Divine Magic Doctor

C503 You're My Man

C503 You're My Man

After dinner, the ladies crowded around the sofa to watch TV.    


Su Ming turned around and went upstairs.    


Aunt Mei looked at Su Ming going upstairs and followed him.    


Su Ming found the Buddhist scripture in the room and was about to look for clues to the Love Poison.    


The sound of knocking came from the door. Su Ming shouted at the door.    


The door was pushed open and Aunt Mei walked in.    


These few days, when Su Ming wasn't around, Aunt Mei had cleaned the rooms for him.    


Seeing Su Ming sitting on the sofa, Aunt Mei walked over and sat beside him.    


"Did you hide something from me?" Aunt Mei suddenly asked.    


Su Ming was stunned, "What can I hide from you?"    


"What's going on with that little girl?" Aunt Mei intentionally tried to denounce him.    


Su Ming smiled, "I purposely stopped her from saying that. I just wanted to give you a surprise."    


"You knew I was in trouble, so you intentionally made me worry, didn't you?" While he was moved, he pretended to be serious.    


Aunt Mei guessed that Su Ming was behind all of this, and she felt both happy and touched.    


Ever since he was with Su Ming, he gradually discovered that this boy with a sloppy appearance was very meticulous. No matter what, he would think of a way to settle it down for you.    


"No, that's not it. I just wanted to give you a surprise." These were Su Ming's heartfelt words.    


Aunt Mei blinked her eyes and suddenly drew closer.    


Su Ming was surprised for a moment, thinking that he had angered the other party.    


Who would have thought that happiness would come so suddenly.    


Warmth came from the left side of her face. Aunt Mei's lips lightly touched it before she left.    


Su Ming was very excited, he took the opportunity to hug Aunt Mei's waist.    


"Actually, I've been paying attention to what you're doing. I'm very concerned about every single one of your actions." Su Ming felt warm inside for no reason as he pulled Aunt Mei to his side and leaned her on his shoulder.    


"Stinking brat, I knew you wouldn't ignore me." Aunt Mei reprimanded him, feeling happy in her heart.    


Aunt Mei's face suddenly turned red as she looked at him with affection.    


Su Ming glanced at the door, got up and ran over to lock it, then carried Aunt Mei into the bathroom.    


In broad daylight, it was also the place with the most soundproofing.    


Over the next few days, everyone was busy with their own stuff.    


The arrival of Lin Wanrong added a bit of busyness to the big family.    


Su Ming accompanied Lin Wanrong as she busied herself with the opening of the beauty chain for the past few days. During this time, he contacted Third Young Master Zhou and found out that the killer who shot at them on the highway came from Xiangjiang, but didn't find out who hired them.    


This made Su Ming feel a little regretful. He couldn't just let the matter go like this.    


The other party wouldn't stop just because he failed once. In the future, he would definitely strike again.    


After he was done with Lin Wanrong's business, he was going to investigate this matter himself.    


After a busy week, Lin Wanrong's opening ceremony was set for 8 AM on the morning of December 15th.    


Looking at the thick invitation card, Su Ming found Ghost Seven and asked him to find someone to help deliver it to each company.    


On the way home, Su Ming received a call from Hua Moran.    


"Ming, do you have time now?"    


"President Hua, you're looking for me?"    


"I have something to talk about. About the time when you were on the highway."    


"Alright, I'll come and find you right away."    


Hearing this news, Su Ming didn't say anything else, turned around and went straight to Hua Family.    


Hua Family, study room.    


Hua Moran took the initiative to pour Su Ming a cup of tea.    


After they sat down, Hua Moran took an envelope out of her drawer and threw it on the table.    


"The day that happened, someone recorded the scene of the incident."    


Su Ming picked up the envelope and flipped through the photos one by one.    


The pictures were of the car being turned over, and from here, no one died.    


"No one was killed, but a lot of clues were left behind." Hua Moran no longer hid anything. She took out her cell phone and switched on the recording.    


"Make sure you kill them all, don't leave any traces behind!"    


The hoarse voice of the man in the recording was very noticeable.    


"How did you get this?" Su Ming was very curious.    


Hua Moran put down her cell phone and said, "Ever since I found out that Xu Family was trying to deal with you, I spent money on a few private detectives to pay close attention to the movements of the people around you."    


"Qiu Yuchen suddenly came looking for you and was caught by a private detective. When I received this news, I didn't dare to believe it either. Until yesterday, news came from the people below. "    


Su Ming understood Hua Moran's meaning. Looking at her apologetic expression, it was obvious that she felt guilty about following him.    


"Your underling, do you know the specifics of this group of people?" Actually, Su Ming had already gotten the information from Third Young Master Zhou, but he still wanted to confirm it.    


"This fugitive is from Xiangjiang. I don't know where he settled down, but there are quite a few of them, and they have been hiding in the provincial capital." Hua Moran only knew this much for now.    


Su Ming pondered for a moment. Hua Moran's information was very important to him. Not only him, but the people around him would also be in danger at all times.    


"Thank you, President Hua, for your reminder. Actually, I didn't care too much about following them." Taking the initiative to clarify the situation, it would also help Hua Moran dispel the misunderstanding in her heart.    


Hearing Su Ming's words, Hua Moran's heart calmed down.    


"Oh right, I called you here today. Not only are there matters on the highway, there are also more important things I need to tell you." Hua Moran took out her cell phone and played another recording.    


"December 15th, get rid of Lin Wanrong. This time, we must succeed. Don't fail."    


Lin Wanrong? December 15th?    


Wasn't that the day Lin Wanrong's beauty chain opened?    


"President Hua, is this recording real?" Su Ming was anxious.    


"Reality! "This was acquired by a retired special forces soldier that I paid a huge price to hire. He secretly recorded it while following that group of people from the Xiangjiang River." Hua Moran told the truth.    


Killing intent flashed across Su Ming's eyes as the anger in his heart quietly flared up.    


This group of bastards were truly seeking their own deaths.    


Whoever dared to touch his woman would definitely not let this bunch of bastards leave the capital alive.    


"President Hua, I owe you a favor this time. If there's anything in the future, Su Ming will definitely repay you." Regardless of whether Hua Moran was truly helping him or just trying to win him over, this time's matter was a reminder of goodwill.    


Su Ming was someone who knew how to repay kindness, he would never forget Hua Moran's help.    


"Ming, the reason why I helped you was not to make you repay me. It was to thank you for having helped me before." Hua Moran took up the teacup and passed it to Su Ming, "We are friends. Friends should be honest with each other, so I don't want you to get hurt."    


This simple sentence expressed Hua Moran's thoughts.    


Su Ming drank up the cup in one gulp.    


Leaving Hua Family, Su Ming gave Zhou Laosan a call.    


Since they couldn't find the place to stay in Xiangjiang, it was always troublesome. If they could find the place to stay, Su Ming definitely wouldn't let them live another minute in the world.    


After greeting Third Young Master Zhou, Su Ming drove to the foot of Cloud Mountain to bring Situ Yue out.    


After a few days of not seeing her, Situ Yue was even more radiant.    


The two of them had a special feeling when they met alone.    


"Are you used to living these past few days?" Su Ming asked.    


"Not bad." Situ Yue was slightly nervous in her heart.    


"Xiao, Xiao Yue, can I call you that?" Su Ming thought for a long time before he thought of this name.    


Situ Yue blushed. She felt that this form of address was too intimate.    


However, when Situ Yue thought of the time they had already made contact, she once again acquiesced in her heart.    


"Right." Situ Yue nodded.    


"I want to ask you a favor now." Su Ming said.    


Situ Yue was slightly stunned. "Begging me?" Su, Su … "    


"Just call me Ming." Su Ming smiled.    


"Little, Ming, I've already followed you, making demands seems a little too formal." Situ Yue's originally candid character was forced to act like a little girl in front of Su Ming.    


Ye Zichen sneaked a peek at her, then blushed like a little girl that just left the pavilion.    


"Then let's get straight to the point." Su Ming's expression suddenly became very serious, "I want you to protect someone, this person is very important to me."    


"Protect?" Situ Yue looked over in surprise.    


"That's right, because they are all women, you are the most suitable candidate." Situ Yue was the best person to protect Lin Wanrong after all.    


Situ Yue didn't know how to reply for a moment.    


Now that she was Su Ming's woman, she had to listen to everything he said. However, when she heard that it was to protect the woman, Situ Yue would always associate her with Su Ming.    


"What, you don't want to?" Seeing that she didn't say anything, Su Ming took the initiative to ask.    


"No, no, no, I'm willing to do that. Now, I'm by your side, I'll do whatever you say." Situ Yue didn't have any other thoughts. Ever since the incident with Su Ming, she knew that the trajectory of her future life had changed.    


"You're one of my men, so no matter what, I have to seek your advice." Su Ming casually said.    


Situ Yue indeed felt moved in the middle of her heart.    


Ever since she was young, she had never been accepted by anyone. Even when she was by Yang Yizhen's side, she was still ordered around by him as a servant girl.    


Hearing Su Ming's words, she quietly turned her head, and the tears in her eyes started falling uncontrollably.    


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