Omnipotent Cellphone

C51 Agree to Visit

C51 Agree to Visit

"Dad, you can't do this. I won't study abroad. I definitely won't study abroad!"    


Han Yuxi was scared. Didn't her father want her to study in order to separate the two of them? How could she agree?    


"It's not up to you!" Han Chengtian snorted and stood up. He looked at Wang Xiuqin and said, "Qin'er, take Yuxi back to her room!"    


"Mom …" Han Yuxi pleaded.    


"Yuxi, go back to your room with mom first. Mom has something to tell you!" Wang Xiuqin stepped forward and took her daughter's hand.    


Just as Han Yuxi was about to say something, she was stopped by Wang Xiuqin. "Mom is supporting you. Don't worry, if there's anything you need, go back to your room and think of it!"    


Han Yuxi thought for a moment before nodding.    




Han Yuxi and Wang Xiuqin left the hall.    


Han Chengtian said angrily, "Yuxi is so outrageous!"    


"Chengtian, don't worry, Yuxi is still young. In the future, she will understand!" Han Cheng said with a smile.    


Han Chengtian, however, sighed. "Brother, Yuxi's a little stubborn. I'm afraid …"    


"Second brother, a woman must marry the right person. Otherwise, she will suffer for the rest of her life. Yuxi is still young and doesn't know much, but as elders, we must control our minds and not let her do whatever she wants!"    


It was a woman who looked to be in her forties. She was dressed in jewellery and dressed in fashion. Her name was Han Honghong, Han Chengtian and Han Chengdi's sister, who was Han Yuxi's sister-in-law.    


Han family, the big brother was Han Cheng, the second brother was Han Chengtian, and the third sister was Han Honghong.    


Saying that, Han Honghong looked towards the man and woman standing behind Han Chengdi, "Xiao Lan is really worrisome, she found a man as good as Zhenggang!"    


"Auntie, you're too kind!" The man and woman standing behind Han Chengdi were his daughter, Han Lanlan, and her son-in-law, Xu Zhenggaang. Han Lanlan had previously praised them, but in reality, she was slightly raising her head with a proud expression on her face.    


"Of course, Zhenggang is not bad!" Han Cheng proudly smiled and praised his son-in-law: "Zhenggang is already the Deputy General Manager of Baisheng Trading Company.    


Right now, the Baisheng Group of Qin family is in a state of upheaval, the position of the higher ups is obviously changing, Zhenggang is very hopeful of advancing another step, Zhenggang is only 31 this year, he walked step by step to this position, there are indeed not many people of the same age that are able to find him. "    


As for his son-in-law, Xu Zhenggaang, he could not stop himself from saying, "Although Zhenggang was also a college student, he didn't have any background.    


However, at the very least, her academic performance is outstanding. After receiving several years of scholarships from the academy and easily getting into a graduate student from a first-rate university in the country, her senior year of university is also not bad for her.    


"Therefore, we all agree with Zhenggang and Xiao Lan, because even though Zhenggang didn't have anything at that time, but he had potential, but this Jiang Xiaobai, what does he have? Orphans, poor, poor academic performance, a third-rate university... "    


"There's no way to compare him to Zhenggang. Even he wants to marry Yuxi. He's really a toad trying to eat a swan's meat!"    


"Dad, I'm embarrassed from what you said!" Xu Zhenggaang said with a smile. He was wearing a black casual suit with short hair and a black eye-frame.    


"Big brother did not give me any rewards. Zhenggang, Xiaolan will marry you. I've found it!" Han Honghong agreed. She was also a hundred times satisfied with Xu Zhenggaang.    


"Second Uncle, I can't let Yuxi be. She doesn't know how to act right now. If she goes down the wrong path, she'll regret it in the future!"    


Beside Xu Zhenggaang, Han Lanlan, who wore a famous brand name, held Xu Zhenggaang's arm and was extremely intimate with him. She couldn't help but look at Han Chengtian.    


"Not everyone who starts from scratch can be like my family's Xu Zhenggaang. Most university students are desperate after graduation. That Jiang Xiaobai might not even be able to match up to ordinary university students, and will probably become a social worm."    


Han Chengtian sighed again and nodded slightly, "Zhenggang is not bad. That Jiang Xiaobai is incomparable to you."    


His tone was full of envy. If Jiang Xiaobai was as outstanding as Xu Zhenggaang, then he wouldn't need to beat up the lovers. But in this world, how many Xu Zhenggaang were left?    


"Second Brother, if you want my opinion, why don't you agree that Jiang Xiaobai will come to our house tomorrow!" Han Honghong suddenly said.    




"If we let that brat come to our home, he will naturally understand that he and Yuxi's Han family and his body are from two completely different worlds. He will retreat after knowing the difficulties!" Han Honghong said with certainty.    


Han Chengtian's eyes lit up.    


"Besides, Zhenggang is also here. Tomorrow, when that brat meets Zhenggang, he will definitely feel inferior. In the future, he will definitely not have any presumptuous thoughts anymore!"    


Han Chengtian's eyes lit up. He nodded his head and said, "That being the case, I will agree to Yuxi's request and let Jiang Xiaobai come to my house tomorrow!"    


"Dad, you really agreed?" In the room, Han Yuxi stood up with a face full of surprise. She stared at Han Chengtian at the door, afraid that Han Chengtian would lie to her.    


Wang Xiuqin also stood up. Previously, she had been comforting and persuading her daughter. With her understanding of her husband, since Han Chengtian had already decided, he wouldn't change his mind.    


But who would have thought that it had only been a few minutes? Han Chengtian changed his mind. It was really weird.    


"En, I agree. Don't go back to that place today. Call Jiang Xiaobai and ask him to come over tomorrow morning. If he does well enough, pass me."    


"Then, in the future, not only will I not stop you from dating him, I can even turn a blind eye to you living in his apartment!" Han Chengtian nodded.    


"Dad, thank you. You're so nice!" Han Yuxi was so excited that her face turned red.    


"Qin'er, go downstairs! Let Yuxi and that brat talk on the phone! " Han Chengtian looked at Wang Xiuqin again.    


"Alright!" Wang Xiuqin nodded and walked out of her daughter's room. She was filled with questions!    


After the door was closed, Han Yuxi quickly took out her phone and excitedly dialed Jiang Xiaobai's number.    


On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai just got home.    


"Lil 'White, I'm staying at home tonight. Come over tomorrow morning. My parents agreed to let you come over!" Han Yuxi said excitedly the moment her phone rang. She was like a child reporting to her parents.    


Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "Alright!"    


"Little White, you have to perform well tomorrow!" I believe in you! " Han Yuxi encouraged him before reluctantly hanging up.    


Splendid gold and jade.    


Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on the sofa.    


After he hung up, he couldn't help but frown.    


"So easily, you're willing to let me come knocking?" Jiang Xiaobai mumbled to himself. He had some doubts. Although he had never met Han Yuxi's parents before, Jiang Xiaobai knew them very well.    


"Yuxi's father can't be considered a powerful person, but he's also a proud and arrogant person. He won't allow his daughter to truly marry a poverty-stricken, orphan student."    


"I am so arrogant. For the time being, I don't think there is anything good about the background that Yuxi's father can find out about me. Although I have been good these two days, it is only one or two days after all."    


"Then, what made Yuxi's father agree to my visit so readily?"    


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