that fate has brought us together. We've been separated for so many years and I thought we would never meet again. I didn't expect to live next door. I'm really careless."    


Han Yuxi felt extremely dizzy. She took a few jars of the pickled vegetables she had made in the past few days and placed them next to her thrush.    


"I'm feeling a bit dizzy, so I won't accompany you guys to your rooms to sleep. I made these small dishes myself, so when you leave, take a few jars with you to eat."    


The thrush is very joyful, she loves to eat these things the most, but she doesn't know how to cook, see Han Yuxi make so much still to give to him.    


"Hurry up and go rest. I will help you with the rest. I guarantee that when you get up, everything will be clean and clean."    


Jiang Xiaobai did not believe the words of the thrush. Seeing how fat he was, how could he do so many household chores? Director Wu would be angry if she broke the plate with the family. Thinking of this, he didn't dare ask the thrush for help.    


"Auntie, let me do this. How can you dirty your hands? Besides, you are my guest, so you can help me pack my things. Then I will be derelict in my duty. Director Wu may expel me soon."    


Then, he stopped trying to help Jiang Xiaobai, afraid that he would make things difficult for him.    


"I was planning to help. Now that you mention it, I really don't dare to help anymore. If I make a mistake and it will affect you, then I'm very sorry."    


Boss Wang glanced at the thrush. He felt that not only was he very well-behaved and good with his words, but he was also a lot more comfortable than Boss Wang.    


"If you're done eating, then go back first. We still have to stay here for half a day to drink."    


Tou Mei stood up obediently. He knew that Boss Wang didn't like me beside him, even though he wanted to guard here, especially Ruan Meihong.    


This made him feel extremely uncomfortable. He felt that this girl was like a fox spirit that could hook away his husband at any time.    


However, after knowing that Feng Jiu was Ruan Meihong's boyfriend, he was relieved. He felt that with his boyfriend guarding Ruan Meihong, he wouldn't dare to be brazen no matter what, so he walked away with ease.    


"Alright, husband, I'll be going first. Drink slowly. I'll go back and prepare a bath. You come back early and take a bath so you can sleep."    


Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect him to be so easy to talk to. He left so quickly. If it wasn't for Ruan Meihong, this great beauty, he wouldn't have been worried at all.    


This made him very suspicious in his heart, but he couldn't brazenly remind Thrushcross. If he was allowed to stay here, he would definitely eat everything up on the table today.    


Moreover, he seemed to have gained a lot of weight. After he left, it would be much easier for them to talk.    


"Auntie, let me walk you out. The last time you came, you accidentally tripped. We have a small staircase here."    


Tou Mei was so happy that she couldn't even close her mouth. To have such handsome and handsome young man being so attentive to her was such a great feeling. Compared to her husband, the difference was like heaven and earth!    


She looked at her stiff face every day as if she was high up in the sky. How could she be as considerate as Jiang Xiaobai? It made her feel infinitely good.    


She wished she could marry him. However, after knowing that he was Han Yuxi's boyfriend, a feeling of despair arose in her heart. Why did other people have to find such a considerate and loving boyfriend?    


He didn't manage to find someone as good as Boss Wang, but he managed to find someone as poor as Boss Wang. Even so, Boss Wang didn't like him at all.    


He always wore his beard and blew at his eyes, always staying far away from her, causing him to feel extremely uncomfortable. He felt that he had already worked very hard, so why couldn't he get her to fall in love? But thinking about her fat body, she felt very inferior.    


"You're really considerate, Han Yuxi really makes people jealous when she finds a boyfriend like you. It's a pity that I'm old now. If I were a bit younger, I'd want to find a guy as beautiful as you."    


Jiang Xiaobai quickly boasted, "Auntie, you look very young now too. You can find a man who likes you, but you only have Boss Wang in your eyes, so if you pay too much attention to him, you can open your eyes and walk around outside."    


Tang Mei felt that her hair was floating as she walked. She had never heard such nice words spoken before.    


"Thank you so much, you should hurry back. My husband is definitely waiting for you to drink. Be a bit happier tonight. Tomorrow, I will also give you guys a small gift so that you can have a taste."    


Jiang Xiaobai nodded his head repeatedly. Actually, he did not want to eat the food sent over by the thrush. He felt that the food he cooked was definitely not tasty.    


Seeing how greedy he looked when he was eating in his own house, he knew that he definitely had never eaten anything good before.    


"I appreciate your kindness. My family's Han Yuxi is a clever and shrewd person. She can't finish all the food in her house, so don't send anything. If you send more, it will be a waste. We only have one stomach."    


He felt that he could live on eating it for the next few days. He loved to eat the dishes he made by hand the most, but he didn't feel at ease buying them outside.    


"Then I'll be going."    


Jiang Xiaobai looked at his back as he walked away. He thought to himself that this woman shouldn't come to his house often. If she did, it would be a burden to him!    


When he returned to the restaurant, Boss Wang immediately gave her a very friendly smile.    


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