Ancient Ancestral Gods



At that moment, the person holding the dagger was shocked.    


He did not expect Xiao Fan's reaction to be so fast, and even cut the dagger in half.    


Especially after hearing what Xiao Fan said, he opened his eyes wide, and the killing intent around him became even stronger.    


He was the closest to Xiao Fan and his target was right in front of him. The blazing light in his hand flickered and condensed into a long sword.    


At the same time, he was also retreating.    


His sword did not have the intention to kill Xiao Fan, it was a slash that would allow him to escape danger.    


Xiao Fan's reaction speed was so fast that she could block his attacks in time.    


Knowing that they were coming tonight, they must have made preparations.    


Therefore, he could not act rashly. He had to temporarily evacuate and assess the situation from a new perspective.    


If he had forcefully killed Xiao Fan by himself, the result might not have met his expectations.    


With the slash of the sword at close range, a violent impact of energy arrived at Xiao Fan's body in the blink of an eye.    


A cold smile appeared on Xiao Fan's face, the golden energy in his hands was released, and with a punch, the black clothed man's sword light was shattered.    


Immediately after, he threw another punch with destructive force towards the retreating black clothed man. The force exploded eight times over, directly piercing through the black clothed man's chest and dripping with blood.    


A five-colored energy chain shot out from the ground and pierced through the hole in his chest. It hung high up like a kite in the sky and exploded with a loud bang.    


"Kill him!"    


Seeing one of his subordinates be killed by Xiao Fan in the blink of an eye, one of the muscular man in black among them let out a terrifying voice, which was filled with killing intent.    


The leader gave the order, and the few black clothed men beside him moved out. All of their Qi surged, and their immortal energy surged like thunder as they rushed towards Xiao Fan.    


"Kill me! Do you really think that I will be killed by you all just like the others? Today, I will kill you all!"    


Xiao Fan bellowed in disdain, the light around his body interweaved, and one after another golden sword beams rotated.    


His hands slashed downwards, and streams of golden sword light slashed out, illuminating the pitch-black night.    




Dense sword beams came slashing over. The few men in black who were rushing over used their own methods to counterattack. They shattered the sword beams that were coming at them, creating a huge explosion.    


The moment it exploded, Xiao Fan had already moved to the side of a person. Waving his fist, it was as though he was an army of thousands of horses charging at him.    


His body was like a wall that had been torn in half and he fell to the ground.    


Astonishment and even fear appeared in the eyes of the surrounding black-clothed men.    


In the blink of an eye, a companion was killed by Xiao Fan's fist.    


They had profound strength, so they were absolutely powerful.    


However, he was still killed by Xiao Fan's fist. It has to be said that Xiao Fan was only at the peak of the celestial sovereign.    


At this point, there was no time for them to be shocked.    


Xiao Fan had already pounced towards him once more. Waving both his hands, a large purple bow appeared.    


Under the night sky, the great bow that was like a full moon was drawn back to full as purple arrows were shot out one after another. The momentum was majestic, as if it had the power to pierce through the heavens.    


The remaining people were shocked. They quickly retaliated and brandished their weapons.    


Just as they were dealing with the incoming arrows, Xiao Fan suddenly appeared behind another person. The golden sword in his hand slashed down, piercing through the neck, his head falling down, blood spurting out from the wound.    


Soon after, he moved once again. Both of his hands moved at the same time, blasting half of a person's body into smithereens, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.    


"Damn it!"    


The leader was enraged and rushed towards Xiao Fan with a huge aura.    


In just a few breaths of time, three of his subordinates had been killed by Xiao Fan. One of them was severely injured, and one or two of his subordinates even had their lives threatened.    


If he didn't act now, the remaining two would probably be killed as well.    


He took a step forward, appearing in front of Xiao Fan. With a sinister look in his eyes, he punched out his fists, like a falling meteor shower.    


Xiao Fan ignored his attack and waved his hand. A purple-red flame palm appeared, blocking the black-clothed man's attack.    


As for his other hand, he punched out with his eight times the power of the Terminator God Fist, sending out a destructive fist imprint that landed on a person's head.    


That person's head was struck by the terrifying fist force, directly rupturing, causing his brain to flow out.    


The black clothed man was stopped and he personally saw one of his subordinates being killed by Xiao Fan.    


The anger in his heart was like the ocean waves rushing at him, assaulting his heart.    


He could only watch as Xiao Fan killed his subordinates, who were just two steps away from him.    


Even at such a close distance, he was still powerless. He was stifled and angry in his heart, and his killing intent towards Xiao Fan overflowed into the heavens.    


However, no matter how angry he was, it was too late. He could only pull his other underling, who hadn't been killed, back to his side.    


As for the fallen man, he no longer had the energy to care about him.    


"What's the point of getting so angry? It's you guys who want to kill me, not me who wants to kill you. I should be the one who should be angry!" Xiao Fan smiled slightly, with a cold smile on his face, he looked at the leader and said.    


If these people wanted to kill him, they would be courting death.    


He really thought that he would be useless to those people who were assassinated by this group of people, and would obediently wait for death.    


Since they were here to kill him, they should be prepared to be killed by him.    


However, Xiao Fan was also carefully observing the leader in black. This person's Qi was very stable, it was hard to detect.    


Even though he had been in a rage when he tried to save her, he hadn't been able to see through this person's strength. He was a difficult person to deal with.    


"You sure are capable. You knew that we were coming here, so you intentionally hid here to kill us all!" The leader gave Xiao Fan a thumbs up, his tone filled with killing intent.    


Actually, it was not a secret that Xiao Fan knew they had come. After all, several people who had received rewards had all been killed.    


They had indeed come tonight, but they did not expect Xiao Fan to be so strong. In a short period of time, he suffered heavy losses, and his subordinates were killed one after another.    


They had come to kill Xiao Fan, but Xiao Fan had waited for them to come and carried out an anti-robbery kill.    


"You really are bold, daring to commit murder and rob in the capital city, and you even targeted the people who received the High Lord Palace's prizes!"    


"I have to admit that all of you are truly bold, but this is the end of it for me. I'll honestly explain to you the mastermind behind all of this, as well as the Deity Source s you obtained from robbing and killing those idiots!"    


Otherwise, none of you will leave this place tonight. Even if all of you truly are people from the High Lord Palace, I will still kill you! Xiao Fan looked at the leader in black and said with dense killing intent.    


"Arrogant, you're very strong. I have to admit that, but if you want to kill me, you're still lacking!"    


"Also, how can you be sure that I am from the High Lord Palace? This is a serious form of quality control slander!"    


"Even if I can't kill you, you can forget about killing me. When the time comes, I will release what you have said, and the people of High Lord Palace will not let you go, then they will definitely kill you!" The leader said in disdain.    


"Even if you escape, you won't say anything, because you are all from the High Lord Palace!"    


"Those who killed people and looted their goods in the capital, and their targets are people who have returned the rewards to the High Lord Palace, you are still alive!"    


"Being able to make the High Lord Palace not do her best to investigate you and chase you all can only mean one thing, you have a backer in the High Lord Palace, it can also be said that you were ordered to do by someone with authority in the High Lord Palace!" Xiao Fan analyzed calmly.    


"Good, good, good. It seems you aren't stupid. You can probably link us together and think that we might be from the High Lord Palace!"    


"So what if you know? Don't tell me you want to fight against that great character from the High Lord Palace. Are you qualified?" The leader said to Xiao Fan with a tinge of admiration.    


"You don't have to care about that. Surrender, and swear loyalty to me. I guarantee you that you will have a bright future ahead of you!" Xiao Fan said as he looked at the leader in black.    


Who do you think you are? The master behind me is a General Manager Levi, what qualifications do you have to make me serve you! The leader coldly smiled and said with disdain.    


Xiao Fan wanting to recruit him sounded extremely ridiculous.    


A peak celestial sovereign wanting to recruit a Zhi Zun like him, would cause others to laugh their teeth out when they heard it.    


His backer was the general director of the High Lord Palace. Other than the High Lords, he had the highest position and power.    


With such a strong person as his backer, why would he need to find anyone else to support him? Furthermore, it was a celestial sovereign that had yet to enter the Sovereign Realm.    


"Very good, very good. Li Wei really dares to do this kind of thing. Looking at his harmless looking face, I didn't expect him to be so sinister, and also so greedy. Even a mere ten thousand Deity Source would be taken back!" Xiao Fan said with disgust.    


When he saw Li Wei in the day, he thought that the general director of High Lord Palace was a kind person, but he didn't think that she was so insidious.    


The few murders in the city were all done by people sent by Li Wei.    


And this group of people had targeted him again tonight. Unfortunately, these people misjudged the situation and a portion of them were killed by him.    


"Hmph, how could you slander the general director? I feel weird, you obviously knew that we would come, and you clearly knew that we might possibly come from the High Lord Palace, but you didn't choose to leave immediately, or live in the mansion of Mizar City's City Lord. You sure are confident!" The leader asked in confusion.    


He really did not understand Xiao Fan's actions. He clearly knew what would happen if he stayed outside, but he still dared to stay outside, waiting for them.    


"This isn't something you need to worry about. Submit to me!"    


Xiao Fan immediately attacked the leader after he said that.    


When his golden fist imprint was released, it was like a group of stars spinning and falling. Its power was limitless, and even the heaven and earth began to violently shake and emit explosive sounds.    


The black clothed man calmly counterattacked, all the immortal energy on his body exploded out, condensing into a huge sword in front of his chest, that slashed down and tore Xiao Fan's fist imprint to shreds.    


Both sides clashed violently against each other and a huge explosion erupted. The flames soared to the sky and caused the surrounding walls of the courtyard to crumble and explode.    


Seeing that the black clothed man had broken through his attack, Xiao Fan waved his fists once again. Eight times the normal size, the fists formed together, as though the might of the sky had collapsed, and smashed towards the leader of the black clothed men.    


The leader was shocked. The strength that Xiao Fan had displayed was too powerful.    


This time, the attack was eight times more powerful than before.    


He took a step back as the immortal energy in his hand surged. A light flashed as he swung his fists while wearing a pair of gloves.    


Every time he waved his fist, the power of the punch increased explosively. In an instant, he sent out over a thousand punches, which then formed a wall of fist imprints to block the attack in front of him.    




Xiao Fan's fist imprints collided with the black-clothed leader's fist imprints, and intensely collided with it.    


At the same time, all the energy in the black clothed man's body gathered together and finally condensed into a long spear. After flying out, all of the golden fist prints were destroyed and continued shooting towards Xiao Fan.    


Xiao Fan's fist imprints were too terrifying. He needed to use his fist imprints to fend off most of the power, so he would have a chance to strike back again.    


Just as the energy spear was about to shoot towards Xiao Fan, the leader of the black clothed men grabbed his heavily injured subordinate and his only uninjured subordinate and leapt onto the roof, wanting to leave this place of death.    


He had already exchanged blows with Xiao Fan, and knew how frightening Xiao Fan was.    


Tonight, it was almost impossible for them to kill Xiao Fan.    


Xiao Fan's strength was too strong, his strength was terrifying.    


If he did not take the opportunity to leave, he was afraid that he would die here tonight.    


"You want to leave? Where are you going?!"    


Xiao Fan let out a furious roar, the aura around his body erupting like a volcano, causing a large area around the courtyard to tremble.    


The large purple bow in his hand appeared once again, drawing into a full moon. Three purple arrows, as terrifying as nuclear bombs, shot towards the three people on the roof.    


The leader was shocked, he immediately threw his heavily injured subordinates away, wanting to block Xiao Fan's three terrifying arrows.    




The arrow pierced through the leader's underling, causing his entire body to explode into pieces in the air.    




A despairing scream rang out. The other black-clothed man didn't even have the time to dodge before a purple arrow pierced through his heart, causing his body to shatter.    




The leader of the men in black avoided the arrow in time. The arrow that was aimed at him was shattered and exploded in the night sky, shining brilliantly.    


"You won't be able to escape!"    


Xiao Fan uttered a frightening voice, as he walked towards the black-clothed man's leader step by step.    


At the same time, the Battlefield of Gods appeared again. One after another rainbow colored iron chains appeared and bound the leader of the black clothed men.    




The leader exploded with power, wanting to break the five-colored iron chain on his body.    


However, no matter how much strength he exerted, the iron chain continued to vibrate and became tighter and tighter. The shrinking force caused the black-clothed leader to be in excruciating pain. The bones in his body were breaking and his skin was being worn out.    


"How is this possible, how is this possible!" The leader of the men in black was screaming in fear.    


He continued to shake the iron chains on his body, and instead became tighter and tighter.    


Not only was he unable to move his body, he couldn't even move his entire body. An enormous pressure was exerted on his body.    


"How is that impossible? Someone with your level of ability wants to kill me? What a wishful thinking!"    


"You want to kill me? You want to take away my Deity Source s' rewards? You really want to live too long! Before, you killed a few people, and your hands were drenched in blood. You deserve to die!" Xiao Fan said with dense killing intent.    


"That's right, he really deserves to die!"    




Just as Xiao Fan's voice fell, another serious yet furious voice sounded.    


Xiao Fan only saw a figure appearing beside the leader in black robes. Lifting his hand with an extremely strong power, he slammed his palm down towards the leader's head.    


Crack * The head of the leader cracked like a watermelon.    


An energy flame was ignited in the palm of that man, burning the leader's body to ashes.    


"Who are you?" Xiao Fan remained vigilant as he looked at the man.    


This person's aura was very strong, giving him an extremely strong sense of danger.    


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