Sick Man Turns Out to be a General



Northwest, Yanmen Pass    


Mu Chen looked at the information in his hands and frowned. He said to Yan Chenglee who was seated at the side: "The capital is surrounded, the situation does not seem to be looking good."    


He passed the security over to Yan Chenglee, but Yan Chenglee took up his teacup leisurely and leisurely drank his tea. He was not worried at all by this news.    


"Since the hidden guards are able to send a message, it means that royal father has dealt with it calmly." Yan Chenglee put down his teacup. His usually amiable smile had a different majesty to it than before.    


Without the support of the other armies, even if they were unable to replenish their rations in time, they would still have to rely on themselves. Even if they had to replenish their manpower, they would have to gather civilians along the way, and they would also have to train soldiers at different times of the year.    


This battle was even more difficult than usual. He had also sharpened Yan Chenglee's patience and judgement of looking at things. He was more steady and more calm than before.    


Mu Chen looked at Yan Chenglee and revealed a deep smile. King Jing, who had always been soft-hearted, had also become more determined.    


Being soft-hearted was not a weakness, but someone too soft-hearted to be in a position of power wouldn't be a big deal. This time, being the commander of the troops made him realize this. This was probably the purpose of the Emperor sending him out.    


Mu Chen placed the information on the table, "Even though you said that, but don't forget your majesty, the mastermind hasn't been caught, so it's hard to say."    


Yan Chenglee laughed, it was truly hard to say, but the situation on the battlefield was constantly changing, and as long as there was an instant of error, they might not be able to recover from it. But even so, they had to hold on to their positions, try their best to do what they should, and focus on breaking through each and every one of them.    


It was impossible to attempt to control everything within your grasp.    


"Indeed." He looked up, his eyes deep and distant, "By the way, what are you going to do next? Great Qi's troops have already retreated outside of Yanmen Pass, if I am not mistaken, they will probably only be able to hold on until the end of the year and they will send people to negotiate with us. "    


Great Qi encountered a natural disaster last year, and the harvest was not good, so they sent troops to attack them. According to their food reserves, after they were chased out of Yanmen Mountain, they probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long.    


War consumed a great deal of manpower and resources. Thus, under normal circumstances, they would accept peace and negotiation.    


Maintaining peace is also a very difficult thing.    


"Tonight." They could not let the other party drag on until the end of the year. Although Xu Yanlin was rushing at the back to collect the food and pay, the situation in the country was not stable, and food collection was not as smooth as it had always been. In order to prevent all possibilities, they had to think of all possible avenues of retreat, and in order to resolve the conflict within the country as soon as possible, this battle had to end.    


Mu Chen took out the attack and defense map, and pointed out the place the Great Qi Army troops were stationed at, "This is the place where the Great Qi Army troops are stationed, it is roughly thirty kilometers away from us, and this place is likely to be where they place the food and fodder. Furthermore, they last sent out a special army in the middle of the night.    


"And the result?"    


Mu Chen then pointed to a small path on the other side, it was a very hidden road, and if you did not see it on the map, you would not be able to see it, "If there is a battle ahead, it would not be easy to bypass the battlefield and attack the city. But if they attack us from this path, we may be caught off guard. "    


"Since you're prepared, how can you be unprepared?" How amazing! He simply did not give his opponent any chances, yet he was still reliable. It was his fortune to have a great general like Great Yan as well as his luck.    


"Analysing the enemy's attack strategy is part of the war, too." If he could come up with a good countermeasure, he would be able to handle sudden situations.    


"Truly reliable." Yan Chenglee laughed.    


After Mu Chen finished his analysis of the situation, he asked the generals of the White Tiger Army to come over. After giving the order for the attack on the night, he had the messenger go to the other officers to inform them of the military situation.    


In these past few days, Mu Chen, Han Feng's newly formed army, as well as the soldiers and horses stationed nearby all came to the front line.    


To be able to force back the Great Qi Army troops, all the troops were very happy. They maintained their enthusiasm for victory, and all the officers had been discussing the military news. All the soldiers were working together, all of them rubbing their fists and wiping their palms, ready to go.    


Just as Mu Chen gave his order, the middle aged man came out to give his orders, "Soldiers, listen! "Marshal has given the order, the troops are to gather at the military arena and the generals are to report to the main tent to await orders!"    


Soon after, the entire camp began to boil with noise. "Dong Dong Dong", "Dong Dong Dong", "Dong Dang", the sound of the golden drums rang out in unison, shaking the heavens and earth.    


The children of the three armies ran to the drill grounds in a hurry, and the officials marched to the main tent as if they were flying.    


At this time, Yan Chenglee and Mu Chen were walking into the pavilion, and after turning to the podium, just as they sat down, all the generals exclaimed loudly and came forward to greet them, "Greetings Your Highness King Jing and the Marshal!"    


Yan Chenglee replied: "No need for formalities."    


With a "Hua" sound, the generals returned to their seats and stood up with their hands hanging by their sides.    


Yan Chenglee's gaze was deep as it swept across everyone. When he first arrived, these people were all making excuses for each other, not accepting Mu Chen's orders. Now, they could already fuse together quite well.    


Amongst these people, there were even a few that were promoted by Mu Chen, who had a hunch that was as sharp as a wild beast's when it came to fighting and marching.    


Yan Chenglee maintained a smile on his face, raised his head and looked at Mu Chen, indicating that he could begin.    


Mu Chen looked towards the two rooms in a flash: the one to the east was the old general that his grandfather brought out back then, there was General Han, who had fought with Great Qi dozens of times, He Liang, also Cold Wind and Nan Jiyun, and the ones to the west were the generals that he raised after he left, Wang Jing, Zhang Dinglin, Hua Xie Xu, Meng Liang … They were all powerful and valiant. Each one of them was in high spirits and had an imposing air.    


Mu Chen was filled with vigor, and an awe-inspiring presence.    


However, he did not give the order immediately after naming the soldiers. Instead, he said, "Generals, the spies that have appeared in the army have all been removed."    


As soon as his voice fell, the bodies of a few people froze and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.    


Are Marshal Mu's words really not meant to offend them? Those traitors were all part of their team, and they had been deceived into taking away important information.    


Mu Chen's eyes swept across the few men, pursed his lips, and continued to release the military intelligence: "Generals! Now that the Great Qi Army have been forced out of Yanmen Pass by us, and tonight, we will launch a night assault, waiting for the enemy's warning drum to ring out, we will attack the enemy's forces. We hope you will work together and take the lead. The military decree shall be given without mistake. "    


When the generals heard this, they raised their heads and puffed out their chests, waiting for the order to be passed down.    


At this time, Mu Chen shouted loudly: "Cold Wind, listen up!"    




"This marshal will give you one thousand soldiers. Take Meng Liang and Wang Yan and ambush the enemy from the right side."    


"This general obeys your command!"    


After which, Cold Wind took out his command and left the tent with Meng Liang and Wang Yan.    


Mu Chen passed on the second order, "Han Yue, listen up!"    


General Han stepped forward, "Marshal, where should we go?"    


"I order you to lead three thousand troops to the left and block the enemy's left flank, to disrupt their phalanx."    




After everything had been arranged, just in time to hear the distant sound of the drum, Mu Chen shouted loudly, "Let's go!"    


He took the lead, with Yan Chenglee at the left and Nan Jiyun at the right, walking at the front of the army.    


Behind them, all kinds of people followed, rushing towards the enemy camp like a tide.    


"The enemy's four-sided formation is very powerful. Once surrounded, it will be a tough battle. Have you thought of a good strategy to deal with it?" Nan Jiyun asked.    


"I heard that the Great Qi has been replaced by a new marshal. I wonder what will happen after that?" Mu Chen supported his chin as he thought.    


Mu Chen was riding on his horse in front of the army, he was looking far ahead, and was giving out the order, "Generals, charge!"    


With the order given, the cheers and shouts were earth-shattering. The drums and gongs rang out like the mountains. All the generals led their troops and charged towards the enemy troops.    


Flowers two open, each table a branch.    


After infiltrating the rear camp, the White Tiger Army had set fire to what appeared to be a storage area, causing panic among the enemy. They had immediately and quietly retreated.    


The response of the Great Qi's troops was extremely fast. The chaos only lasted for a quarter of an hour before it was adjusted. They sent one team to handle the storehouse that was in an upheaval, and then the other teams went to meet it.    


The commander of the White Tiger Army led the troops to retreat while he himself led dozens of elite soldiers to sneak into the enemy's camp.    


As soon as they walked out, they saw a group of generals blocking their way. The soldiers behind them whooshed and raised their torches.    


That general asked, "Who is it?"    


"White Tiger Army General White Tiger, who are you?"    


"General of the Great Qi Heavenly Dragon Army, Long Tianjiao." After he finished speaking, he swung his blade and hacked down. The large blade was so powerful that it seemed as if a tiger was about to burst out of the water.    


The White Tiger turned around and dodged. Then, it brandished its coiling dragon golden spear to stab the flood dragon.    


The two of them were burning with raging flames, like firecrackers. One could see the energy in their bodies pulling at each other, neither giving in to the other.    


The two of them fought back and forth for five or six rounds. Long Tianjiao wasn't his match as he turned around and was defeated. The White Tiger quickly chased after him and kicked a stone into the pit of his knees.    


The soldiers looked and were about to charge forward.    


At this time, the retreating army had caught up to them again, and attacked them from behind. The White Tiger Army's attack was very strong, scaring the retreating soldiers, but the Great Qi army was quickly reassembled, and they did not dare stay for long as they retreated decisively.    


However, the team led by Cold Wind made a good sneak attack, causing the right wing to not be in the same group as the other teams.    


As long as he stopped them from forming a four-sided formation and cutting off their strongest battle formation, they would be able to continue fighting.    


Mu Chen rode on his horse and stared at the other party's camp. He could not lose this battle no matter what, and no matter who the opponent's general was, he would not lose. If he lost here, the old man would probably jump out from his grave and scold him.    


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