Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C218 Fetal Health

C218 Fetal Health

Shen Jingli, who was thinking, did not hear Mu Chen's voice. Seeing him like this, Mu Chen shouted a few more times.    


"Huh?" He was startled, he raised his head and looked at Mu Chen with confused eyes.    


A pair of wet eyes revealed a perplexed look, causing Mu Chen to be completely unable to get up. He reached out and tapped the center of Shen Jingli's brows, saying: "What are you thinking about? I shouted at you a few times, but you didn't deserve me. "    


"I was thinking about you." He answered honestly.    


When Mu Chen heard this, he was not blindly happy. He knew that Shen Jingli's thoughts were not just thinking about him.    


"Thinking of what?"    


"How did you fare in the past?" He looked up at him and sighed. "We don't seem to know each other very well."    


Mu Chen's eyes slightly contracted as he reached out to hold Shen Jingli's hand, "If you really want to know who I am, then the me that you're seeing right now is the truest me."    


I, with you, is the most real, but also the most sincere I, we are familiar with each other in the present, not familiar with those who were the past.    


"If you want to know about the past, you can ask me." As long as you want to know, I will tell you without reservation.    


Shen Jingli looked at him. His expression was very serious, and his gaze was extremely sincere. He began to laugh, and said: "Don't be so serious, it will scare me."    


After a while, his smile faded. "There are some dangerous things I don't want you to hide from me."    


The White-shouldered Eagle circling above his head let out two cries at the right time. Mu Chen raised his head to take a look, and immediately understood that it was probably because he saw the expressions of the two little fellows that caused Shen Jingli to notice something.    


Shen Jingli looked at him with a longing gaze, asking to be honest with him, just like how he told him everything last night.    


"I didn't bring those two little fellows back." He answered, and then raised his head to look at the two White-shouldered Eagle, "I think that it might be a message sent by the cold wind, wanting to tell me that he is currently not in the northwest, but is somewhere near the capital city."    


"Cold Wind is your subordinate in the military camp?" Shen Jingli guessed.    


"Something like that."    


That's right, what did that mean? He was not satisfied with the answer, but just as he was about to ask, he realised that Mu Chen's face had a look of reminiscence.    


Mu Shisi, who rarely revealed any emotions, actually revealed such an expression, it truly made him feel that it was mystical.    


"He's a child my grandfather picked up. He grew up with me, and after that, my grandfather took him to the army camp."    


"What about you?" What was wrong with this development? Shouldn't it be him, the eldest young master, sneaking into the army camp and being chased by a small bamboo horse and servant?    


"I came here later on, Old Lady didn't want me to enter the army camp to train." Old Lady who didn't like him, was afraid that he would make a name for himself, had always been cold towards him, and wholeheartedly wanted to cripple him.    


"He was afraid that you would use your strength to create a world and block Mu Yu's path to becoming a noble." Shen Jingli shook his head. He really did not understand the Old Lady's thoughts.    


Mu Chen laughed and did not continue with the topic. The Old Lady had any thoughts about him, and from the moment he left the Marquis Zhen Yuan Mansion, it no longer had anything to do with him.    


"The cold wind is the deputy general of the Northwest Army. Under normal circumstances, he would not leave the Northwest. When he returned to the Central Plains this time, it was probably because the Northwest Army had met with trouble." he explained.    


Shen Jingli was not familiar with the situation of the Northwest Army, and had no way to express his opinion. He could only hold Mu Chen's hand and give him silent support.    


"It's fine. If the cold wind needs it, he'll send me a letter to notify me."    


Shen Jingli nodded his head, and then heard Xun Er, who was playing in front of them, shouting at them, "Daddy, Mama, look at how powerful I am!"    


Xun Er turned back and happily waved his hands towards them. He and Huaixin were standing by the small river, picking up a pebble on the ground and throwing it into the river.    


The world of children was innocent and full of worry, unlike adults.    


"Mama …"    


Without any response, Xun Er thought that they hadn't heard him and once again shouted loudly.    


"I heard it, Xun Er is awesome." Shen Jingli responded loudly.    


Hearing Shen Jingli's voice, Xun Er laughed happily, turned his head, and started whispering with Huaixin.    


When Shen Jingli and the others walked over, he immediately threw himself into Mu Chen's embrace and said in anticipation, "Father, can you bring us to catch some fish tomorrow?"    


"Rest at home tomorrow. Daddy will make a wooden horse for you." Mu Chen lifted him up and placed him on his shoulder.    


Seeing the interaction between the father and son, Huaixin silently walked over to Shen Jingli's side and held Shen Jingli's hand.    


Shen Jingli looked down at him and he raised his head and smiled, "Madam, I will hold onto you, and protect you and Young Master."    


The little guy had a resolute expression on his face. Holding onto him with one hand and carefully protecting his stomach with the other, his tiny body seemed to be able to display limitless power.    


Shen Jingli looked at him and felt that this child was truly very warm. He likes you, so he will treat you well with all his heart.    


"Why isn't his name Mama?" He remembered that he had shouted before.    


Huaixin opened his eyes wide in shock, raised his head and looked at Shen Jingli, then shook his head and said: "Brother said that we are servants, so we cannot call you Madam Mama, it's not according to the rules."    


"Do you like me?"    


"I like it." Huaixin said excitedly, "Huaixin likes Madam the most. Madam is so nice to Huaixin, letting him live in such a good house, have beautiful clothes, good meals, and all kinds of toys to play with. Huaixin likes Madam the most. "    


Such a pure child, just giving him a place to live, eating and dressing everyday, only to feel that he was the best person in the world. Unexpectedly, he only wanted someone to play with Xun Er at that time.    


"I like Huaixin too."    


Hearing that, Xiao Shuang'er's face became red, she turned and leaned on Shen Jingli's body.    


The family of four happily went back home, only to see Mu Yifann and Dr Sun drinking tea in the courtyard.    


"Madam, Dr Sun has come to check your pulse."    


Jin Yu was carrying a pot of food outside, and when she saw them return, he immediately reported to them.    


"Got it." Shen Jingli said as he released Huaixin's hand, allowing him to follow him back to the house to play. Then he walked towards Mu Yifann and the Dr Sun.    


"Fourteenth Brother, sister-in-law, you two are back." Mu Yifann stood up.    


"Fourteenth Master, Madam." The Dr Sun also stood up and bowed to them, "I am here to take Madam's pulse examination."    


"How is Jinglee?" Mu Chen helped Shen Jingli to sit down, and Dr Sun quickly opened his medical kit. He took out a small cushion and placed it on the table, then Mu Chen lifted Shen Jingli's hand and placed it on the table.    


Dr Sun raised his hand to take his pulse. While touching his pulse, he also touched his chin which had a mustache growing on it.    


Shen Jingli was very confident about his body. He had eaten well and slept well recently, and the child in his stomach hadn't made a fuss either.    


"What's the situation?" Mu Chen asked.    


"The fetus is in good shape." Dr Sun retracted his hand, "They are indeed twins, their pulse is very strong and the child is very healthy."    


"I am not asking about the children, but about the condition of Jinglee's body. Is his body suitable to bear the two children?"    


He had never thought that a man like Mu Chen would say such words. Perhaps, it should be said that he had diagnosed so many pregnant husbands, and their families were all concerned about their children, so very few people would care about the health condition of their pregnant women.    


"The Lady is in good health, but she is likely to be born prematurely if she is pregnant, so she has to be prepared to settle down and give birth two or three months in advance." Dr Sun said.    


"Alright." As long as there was no problem with Shen Jingli's body, everything was fine.    


"Fourteenth Brother is so considerate to sister-in-law." Mu Yifann said from the side. He thought that he should learn more from Mu Chen, this was a good example of a good man.    


"He's my husband." After she explained everything to him, Mu Yifann started to feel uncomfortable.    


Dr Sun had finished checking his pulse and was about to return, but he was stopped by Mu Chen, "Dr Sun, can Jinglee's body travel a long distance? We are preparing to return to Beijing. "    


"The carriage should be more comfortable and take the flat official road. Try to slow down so that the carriage won't bumpy. It would be better for Madam's health." Dr Sun said.    


"Thank you, Dr Sun."    


"Fourteenth Master, no need to be so polite." Seeing that he did not have anymore questions, Dr Sun took his medical kit and left. After a while, he seemed to have thought of something and turned back, saying, "If Fourteenth Master is in a hurry, we can take the water route. By boat, it shouldn't be as bumpy as the carriage."    


"Thank you Dr Sun for your reminder." Mu Chen personally saw Dr Sun out.    




In the afternoon, Yang Ningxin and the others returned from the Jinling City.    


Mu Chen was currently accompanying Xun Er in doing some handiwork under the big tree in the courtyard. Once Yang Ningxin entered the door, she immediately rushed towards him happily and shouted loudly, "Cousin brother, I missed you so much."    


Mu Chen pushed her aside with a palm and reprimanded her: "Reckless and reckless, without a single trace of the rules of a young miss."    


"Cousin?" Yang Ningxin shouted in dissatisfaction after being rejected.    


"Men and women shouldn't be too intimate with each other, even if it's their cousins." Mu Chen glanced at her. This girl had already learnt how to behave, if she did such things on the streets of the capital and was seen by familiar people, then her reputation would probably go down the drain.    


Old and stiff. Yang Ningxin cursed in her heart as she turned to look for Shen Jingli to play.    


Shen Yue'er followed behind her. She had always been respectful to Mu Chen, but he didn't dare to be like him.    


"Yes." Mu Chen nodded, and continued, "You have worked hard to come all this way to see Jinglee."    


Shen Yue'er was overwhelmed by the favor, his face was flushed red and he quickly shook his head: "It's not hard, this is what I should do."    


She felt her heart pounding and she was too embarrassed to look at Mu Chen. She quickly covered her face and ran to the kitchen.    


Senior Servant Qian stood on the veranda and watched this scene. With a faint smile, she carried the items back to her room.    


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