Divine Magic Doctor

C578 Chinese Medicine Should Not be Insulted

C578 Chinese Medicine Should Not be Insulted

Her gaze was very repulsive, especially what she had said just now, which once again aroused the blame of everyone.    


Everyone finally understood.    


Lin Xiaoshuang didn't plan to let Su Ming treat her at all, she just wanted him to help with acupuncture.    


He was going to step on Su Ming's shoulder to get the upper hand!    


At the same time, everyone also understood why there were so many reporters. It seemed like Lin Xiaoshuang was involved.    


As everyone thought, these reporters were indeed invited by her.    


His goal was obvious. While improving himself, he also wanted to suppress Su Ming.    


She wanted to prove that western medicine was better than traditional Chinese medicine.    


Once a woman became jealous, the consequences would be terrible.    


Su Ming was rather unlucky, but who could he blame? He could only blame himself for being too famous in the medical field.    


Hearing Lin Xiaoshuang's words, Su Ming shook his head.    


This confused Lin Xiaoshuang. She asked, "Dean Su just said that as long as I bring the person over, you'll be willing to help."    


"Yes, I did. But with your treatment, this person will be gone in less than a month! " Su Ming said plainly.    


"Principal Su, you haven't even seen my treatment plan, and you're already so certain? Isn't that too arbitrary? " Lin Xiaoshuang snorted coldly.    


"Arbitrary?" I think that person is you! "    


Su Ming glanced at Lin Xiaoshuang lightly, walked to the edge of the stage, and said into the microphone, "When you are found with hypothermia, it is not usually in the initial stages in western medicine, because in the early stages, the condition of the disease is similar to many other diseases, and you will also be treated as a general nerve injury."    


"Some patients are even less likely to notice or even to see a doctor. I bought some painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs from the drugstore and went home. It is because of this that the accretion becomes more severe. "    


"When the tests come out, it's usually in the middle and late stages. If the lucky patient meets a good doctor, then he'll live a little longer. With luck, not only is there no effective treatment, but the deterioration of the disease will also be accelerated. And this patient is the unfortunate one! "    


Su Ming pointed back at the patient with a trace of anger in his eyes.    


"Su Ming, you mean I made him become like this? If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't even be alive today! "    


Lin Xiaoshuang glared furiously at Su Ming, her eyes spitting fire.    


"Yes, you are the culprit. Originally, he still had three years to live, but because of you, he still had one month to live. Even if I follow your treatment plan and give him acupuncture, it won't change this fact! "    


Su Ming glared at Lin Xiaoshuang before striding to the patient's side.    


At this point, the large screen focused on the patient.    


All the cameras were also aimed at the patient.    


"Did you treat the patient by increasing his nutrition, strengthening his physique, and by providing him with medical protection of the nervous system? At the same time, neural conduction was activated by electric shock to measure the nerve conduction velocity. "    


Saying this, Su Ming turned to Lin Xiaoshuang and asked with a sneer, "The acupuncture points that you want me to use should be the meridians of the human body, the Middle Palace, the Yun Sect, the Heaven Palace, and the Heroic White …"    


Su Ming said dozens of acupuncture points in one go.    


On the other hand, Lin Xiaoshuang's face was pale as she held up her treatment plan.    


"How is that possible? How do you know? "    


Lin Xiaoshuang was stunned. What Su Ming said was exactly the same as what she had written down. Even her treatment method was pretty accurate.    


"How is that possible? He was the one who told me that he lost two years of his life due to your wrong treatment!"    


Su Ming shouted.    


"Look at Lin Xiaoshuang. Dean Su must be right."    


"Principal Su is really amazing. You even managed to see through it!"    


"This is what Chinese medicine calls" Wang Zhen ". It's really amazing. Just by looking at it, you can tell that there are so many things. "    


… ….    


The discussions started once again. Everyone's face was brimming with excitement, causing them to become even more interested in traditional Chinese medicine.    


"Su Ming, don't be complacent, aren't you amazing? "Then you can treat him. If you can treat him, I, Lin Xiaoshuang, will kowtow to you and admit my wrongs and withdraw from the medical realm!"    


Lin Xiaoshuang was unwilling to give up. So what if she failed? That patient had signed a contract with her before.    


Even if he died, it had nothing to do with him.    


Moreover, Lin Xiaoshuang was researching on the treatment of aplastic disease, so how could she not have failed in the process?    


Thinking up to this point, Lin Xiaoshuang's complexion seemed to have recovered quite a bit.    


At the same time, he looked at Su Ming with a playful expression.    


She wanted to force Su Ming into a corner.    


People that Lin Xiaoshuang couldn't cure, she didn't believe that Su Ming could be cured.    


What she meant was, how could Su Ming not guess it?    


Glancing at Lin Xiaoshuang, Su Ming said loudly in a cold voice, "Lin Xiaoshuang, the one who should kneel and apologize is him, not me. You are a doctor, and your duty is to treat your patients, not to use them as tools for you to become famous! "    


"Good!" Principal Su has said it well! "    


"Principal Su, we support you!"    


"Lin Xiaoshuang, get out of here immediately. We don't welcome you here, we don't welcome you in Nanning!"    


… ….    


Hearing Su Ming's words, the venue went out of control as the voices denouncing Lin Xiaoshuang became louder.    


Some of them even stood up and raised their mineral water bottles, trying to throw them onto the stage.    


Perhaps he was worried that if he hit Su Ming, he would give up.    


"Everyone, quiet!"    


Su Ming raised both of his hands horizontally, allowing the venue to slowly quieten down.    


"What I said to Lin Xiaoshuang was also said to all of you, including myself. I, Su Ming, have never thought of being famous, nor did I think of showing off my achievements. "    


"What we have to do is to face our patients and our own conscience. "Next, I'll let you all know, gradually freezing can actually be cured."    


"Nangong Bo, take out the silver needles!"    


Nangong Bo immediately ran forward and placed the silver needle in front of Su Ming.    


Lin Xiaoshuang looked at Su Ming and mocked him, "Su Ming, it's just as you said. You have to live up to your conscience. If you can't cure him..."    


Saying that, Lin Xiaoshuang rolled her eyes at Su Ming as a smile flashed across her eyes.    


In Lin Xiaoshuang's heart, Su Ming was just putting on a show to flatter the masses.    


"If I can't cure him, then I, Su Ming, will leave the medical field and never see another person again. "Well, should this be what you want?"    


Su Ming turned around and looked at Lin Xiaoshuang.    


"Of course you can! I really don't know what to say about you Chinese medicine. Your medical skills aren't that good, but you often call yourself the genius doctor, that genius doctor. Isn't it all to create momentum for myself and earn more money? "    


Since she had already offended Su Ming, Lin Xiaoshuang was not afraid to continue offending him, much less offend the Chinese medicine.    


She was a doctor of medicine who had returned home after studying abroad. Furthermore, she had followed several top doctors from other countries to study the treatment of several difficult illnesses, and had achieved great results.    


As for TCM, Lin Xiaoshuang didn't even see what it was that it was doing.    


They only knew that they were flattering each other every day, and that they had no achievements in medical research at all.    


"Lin Xiaoshuang, you can insult me but you can't insult something left behind by the old ancestor. "As a Chinese, you look down on your family's inherited culture. You really don't deserve that identity."    


Su Ming looked at Lin Xiaoshuang coldly.    


Her words completely infuriated Su Ming. Ever since the day he had learned medicine, his master Chen Yunhe had told him that Chinese medicine was a social science that focused on wisdom and practice.    


Traditional Chinese medicine encompassed everything, and its knowledge was complex. Each and every sentence, each and every type of medicinal herb was verified by the ancestors using their lives and their blood.    


Anyone can insult a Chinese doctor because they are not skilled enough, but no one has the right to insult a Chinese doctor.    


Su Ming also didn't want to talk nonsense with Lin Xiaoshuang anymore. He wanted to use actual action to tell her what was the real Chinese medicine and what was the national essence!    


Because of the complications, this patient with the accretion is unable to speak.    


Su Ming took the silver needle and quickly pierced it into Su Ming's body.    


He had to first solve the problem of the patient's speech. Otherwise, he would not be able to determine where the real source of the disease was.    


"Hello, I'm Su Ming. You can speak now!"    


Just as Su Ming finished his sentence, Lin Xiaoshuang burst out laughing, "Su Ming, you just took a few acupuncture needles and he could talk? "What a joke, do you know that he's breathing …"    


However, in the next second, Lin Xiaoshuang could not laugh.    


"You, hello, thank you Dr. Su!"    


Upon hearing the patient's voice, Lin Xiaoshuang was instantly struck dumb.    


"How is this possible!"    


Lin Xiaoshuang screamed repeatedly in her heart. If she didn't bring this patient over, she even suspected that this patient was in cahoots with Su Ming.    


And from below the stage, there came even more cheers.    


The patient's condition was shown on the big screen. They could tell at a glance what the patient's condition was. Even if the patient hadn't urinated today, they would still know.    


Su Ming was able to make the patient speak with just a silver needle, how could they not be excited?    


Once again, they witnessed the might and magic of traditional Chinese medicine.    


The reporters had also done a close-up of this scene.    


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