Bloody Doomsday: I Became A Tyrannosaurus Rex

C867 Loneliness of the Undead Commander

C867 Loneliness of the Undead Commander

"Commander!" The skeleton bear roared.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


In the middle of the huge skull, two huge eyes burned with flames of soul.    


With just a single response, all the members of the Fallen Angel Group felt a strong soul tremble.    


This was the commander of the army of the undead!    


The Undead Commander and Jun Tianlang looked at each other.    


Perhaps, this was the attraction of the powerful souls.    


In an instant, they met each other's eyes.    


"Such a strong soul!"    


"Such a strong soul!"    


"The army of the undead!"    




"Kill that wolf!"    


Jun Tianlang was shocked, "Surround me!"    


"Your soul is very strong! Compared to you, my people are very far from you! That's why you can control them so easily! However, if I focus my fire on you, I can devour your soul! I can feel that after devouring your soul, I will increase my strength!"    


Jun Tianlang chuckled, "Do you think you can focus your fire on me?"    


Lucifer moved closer, "Don't talk big at this time. The army of the undead is tens of thousands! You only have one."    


"One? Who said that?"    


"Hmm? Could it be that there are reinforcements?"    


Jun Tianlang raised his head, "Yes, they are here."    


Suddenly, a trace of brightness appeared in the dim sky.    


The Undead Commander looked up and saw a burning soul as if it was surprised!    


In the sky, a Small Planet had actually landed!    


This planet was very special! It was completely covered in white mist!    




That was not mist!    


That was countless souls!    


The Undead General trembled in excitement.    


This wolf actually had a planet made of souls!    


This was amazing!    


This was amazing!    


If I devour all of these souls, I will be invincible in the universe!    


Lucifer was jealous, "Is this your planet?"    


"Yes! The Celestial Wolf Planet! It's a very special planet in the universe! The creatures there evolve their souls and exist in the form of souls. When I went to the Celestial Wolf Planet, I subdued all of them."    


"Ah! This..."    


It was so sour!    


So sour!    


Was this the only thing?    


This was much stronger than my vampire army.    


Was it because my eyes were too short-sighted?    


It was so uncomfortable that I wanted to cry.    


"Undead army! Kill them!"    


Jun Tianlang's eyes were filled with a hazy white light, "Kill them!"    


"Swish swish swish!"    


The Celestial Wolf Planet in the sky started to disintegrate as white souls charged towards the Undead Army.    


This was a battle without a physical body.    


This was a battle between souls.    


The souls invaded the skeleton and started to fight with the dark blue soul.    


A skeleton tiger roared and the dark blue soul in its eyes turned into a white soul that was even stronger.    


"Hehehe, thank you for nourishing me!" The dark blue soul in the eyes of a skeleton leopard was even stronger. It had obviously devoured the white soul.    




Jun Tianlang wanted to laugh, “That’s the soul of a planet! Billions of them! Can you even devour all of them?”    


Under Jun Tianlang’s control, hundreds of white souls merged together, forming a huge soul.    


The huge soul was like a ball of light, smashing down on the army of undead.    


The undead that were hit were directly devoured, becoming a part of the ball of light, and then continuing to smash.    


The bones of the undead that lost their souls fell apart.    


The Undead Commander saw that things were not good. If this continued, his army of undead would be devoured completely.    




The Undead Commander’s huge skull opened its mouth and sucked in. The two huge balls of light were sucked into its mouth, and the dark blue soul in its eye sockets became even stronger.    


“Hmm! Delicious!”    


“Remember this taste, because you won’t be able to taste it again.”    


“Hmph! Undead! For a greater victory! Sacrifice! Source technique – Soul Sacrificial Altar!”    


A huge white bone altar appeared behind the Undead Commander.    


When all the undead saw this, the dark blue soul in their eye sockets left their bodies and flew towards the bone altar.    


Jun Tianlang saw this and cursed, “Shameless! You actually devoured your own people!”    


The Undead Commander laughed loudly, “Devour your own people? Hahaha… They are my people, but do you know that they are all souls that I split out bit by bit? I’m only letting them return!”    




The Undead Commander was speechless. He was instantly reminded of something.    


His planet was in ruins.    


From the moment he was born, he had been in war.    


War could sharpen one’s soul! Hence, from some unknown day, the souls of the dead started to exist.    


He, too, died in battle.    


Then, he curiously tried to absorb those souls.    


After absorbing them, he became stronger.    


Hence, he absorbed all the souls!    


Until the entire planet became a dead planet.    


It was unknown how many years had passed. There were no creatures born, only the Undead Commander and the bones all over the ground.    


He was too lonely!    


Hence, he slowly split his own soul.    


Bone Bears, Bone Leopards, Bone Chickens… all of them appeared.    


The Undead army slowly formed.    




“All souls return! I will be extremely powerful! However, I don’t know how long it will take for my Undead army to form again. I don’t know how many years I will have to endure the loneliness. Wolf! This time, I want your bones to accompany me!”    


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