Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C255 The Anxiety of the New Year

C255 The Anxiety of the New Year

The snow, which had been falling fitfully for a long time, finally stopped the day before New Year's Eve.    


Early Morning    


When Shen Jingli opened the curtains and looked at the morning sun that he had not seen for a long time, he slipped through his fingertips and entered the room.    


This was a rare sunny day since the beginning of the snow. Shen Jingli took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the sun, and then had the servants move all the blankets in the rooms into the courtyard to dry them, while cleaning the house.    


Pan and An seemed to feel that the weather had gotten better and were making a ruckus in the room. Their big, dark eyes kept staring out of the window, as if attracted by the warm rays of the sun.    


"The Young Master are going out to play."    


The wet nurses picked up the girls and stood by the window, afraid that the two young masters would catch a cold if the wind blew. The wet nurses didn't dare to open all the windows, so the two young masters were able to see what was going on outside.    


Some servants came over and whispered a few words to him. He turned around and saw his nanny carrying An'an, while others stood behind the window together. An'an was being mischievous, waving their little claws restlessly, wanting to catch the light that was falling on the window side.    


He had a smile in his eyes, just in time to see Nan Jiyun and the cold wind come over, he revealed a happy expression, and called for them to come over, and put An Ran into their arms, and let them bring the ball and An Ran to the place where the air was washed, where they could bask in the sun. Then he turned around and continued with his work.    


Nan Jiyun was dumbstruck, his eyes staring at the small ball of glutinous rice in his arms. His small body writhed uncomfortably in his embrace, and even waved his hand in front of his eyes, in an attempt to attract his attention, so that he could adjust his uncomfortable posture.    


Compared to Nan Jiyun, the expression of the cold wind was very calm. Although his posture was a bit weird and stiff, he didn't notice anything, and when he turned his head to look at the tree beside him, he started to ponder like a thinker. However, the cold wind did not feel that the child was thinking, but felt that the child was probably too sleepy and wanted to sleep.    


"Wa, wa …"    


The cold wind looked at him sideways, and he felt that he had quite the potential to be a father. No matter what he did, he could not suppress the smile on his face, and as he lowered his head to look at the ball in his chest, he suddenly felt that Nan Jiyun's idea was pretty good. They might be needing a child right now.    


Only after coaxing for a while did An An finally stop crying. She giggled, and her fair and tender face revealed dimples, making her look very adorable.    


Nan Jiyun whistled to tease him, and said in a happy mood: "This time, it was your Mama who threw you to me, and gave it to me, then I will not go back, in the future you will have to follow my surname, and be my son."    


"The child is still young, so he doesn't understand you." Seeing his serious look, Han Feng smiled and pulled him towards the courtyard, "Let's go. Let's take a walk there. The plum blossoms are blooming just right, and the children will probably be happier there."    


"Didn't you say they are still young? You know how to admire plum blossoms at such a young age? " Nan Jiyun used the words of the cold wind to stop him.    


The cold wind was so stifled that he had no words to reply. He couldn't help but laugh as he said, "I was wrong. It was me who said the wrong thing."    


He nodded his head, and followed the cold wind to the Central District. Seeing the scenery along the road, An An was very happy, and kept turning his little head, looking over here, over there, and looking at the peaceful, well-behaved looking. If not for the fact that his eyes were still wide open, Nan Jiyun would have thought that he had fallen asleep.    


An An saw it, thought it was something fun, and casually waved his hands to grab at it. Every time he was about to grab hold of it, Nan Jiyun would quickly lift his head up, allowing him to grab ahold of empty space. Thus, An An An didn't feel displeased, and instead, started to giggle non-stop. As for the group of people, they only glanced at him for a short moment before turning their heads away disinterestedly, continuing to lecture their little thinker.    


Nan Jiyun laughed, using his shoulder to lightly touch the cold wind, "These two children are really interesting, one is happy for the other to be calm, the other to be active, it's like two extremes."    


"There's nothing bad about it." The cold wind said.    


Nan Jiyun thought about it, and felt that it was true too.    




When it was almost time for lunch, Mu Jing brought Yang Ningyi along to deliver the new year gifts to Shen Jingli and the others. When they entered the residence and saw that the courtyard was covered with bedding and clothes, they suspected that they had walked into the wrong place.    


Mu Chen was trying to enlighten Xun Er, and when he heard that they had come, he immediately brought Xun Er and Huaixin out together. When Mu Jing saw him, he immediately gave him a wink, causing Mu Chen to raise his eyebrows in puzzlement, then turned to look at the pile of stuff in the courtyard.    


"Why are you free today?" Tomorrow was New Year's Eve. Every household was busy with things they needed to use for New Year's Eve, so they usually couldn't leave.    


"I'm here to give you guys a new year's gift, Brother Thirteen. Every year, you guys are the first to give us a new year's gift. No matter what, you guys have to give me a new year's gift first." Mu Jing laughed as he looked down at Xun Er.    


When Xun Er saw that his uncle was looking at him, he walked out and openly let him look at him, and said in a crafty voice: "Uncle, did you bring Xun Er a present?"    


Mu Jing, who was about to become a father, felt that every child he saw was like a little fairy child, beautiful to the point of being cute and cute. He reached out and picked Xun Er up, letting him sit on his shoulder, "What kind of gift does Xun Er want? You tell it to uncle and uncle will give it to you. "    


Xun Er didn't think that he could ask for a present himself. He tried to think of it, but no matter what, he couldn't think of it, so he pursed his lips and felt that it was a little difficult to accept.    


"I don't know." He answered honestly.    


Hearing his answer, Mu Jing's expression was extremely wonderful, as though he had never heard such an honest answer in a long time, the corners of his mouth hooked up into a bright smile, and he said, "Then how about uncle giving you a small pony?"    


When Xun Er heard that she wanted to give him a pony, his eyes immediately lit up. He then heard Mu Chen say, "How old is he? You give him a pony, what if he clamours to ride it? "    


Xun Er was only three years old, how could he ride a small horse? What if something went wrong?    


Yang Ningyi, who went to look for Shen Jingli, met Nan Jiyun and Leng Feng at the pavilion in the Central District. Seeing that the two of them were actually taking care of the children, she was very surprised and walked over to chat with them, carrying the two children in her arms.    


The three of them chatted in the pavilion for a while before they brought their children to look for Mu Chen, just in time to hear their conversation.    


Yang Ningyi's face immediately darkened. He went up and pinched Mu Jing's ears, then apologized to Mu Chen, "Thirteenth Brother, don't be angry. This guy doesn't know anything.    


Mu Chen interrupted him, "No need, I was just reminding him."    


It was not that he did not know how to consider the consequences, it was just that when he was happy, he would often ignore this point. He was very clear about his personality, so he did not blame Mu Jing for it.    


Yang Ningyi nodded and then glanced at Mu Jing fiercely again. Mu Jing realized that he had done something wrong and rubbed his nose, looking around, but he did not dare to look at Yang Ningyi.    


After receiving the new year gifts from Shen Jingli, Mu Jing and Yang Ningyi did not eat lunch and headed back.    


— —    


This New Year is destined to be a restless one.    


On New Year's Eve, the normally healthy emperor suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood during the royal reunion dinner and fainted on the spot.    


This all happened too quickly, scaring all the concubines and princesses present. The empress made a prompt decision and called over all of the imperial physicians on duty to carefully treat the emperor's illness. It had to be treated.    


The emperor was still unconscious the next day, but the imperial physician said that the emperor's health was very poor and would probably need several days before he could wake up. After the empress dowager learned of this, she sat quietly for two hours at the Tzu Ning Palace, then called the empress over to explain the situation before ordering the officials to not enter the palace this year to pay their respects.    


The imperial court was shrouded in an atmosphere of dark clouds pressing down on the city. Everyone was diligent and anxious, afraid that the world would fall into chaos.    


Yan Chenglee paid a visit to the Emperor at the Palace and inquired about the Emperor's condition from the Imperial Physician. He didn't understand how the normally healthy and healthy royal father could suddenly faint and be unable to wake up?    


"This old official also finds it strange. His Majesty has been taking good care of his body for the past two years and has seen how much medicine he eats. He confirmed that there were no problems and allowed the imperial kitchens to make it, but his health has worsened over the past few years …" Imperial Physician Liu couldn't help but shake his head, ashamed of the promotion for the emperor.    


As Yan Chenglee listened, his eyebrows tightened, "In these past few years, his health has been getting worse? You're still giving him those tonics? "    


There was fury in his eyes, but he clenched his fists and tried his best to control it. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and destroy the entire Grand Hospital.    


When Imperial Physician Liu heard this, he knew that Yan Chenglee had misunderstood and quickly added, "Your Highness has misunderstood me. This subject has always been according to the condition of the emperor's body, prescribing and preparing his medicine.    


Imperial Physician Liu's forehead was a little wet, and cold sweat broke out all over his body in the middle of winter. His Highness King Jing's gaze was simply too frightening, it almost scared his old bones to pieces.    


"You never suspected what was wrong with those drugs?"    


"That's the medicine personally concocted by this old official. I feel that there won't be a problem with it." Hearing that Yan Chenglee doubted his, Imperial Physician Liu immediately raised his voice to refute.    


Yan Chenglee looked at him, "Imperial Physician Liu, this prince does not suspect you. This king asks you this, but have you investigated the dregs of the medicine father drank before, and you are so sure that no one dares to do anything to those medicines?"    


When Imperial Physician Liu heard his question, he couldn't speak for a while. He thought about it carefully and suddenly became terrified. If that really happened, then the other party was too brilliant.    


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