Sick Man Turns Out to be a General



After looking through the accounts of the shop and the farm, he found some mistakes in the accounts of the few stores, and changing into two unresponsible accounts, Shen Jingli finally found the time to pay a visit to the Old Lady Yang. After listening to Shen Jingli's advice, the Old Lady Yang did simple exercises for an hour every day, and even started planting flowers and vegetables.    


When Yang Ningxin heard that Shen Jingli had come to the residence, she originally planned to leave, but she temporarily did not go. Instead, she went to Old Lady Yang's courtyard to talk to Shen Jingli.    


Old Lady Yang looked at her mischievous look and ridiculed her: "Aiyo, my busy man, how come you have the time to visit this old woman today? Jinglee, you really have some face. This girl hasn't even come to pay respects to me, her grandmother, for more than a month. The moment you came, she eagerly rushed over.    


Yang Ningxin's face flushed red, he unhappily buried her head in Shen Jingli's lap and protested, "Grandmother, who spoke like that about their own granddaughter? "I bring snacks from the shop every day to eat. Why are you only thinking about my bad side and not my good side?"    


"Aiyo, Grandmother still thinks you're amazing?" The Old Lady Yang was in a good mood as she played with Yang Ningxin, "Tell Grandmother about it, how do you look like a Shangguan Miss? "All day long, you still pretend to be a man. Don't you forget, you still haven't gotten married. If you lose your good name, you will implicate the other sisters in the family."    


"I …" Yang Ningxin had originally wanted to refute that she could marry into their family, but when Old Lady Yang brought out the other sisters, she could not refute that. She never represented herself, but this family, where the world was unfair to women, and they could not freely pursue everything they wanted. She knew very well that because of her business deal with Elder Sister Xiu, her family had already been pointed out by many people, especially those wives who did not have good relationships with their mothers and second aunts.    


Seeing her unaccepting towards him, Old Lady Yang could only sigh helplessly. It was not that she insisted on holding her back, she was her precious grandson. She also wanted her to live a free and happy life, but freedom was not that simple.    


"Hurry up and talk about marriage. In order to prevent others from gossiping, don't leave the house in the future. Let your second brother handle Pu Zi's matters for you." Old Lady Yang said decisively.    


"Grandmother …" Yang Ningxin protested in dissatisfaction.    


"I will make your mother keep an eye on you. You stay home and learn cooking from female workers, so that you won't be despised by your parents-in-law when you get home." It wasn't easy being a grandmother like her. Not only did she have to worry about matters of the family, she also had to worry about the marriage of her grandchildren.    


If you dislike her, then don't marry her back. Yang Ningxin secretly cursed, but she did not dare to say that she was arguing with the Old Lady Yang, so she could only rub against Shen Jingli's body and ask for his consolation.    


Shen Jingli caressed her chubby cheeks, and reached out for a piece of red bean cake for her to eat, "Listen to grandmother obediently, Grandma won't hurt you."    


Yang Ningxin snorted, she gulped down the red bean cake and ignored Shen Jingli.    


Old Lady Yang drank tea and then asked about Mu Chen, "Did Zi An write a letter to you? What about the front line? The old master did not receive any news from the imperial court either. I have been feeling uneasy, afraid of Zi An … "Ai, I'm old and always like to think random thoughts."    


Shen Jingli understood his feelings, as long as Mu Chen did not come back, he would not be at ease. Although Mu Chen was a brave warrior, he was still a mortal after all, so how could he not be injured?    


"Cousin is amazing. He'll be fine." "Grandmother, don't think too much into it. If you're free, you might as well think about the matters of the Brother Jin. He's already at the set age, if you have a girl you like, then quickly tell sister-in-law that she can help you propose a marriage."    


Yang Ningxin anxiously dragged Mu Jin into the water. As a cousin, he naturally had to face all sorts of difficulties, so how could she be the only one being nagged at?    


Shen Jingli reached out and pressed her head, "You don't have to worry about Jin'er's matters, it's best for you to take care of yourself first."    


Thinking that boys were better than girls, Yang Ningxin stomped her feet in frustration and ran out. Old Lady Yang shook her head, this girl did not look like a lady at all.    


"This girl is getting more and more impudent." "Jin'er has become more sensible recently, and even came to visit me two days ago. I saw that he grew even taller, and I was really happy in my heart, but I felt sad for my girl, I can't let my child grow up and get married and have children."    


Thinking of his bitter daughter, Old Lady Yang started crying. Shen Jingli was moved, he had also experienced the pain of parting from death, and understood the sorrow of never seeing each other again. He took a handkerchief and wiped the tears of the old lady.    


Old Lady Yang took the handkerchief and wiped the tears off her face, laughing: "I'm old, and am sad just talking about these things, don't you blame me. This white-haired man really suffered a lot when she gave away the black haired man."    


Shen Jingli knew that she had emotions that he wanted to vent, so he didn't speak and listened quietly.    


After the Old Lady Yang finished narrating, her mood became much better. She pulled Shen Jingli along and asked him about the things that happened in the palace.    


He thought that the Emperor wanted to use Shen Jingli to hold Mu Chen back and treat his family as hostages, so he told the Old Master to go and investigate, but the capital had prepared a siege and the Old Master was busy discussing the war with the officials of the imperial government, so he was in no mood to bother with her. During that period of time, she really couldn't eat or sleep well, but she had asked the people at the Western Mu Mansion about and only after knowing that she was safe in the palace did she heave a sigh of relief.    


"The capital is currently in a state of unrest, so whenever the General Zheng escapes to another country, he might join forces with other countries to attack our country. Don't look at how the capital is stabilising now, and then you can relax. Zi An is fighting in the northwest, where it is difficult for him to care for you and your child's safety. Old Lady Yang pulled Shen Jingli's hand, and said sincerely.    


Shen Jingli knew that the Old Lady Yang was doing this for her own good, so he mentioned this to him. He nodded, he had also seen many palace dramas, so he would still be prepared for what should be done.    


After leaving the Yang Mansion, Shen Jingli went to the west side of the city to buy some bag of meat that Xun Er liked to eat.    


Just as he approached the arched door of the veranda, he heard the laughter of children coming from the courtyard. Accompanied by the cries of White-shouldered Eagle, before Shen Jingli could even see the scene inside, he had already imagined a joyous and joyful scene.    


He smiled and once again counted the steamed buns in his bag. After making sure he didn't buy too little, he walked through the arched door.    


Xun Er sat on the emperor's neck, smiling happily as he threw the dried meat in his hands out to tease the two White-shouldered Eagle.    


Shen Jingli was so shocked that his eyes were wide open. Hey, why is the emperor here? And even allowed Xun Er to sit on his neck to play? Was this going to scare him to death?    


While Xun Er was playing happily, he was dancing with joy and did not notice Shen Jingli enter, but when the emperor saw him first, he extended his hand and waved.    


Shen Jingli became even more frightened. He was completely unable to guess what the emperor was thinking.    


He walked over and said to Xun Er with a tiger-like face: "Xun Er, you're not allowed to be naughty, quickly come down."    


When Xun Er saw him, he shouted happily: "Mama, you're back. Let me tell you, Grandpa Huang is a good person.    


Shen Jingli felt that his heart had already been petrified, and upon hearing his words, he could only smile with a face as dead as death, before taking out the meat bun that Xun Er liked to tempt him. "Good girl Xun Er, Mama bought the meat bun that you like the most, come down and eat it."    


When Xun Er saw the meat bun he liked, he immediately reached out to grab it. Taking this opportunity, Shen Jingli brought him down and apologized to the emperor, "This child doesn't know anything and offended the emperor. Please forgive me, your majesty."    


The emperor waved his hand. "It's nothing. This child is lively and adorable. I am very happy, and I volunteered to play with him."    


Xun Er took out a bag of fresh meat from his bag and handed it over to the emperor, "Grandfather Huang, you eat too, this bag of fresh meat is really delicious. Xun Er loves this house's bag of fresh meat the most."    


After he finished speaking, he gave another one to Huaixin, and then, he picked it up himself, one by one, to eat.    


Being in a high position, he had never even enjoyed the warmth of a normal family. His children and grandchildren were usually under his dignity and did not dare to approach him, not to mention carelessly giving him buns to eat. It felt quite special.    


Shen Jingli felt a splitting headache the moment he saw the emperor receive Xun Er's bun. He knew that the emperor had to be cautious about his food, especially outside of the palace, where he had to personally test for poison before he could make the emperor eat.    


"Your Majesty, this bun …"    


Before he could finish his words, the emperor had already taken a bite of the bun. As he chewed, he nodded. "This bun is indeed delicious. The gravy is delicious, but the meat stuffing is neither greasy nor firewood."    


Seeing that, Lee Dehai stared anxiously: "Your majesty, this bun has yet to be tested for poison, how did you eat it?" Look at Nanping County Prince, he's almost scared to death by you.    


"The two children are eating so deliciously yet nothing happened. What are you worried about?" He picked up another bag of fresh meat and began to eat.    


Xun Er saw that the emperor liked his favorite meat bun, so he was very happy and he gave another bun to the emperor. "Grandfather Huang, I'll give you another bun."    


"Alright." The emperor took the bun he gave him and touched his head. Xun Er smiled bashfully.    


After the emperor finished eating the buns, Shen Jingli invited him to the front hall and ordered his servants to serve tea before kneeling down to apologize, "I did not know that your majesty would be here.    


"Rise." The emperor said, "Today, I had a private visit. I didn't inform you in advance, so I don't blame you for not being in the manor."    


"Your Majesty, is there any matter that brings you here today?" Shen Jingli sat on the chair below.    


"Don't be nervous, there's nothing bad about it. We only said that we heard that the County Prince's Mansion's food was good, so we came here to beg for a meal." The emperor joked.    


"His Majesty must be joking. What rare delicacies are there in the palace? How can the commonplace food in our palace enter the emperor's eyes?"    


"I just want to eat everyday." The Emperor said.    


Since the emperor had already said so, Shen Jingli didn't dare to reject. He agreed and turned to ask Lee Dehai what's wrong with the emperor's meal, and arranged for the chef to cook dinner again.    


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