Divine Magic Doctor

C804 Fifth Floor

C804 Fifth Floor

Su Ming was delighted.    


Even with his composure, he couldn't help but feel delighted in his heart.    


If it wasn't for the treasures he had obtained in the past few days, he wouldn't have been able to reach his current cultivation realm so quickly. The hunt for demon beasts was supposed to be unintentional, but he had never thought that he would actually get something in return.    


However! Compared to these two items, which were the middle-grade spirit stones and the earth crystal, there were other things that were above these two items...    


Just as he was in deep thought, a squeaking sound came from not far away.    


This was the bigger reward that Su Ming had in mind - the gray-furred monkey.    


Su Ming had been paying attention to its tracks. Not only did the gray-furred monkey follow him along the way, it also secretly ran onto a merchant ship like him and followed Su Ming all the way out of the Demon Beast Forest.    


The corner of Su Ming's mouth drew a trace of a smile, and then he took out a Demonic Pill from his storage bag and threw it on the ground.    


As the Demonic Pill landed on the ground, the grey monkey also quickly jumped out from behind the tree. It grabbed the Demonic Pill and impatiently threw it into its mouth.    


However, this time, the grey monkey did not hide as quickly as before. Instead, it blinked its eyes and looked at Su Ming.    


"After following me for so long, you also ate so many demon cores." Su Ming slowly stood up and stretched his hand forward. "Are you willing to follow me?"    


A gentle breeze blew and Su Ming's hand kept stretching.    


The time had come. He was waiting for the grey monkey to make a decision. If the monkey still refused to follow him, it would prove that Su Ming had no fate with the grey monkey.    


Cultivators paid attention to karma. If there was really no fate between them, Su Ming would not force it.    


The monkey blinked its big eyes. Su Ming wasn't worried that the monkey wouldn't understand his meaning. This kind of spiritual monkey could not speak human language, but it would definitely understand human language.    


After a while, Monkey also made his decision!    


One claw and one hand slowly intertwined with each other. ...    


Outside Dongyi City, Fragrant Tree Village.    


A man and a monkey slowly walked forward. Because of Dongyi City's connections, the village in front of them appeared to be much grander than an ordinary village.    


However, for some reason, the village road was deserted.    


The only few people that could be seen were women and elderly people. As for the young and strong people, they were not seen at all.    


Su Ming's appearance had obviously shocked the surrounding women and children.    


Facing the strange gazes of the passers-by, even Su Ming could not help but look at his side. Everything was normal, and there was no difference between him and an ordinary person.    


This made Su Ming very surprised!    


Su Ming slowly walked to the front of an old man. When the old man saw Su Ming walking past, he was obviously afraid. He even wanted to dodge, but because of his old age and slow movements, he couldn't dodge.    


Seeing this, Su Ming frowned slightly, then said in a gentle tone, "Old man, you seem to be afraid of me?"    


The old man shook his head hard, but he did not say anything.    


When the pedestrians on the street saw this, they moved to the side to avoid it. The street was already sparsely populated, and no one was there.    


"Then why are you afraid of me?" Su Ming said slowly.    


The old man was silent for a long time. He looked at Su Ming from head to toe. No matter how he looked at it, Su Ming did not look like a bad person. Then he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Young hero, don't blame us. We are not afraid of young hero. We just saw that young hero was young. You are still able to make a name for yourself in the vicinity of Eastern Yi City. It is only because of this that we don't understand you. "    


Su Ming's heart slightly moved, and he said, "Can't young people go out of the streets? Who set this rule? "    


"Young hero, you might not know this, but this is a critical period. The Eastern Yi City is in a deadlock with the Northern Barbarians on the border. The Northern Barbarians originally had a lot of people. At this moment, the Eastern Yi City is recruiting soldiers everywhere. Not to mention your age, even people who are quite young are transferred to the army. Only the children of the aristocrats and wealthy merchants in the Eastern Yi City are able to survive. "    


Su Ming frowned and said, "There is such a thing!"    


He recalled what Huang Qianshan had said on the ship. The change that he had mentioned was most likely related to this.    


However, all of this had nothing to do with him.    


Thinking of this, Su Ming asked slowly, "Elder, do you know where the Wanxiang Immortal Sect is heading to?"    


"So young hero is going to find an immortal." The old man instantly said, "Originally, we could go to the Wanxiang Immortal Sect from the north of our village, but now we can't."    


Su Ming asked curiously, "Why?"    


"There must be a section of the road to the Wanxiang Immortal Sect that passes through the border of the Northern Mang. Now that the Eastern Yi City and the Northern Mang City are at war, this road is full of obstacles, and no one can pass through it."    


Su Ming furrowed his brows. This was obviously not good news.    


Although he was a cultivator and these battles between mortals would not have much of an impact on him, the problem now was that he had yet to reach the eighth level of Qi Refining, so the spiritual energy in his body was not enough to support him in flying.    


In other words, if Su Ming wanted to cross this path, he could only walk.    


Although there was a way to solve the checkpoint along the way, it was especially troublesome for the current Su Ming.    


The old man seemed to have seen through the depression in Su Ming's heart. He said slowly, "Young hero, you don't have to be too disappointed. Although the path that this old man mentioned just now is the best route to the Wanxiang Sect, it isn't the only route."    


Su Ming thought of something and said, "Old man, please give me some guidance."    


The old man said slowly, "There are many smugglers in Dongyi City. Their ships naturally can't go through the normal river. It is said that they have a hidden route that allows them to take a detour to the north and head to the area where the Wanxiang Immortal Sect is located. However, it may take a long time. Moreover, the silver taels required are quite expensive. If Young Hero is really in a hurry to go, then... We can go to the Eastern Yi City and ask around."    


Hearing this, Su Ming's brows instantly relaxed.    


Su Ming would naturally choose the latter route without hesitation. Spending money would save him a lot of trouble, and Su Ming would definitely be willing to do so.    


As for money and time, this was what Su Ming did not lack the most right now.    


"Thank you for your guidance, old man."    


Su Ming cupped his hands and thanked the old man. After that, he took out an ingot of silver and gave it to the old man. After that, he turned around and walked towards the direction of Eastern Yi City.    


Initially, he didn't want to enter Eastern Yi City. However, given the current situation, he had to make this trip.    


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