Sick Man Turns Out to be a General



It was difficult to guess from the history of the Emperor's heart, that after the negotiation with the Great Qi, and during the Spring Festival, it was supposed to be a good time to recuperate and recuperate, to actually give the order for the Emperor to surround the imperial family and hunt at the end of spring.    


Spring was the season for the reproduction of all living things. Many animals that experienced winter would fall in love in the spring, seek a mate, and reproduce their descendants. During this season, the hunters that made a living from hunting would rest for a period of time, allowing the animals enough time to reproduce and maintain the growth of nature.    


And the Emperor actually said he was going hunting at this time. It was simply inconceivable.    


"What is the emperor thinking?" Shen Jingli was packing up his luggage. Usually, the royal family would go for a hunt for a few days, as a family member of an official, he was also invited to join the party.    


There were three children in the family, whom he originally did not plan to follow, but the Crown Princess Jing sent a message to him, telling him to definitely go. The Crown Princess Jing did not explain why, but Shen Jingli felt that the meaning behind his words was solemn, so he did not ask Mu Chen to reject them.    


Xun Er was already able to run and jump. He was a big child, so he could bring them along so that he could experience the world. However, the two little ones couldn't take him along, because he didn't have the energy to take care of them.    


Mu Chen was practicing his skills, hearing his words, he only smiled, and continued to practice his skills seriously. Seeing him like that, Shen Jingli could not help but frown, his indifferent look was really suspicious, as if he knew everything.    


Shen Jingli placed the things he brought into a bag, and also picked a few toys that Xun Er liked to play with, and placed them inside.    


"I've heard that the royal family's hunting grounds are established by their ancestors. Why haven't I heard you mention it before?" He was not familiar with the families of the other officials in the capital. No one had asked him about this, so he did not even know about this.    


"I pushed it to the Emperor." In the previous few years, he actually participated in it as well, it was just that he did not let Shen Jingli know about it, and did not bring him along. When Shen Jingli just arrived in the capital, he did not know any of the officials and mistresses in the capital well, and had to accompany King Jing and the few County Prince s and Prince s to hunt, not having time to take care of him. Furthermore, Shen Jingli did not like such occasions, so he did not let him go.    


He said something so important, how is it possible that he didn't know at all? After putting away the packed luggage, Shen Jingli walked over to Mu Chen's side and looked at the results of his calligraphy. He said worriedly, "I'll go hunting with you. After all, we can't possibly bring them along. "    


"Send it to grandmother's home for her aunts to take care of." Actually, with Nanny Jin and a few wet nurses serving him, Aunt did not have to trouble herself, but because there was no one in charge in the family, he could not be at ease to pass the care of the two children to the servants.    


"Aunt, don't you want to go with me?" It was a rare opportunity to interact with other officials and wives, how could his aunts not take advantage of it?    


It was not easy to get acquainted with the officials and madams in the capital. It was not easy to get an invitation from an ordinary gathering.    


"It's fine. Even if Aunt came along, I would still have my grandmother." It wasn't that they were looking for someone to take care of their child, it was just that they wanted someone familiar to look after them and to be able to take charge of the situation. They were more at ease.    


"Alright, then come with me tomorrow to send the child over." Old Lady Yang really liked the twins. With the twins messing with her, the old man would definitely be happy.    




At the end of spring, the royal family went on a hunting spree. Shi Changhua was the official in charge of the government, and all the other civil and military officials were eager to participate. All of them brought their families and families along with them.    


It was the first time Shen Jingli had participated in a raiding event, so he brought Xun Er to sit on the carriage. Xun Er was very moving, and was not willing to sit on the carriage all the time, directly saying that he wanted to ride together with Mu Chen. Seeing this, the King Jing actually ordered Mu Chen to ride together with him.    


Because they had brought a large amount of family members with them, their movements were very slow and would not budge too much. Furthermore, Mu Chen felt that it was time to let Xun Er train, so he brought him out of the carriage and rode together with him.    


Xun Er was extremely curious, the scenery around him was one he had never seen before. He looked around happily, and when he saw the things he was interested in, he grabbed onto Mu Chen's clothes and kept on asking questions, the thoughts of the children were skittish and free, and the questions he asked made all the princes, County Prince, and Prince who were travelling with Mu Chen, unable to decide whether to laugh or cry. Many of them were already fathers, but they had never brought children, so they simply did not have the chance to see all kinds of appearances of children.    


Xun Er played happily, and Shen Jingli slept very comfortably as well. He bought a lot of land in the southern suburbs, and occasionally came to inspect, and as he was too familiar with the road countless of times, he knew that there was nothing to watch along the way. Thus, he did not have the mood to enjoy the scenery any longer.    


"Is Madam hungry?" You've slept for a whole day and haven't eaten anything. Master has come over ten times to ask around. "    


Madam was sleeping soundly, they were very happy, but they did not even wake up when Young Master pressed down on their bodies to play, this was sleeping soundly right? Was he tired?    


Jin Yu carefully helped him to sit up, "Madam has been too tired recently, and my body couldn't take the weight anymore, that's why I slept so sweetly."    


Nian Hua snorted and said, "Madam is sleeping soundly, but I have no idea how much joy the little fox spirit outside is having in seducing Master."    


In the eyes of the noble women in the capital, Mu Chen who had recovered his position as a general was a highly sought after person, especially some girls whose father's position was lower and some young lady who looked forward to becoming a general. All he wanted was to marry Mu Chen, marry him as his wife or concubine, and once they entered the door, snatch away Mu Chen's love, and force him into the hall.    


Even if he asked the Emperor for a title of County Prince for him, it would still not change the fact that he was born in a low status. In the eyes of those young and prestigious families, the countryside bumpkin that came from a higher status than them was nothing to them, if they used just a little bit of means, he would obediently disappear. Before this, he had been unmoving, but he was just worried that he would pave the way for someone else.    


Mu Chen's achievements were outstanding. Even if he was able to break away from the Marquis Zhen Yuan Mansion, he would definitely be able to become a marquis in the future and have a bright future.    


If this son-in-law could be highly valued by the emperor, the daughter's status would be higher than her unfavoured concubine, and would have a very high position among the officials and madams. If she was smart enough, she would be able to find out a lot of information they didn't know about in the imperial court, which would be of great assistance to them.    


All the people with the identities of County Prince and Prince in the capital had three wives and four concubines. The relationship in the backyard was complicated, and it gave people a headache more than the situation in the imperial government.    


"Has anyone attracted the lord's attention?" Shen Jingli asked.    


He did not believe that Mu Chen would be casually lured away by someone else, but he believed that knowing who it was that coveted his people would allow them to prepare countermeasures.    


Nian Hua pouted and said, "No, that's not it. Master didn't even look at them. They spent all their effort on dressing up."    


Did he think that dressing up would attract the attention of the old master? Those people's thoughts were really shallow. If the old master was someone like that, why would he marry a lady … Ah, you can't think like that, you'll be beaten to death by the Missus.    


Shen Jingli laughed, "Then what's the problem?"    


He took the hot porridge that Jin Yu passed to him, blew on it to cool down, and slowly ate it.    


"I just can't stand their flirtatious looks, not to mention the ladies of the family. They are even more despicable than brothels, and they even want to seduce the old master when they know the lady is accompanying them. They are obviously trying to bully the old lady and do not put the lady in their eyes."    


Shen Jingli smiled, was he that easy to bully?    


After he finished eating the bowl of porridge, Shen Jingli laughed heartily. As long as it was easy to bully him, he would bully them.    


"Stop with your nonsense. The old master's entire mind is now focused on the Madam and the few Young Master s, he doesn't even spare those people a glance. What are you worried about?" Jin Yu nudged him with her elbow. "Don't worry."    


"What are you worrying about? You haven't seen it, those madams did not succeed in recommending their own daughters, and thought that old master loves Shuang'er. This trip, they brought quite a few Shuang'er, and all of them came to old master's eyes, I have heard that before, they did not come with Shuang'er to hunt. "    


Jin Yu reached out and tapped his forehead, "Stop talking, are you trying to pick a fight?"    


After experiencing so much indignation over the years, Shen Jingli now had a rough idea of how fierce the "competition" was.    


There were at least one wife, two concubines and some unfaithful ones. Although there were many wives and concubines as well as a lot of concubines, there were not as many sons as Mu Chen. After all, all the women in the backyard could not bear to see other people giving birth to their husbands' children.    


And seeing the deep feelings Mu Chen had for him and the title that he could bring, the noble ladies naturally treated him as a good partner and tried their best to get close to him.    


Shen Jingli opened the curtain and looked outside. A man who dressed like him, Gou'er, was talking to Mu Chen and even teasing him with candy. He had an exaggerated smile on his face, making people not happy.    


"Did Xun Er eat it?" He never thought that he would sleep for so long. He also didn't know how crazily Xun Er played and whether Mu Chen had allowed him to eat on time.    


"Yes, I ate quite a bit." The youth said.    


After Shen Jingli finished washing up, he got off the carriage. It was already late at night.    


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