Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C205 Bean Curd

C205 Bean Curd

"Xun Er..."    


The moment Xun Er entered the room, he heard Yang Ningxin's agitated voice, which was immediately followed by her jumping into the air to hug him, before forcefully kissing him, "Xun Er, Cousin missed you so much, do you want to go with me?"    


Xun Er was kissed until he was a little muddled, his short legs swaying back and forth. He looked at Yang Ningxin in a daze, and called out with uncertainty, "Cousin?"    


"Yeah, I'm your cousin. What's wrong? Don't you remember me?" Yang Ningxin pinched his nose and pretended to be sad as she complained, "You little unscrupulous brat, it's only been a few months since we last met and you've already forgotten all about your cousin. "To think that cousin always remembered you and even brought you delicious food from the capital."    


Hearing that there was something delicious to eat, Xun Er's eyes immediately lit up with interest. He kissed Yang Ningxin ingratiatingly and said: "Cousin."    


Yang Ningxin was kissed to the point that she lost her temper, she immediately abandoned her weapon and surrendered, and straightforwardly said: "Let's go, I'll bring you to get something delicious."    


"Thank you, cousin." Xun Er mustered his strength to help her.    


Yang Ningxin was drunk from drinking, so she put Xun Er down and held his hand, about to head to the kitchen.    


Shen Jingli brought Huaixin and walked in from the outside. Xun Er immediately ran over and hugged Huaixin, happily sharing with him, "Huaixin, my cousin said that he brought us delicious food, let's go eat together."    


Hearing that, Shen Jingli frowned, "Don't let him eat too many snacks, or else he won't be able to finish his dinner later."    


"It's fine, it's just a few tofu buns. I just had the kitchen cook cook make them." Yang Ningxin waved her hands nonchalantly as she led Xun Er out.    


Huaixin blinked his eyes as he looked at Yang Ningxin for a while. Then, as if he suddenly thought of something, he grinned happily and pulled Yang Ningxin's hand and asked: "Cousin, where's my brother? Is he here too? "    


When he thought about his brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Huaixin was so excited that his hands and feet were dancing. Ever since he was born, he had not come here for more than two days, and this time they had come together for only a few months.    


"He's here, chopping firewood in front of the kitchen door." Yang Ningxin reached out and grabbed Huaixin. After she was brought back by Shen Yue'er, he had a good time eating and drinking with Xun Er. Recently, they had been playing very crazily, even getting taller and a bit rounder.    


Yang Ningxin had never had any resistance towards cute things before. It was almost as if when she saw Huaixin's smile, her heart exploded. She immediately looked at Huaixin in an infatuated manner and even took the opportunity to pinch his cheek to take advantage of her.    


Chang Lai had finished splitting the firewood and was sitting on the wooden bench drinking water. When he heard Huaixin's happy voice, he was so excited that the cup of water in his hands fell onto the ground without a care, as he stared at the arch of the veranda.    


"Big brother!" Huaixin shouted and rushed in.    


He used to come here often to run and stagger, so he quickly went to catch him. He reached out to pinch his waist and then touched his face to make sure that he wasn't skinny. He even had some meat on him.    


"How are you doing here? Is anyone bullying you? " Chang Li brought Huaixin to sit on the wooden bench and check out the guards.    


"Very good, Xun Er and I have been playing in the village every day, and we even brought Da Hui and Er Hui to catch fish. It was really fun …" Huaixin said excitedly, and at the same time, he could not help but wave his hands.    


He had been worried about Huaixin for the past two or three months, worried that he would not be able to eat or sleep well, scared that he would miss him, and that he would cry to find him.    


Xun Er ran in from behind and when he looked up, he saw Huaixin sitting on Chang Lai's lap, happily sharing the interesting things he had been through. He quickly ran over and proudly raised his chin, and said to Chang Lai, "Huaixin, Huaixin is mine."    


He stared at Chang Lai's hand that was hugging Huaixin. After a while, he said generously, "But you're Huaixin's big brother, so I'll let you hug it for a while."    


Behind him, Yang Ningxin heard her words and raised her eyebrows in shock. Was Xun Er treating Huaixin as a foster son? Did Cousin and Sister-in-law know about this?    


"Thank you so much Young Master." It was often said that he didn't mean what he said.    


Xun Er started laughing happily as he turned around to take Yang Ningxin's hand, "Cousin, hurry and get some food, Xun Er is hungry."    


He patted his belly and pursed his lips. "Listen, he's so hungry he's crying."    


Yang Ningxin heard his childish talk and felt that it was extremely interesting. She hurriedly smiled and said, "Alright, alright, alright, I'll go get it right away."    


She got Chang Chang Zai to take care of Xun Er and she went to the kitchen to look for the chef. Since they brought three cooks from Beijing, Shen Jingli brought the cooks from home to Xu Yanlin's place.    


The smell of rice wine permeated through the kitchen. Yang Ningxin, who was a little drunk from the liquor, had his face turn red as if it was dyed with rouge.    


"Cook Li, what are you cooking?" she asked, sniffing in the pan. "Smells good."    


When Cook Li saw her salivating appearance, she could not help but be happy. As cooks, the happiest thing was the dishes that they cooked. Some people liked it.    


"It's a steamed duck steamed with wine and wine. If Miss Biao likes it, you can have more tonight." She had always been diligent in her work, tempering her culinary skills while Shen Jingli was being picky. She had thought that she would always serve Shen Jingli, and might even have the chance to go to the capital with him in the future. However, the three cooks that Yang Ningxin and the others brought with them today made her feel extremely uneasy.    


"Alright." Yang Ningxin asked happily as she scanned the kitchen. She did not see the three chefs that she brought from Beijing, so she asked curiously, "Where is the chefs that I brought from the capital? "Why not work here?"    


"This servant thinks that they might be a little tired from the long journey with the ladies, so I let them rest for the night. Today, this servant will prepare dinner." Cook Li said.    


There's nothing wrong with her words, Yang Ningxin nodded, "Then what about the tofu buns I asked them to make? It can't be that they didn't do it, right? "    


"Once I've done it, I'll put it in the sideboard. This servant will bring it to you right away." Cook Li scooped up a spoonful of water and washed her hands. She then opened the cupboard and gave Yang Ningxin a plate of tofu buns.    


The tofu buns were exquisite and small, with soft yellow skin. It was wrapped around the filling mixed with mushrooms and neatly arranged one by one. There was even a peony flower carved with carrot as the side. It was really appetizing.    


Yang Ningxin received the plate of tofu buns, and immediately picked one up with her chopsticks. She took a bite, and the smell of tofu skin carried the fragrance of mushrooms and meat, satisfying Yang Ningxin's appetite.    


After happily eating a bun, she said, "Then you can slowly cook. I'll go out first."    


Xun Er and Huaixin hadn't been able to wait for Yang Ningxin for a long time, so they came to play the game of snatching each other.    


"Xun Er, Cousin is back." Yang Ningxin carried a bun and quickly walked over.    


When Xun Er and Huaixin heard her voice, they immediately surrounded him. Yang Ningxin gave each of them a tofu buns, "Each person can only eat two, you can't eat too many, otherwise you won't be able to eat even more delicious food at night."    


Xun Er and Huaixin nodded obediently, they chewed and ate slowly, then Yang Ningxin turned back to Chang Xiao and passed a pair of chopsticks to him, "You eat too."    


Chang Li took the chopsticks from her and picked one up to eat. Seeing that he had eaten, Yang Ningxin immediately asked: "Is it delicious? It's one of my favorite snacks. "    


She laughed, revealing two faint dimples. She often came to look at her, and for some reason, her face suddenly turned red. She turned her head and said awkwardly, "It's very delicious."    


"Yeah, I think so too." Hearing that someone approved of him, Yang Ningxin was so happy that she ate another piece.    


She lowered her head and nibbled on a tofu bun. Her cheeks bulged like a little frog's, and her cute appearance actually made her heart beat faster.    


After sharing a plate of tofu buns, they went back to the living room together, talking and laughing. They basically came over often to listen to Yang Ningxin and the two kids' questions and answers.    


At night, Shen Jingli kept his promise and let the kitchen cook roast the fish for Xun Er. After dinner, Xun Er would eat the fish with Huaixin.    


"Mama, I want to sleep with you tonight." After playing around the courtyard, when it was time for him to go to sleep, Xun Er ran to the door of Shen Jingli's room and asked to be carried.    


Shen Jingli turned around and picked him up, then spat out a mouthful of saliva onto Shen Jingli's face, "Mama, write a letter to father asking him to hurry up and come back, Xun Er really misses him."    


"Alright." Shen Jingli smiled as he replied.    


Nanny Zhao was just about to return to her room, when she saw the situation unfold, she anxiously went up to Shen Jingli and lectured him. Qian mama saw it, but she did not stop her.    


"Madam, you can't bring Young Master to sleep together with you. Young Master is still young, it's easy for him to cause a ruckus by sleeping at night. What if I kick your ass …" Nanny Zhao talked for a while. When she remembered Shen Jingli's warning during the day, her wrinkled face turned pale white, as if she had just brushed a layer of pink. She nervously grabbed the handkerchief, afraid that Shen Jingli would sell her out in his anger.    


Shen Jingli looked at her. Although Nanny Zhao was a bit long-winded, she did it for his own good. And that Qian mama … Preserving one's consciousness to protect oneself? Could she be too smart? His eyes darkened as she looked towards the corridor outside. There weren't any lanterns lit in the corridor, it was pitch black. Qian mama was standing by a pillar. The faint moonlight shone upon her smiling face, giving it a sinister and terrifying appearance.    


"Xun Er's sleeping posture is very good, and he doesn't usually sleep randomly at night. It's very easy to bring." Shen Jingli said, "Please go back and rest, I will bring him to sleep for the night."    


Seeing that he was not angry, Nanny Zhao heaved a sigh of relief. However, hearing that he wanted to take Xun Er to sleep for the night, she couldn't help but be worried.    


Shen Jingli did not bother with her. He closed the door and went to grind the paper before writing a letter to Mu Chen.    


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