Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C141 Let's Go Home

C141 Let's Go Home

The situation was progressing smoothly. In just half a month, the men under the cold wind had completely annihilated the Shen Mansion and the Mu Family Village.    


When Mu Chen fished out the dragon robe and fake jade seal from the secret room at the fake mountain, Shen Gui was so angry that his eyes had turned red. Like a mad lion, he wanted nothing more than to charge forward and tear Mu Chen into pieces.    


"Who are you? You're a spy sent by the court, right? " He had already felt that something was amiss with them. Yet, the princess had fallen in love with him and wanted to marry him. In the end … It was too late to say anything now. Shen Gui stared at Mu Chen with anger in his eyes, struggling his way through.    


"It's too late to tell you about this now." Xu Yanlin reached out and gently patted his face, "Obediently come back with us to the capital's prison."    


When he thought about the weapons he found in the Mu Family Village, as well as the gold, silver, jewelry and food that were stored in the Shen Family warehouse, Xu Yanlin couldn't help but feel a lingering fear. If his Shen Family was used as a shield, even if his Great Yan Dynasty couldn't be taken down in one go, he would be severely injured and might be taken advantage of by other nations.    


Shen Gui's red eyes were filled with hatred, and even Shen Mudan, who was being suppressed, was confused, she was obviously enjoying maidservant's service and flattery, why did he get caught in the next second, and even get caught, and it was still only the 14th one she was yearning for.    


"Fourteen, why did you do this to me? I like you so much that I'm willing to let you marry into my family. Why did you betray me? " Shen Mudan screamed frantically, struggling to throw himself at Mu Chen.    




The cold wind immediately looked at Mu Chen curiously, taking pleasure in his misfortune.    


Mu Chen turned around and stared at him, then looked at Shen Mudan. She had been dragged out of bed while he was sleeping, wearing only an undergarment with his hair hanging down his back. He looked to be in a very sorry state.    


His eyes were cold and detached, and he didn't have the slightest bit of sympathy for Shen Mudan. He only ordered some people to bring them down, "Take good care of them, we will return to the capital immediately tomorrow."    


He had already been out for a few months, and he missed Shen Jingli and Xun Er a lot. He didn't know how they had been doing in the past few days, and if he wasn't by his side, would he miss him? He had decided that after he returned to the capital, he would rest for a while and bring Shen Jingli and Xun Er out for a fun trip.    


A few soldiers pushed Shen Gui's family and left. Shen Mudan struggled as if his life depended on it and shouted hysterically, "Let go of me, you lowly commoners. Let go of me quickly, do you know who I am? I am a princess of the Great Lee … "Ah, let me go …"    


Shen Mudan's voice reverberated in the air for a long time. With a slight frown, he asked, "Have you captured everyone?"    


"The steward of the Mu Family Village ran away." "Your subordinate has done something unfavorable, General. Please punish him."    


Mu Chen lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said: "Send people to take note of him, once they discover traces of him, they will immediately arrest him. Also, bring the treasures from the secret chambers in the Shen Mansion back to the Northwest and distribute them among the soldiers of the Army and the citizens of the Northwest. "    


"General, aren't we going to hand these over to the imperial government?" "Normally, the treasures collected would have to be kept in the national treasury. Who would dare to misappropriate them?" Has the military salary been paid this year? "    


"Not yet." Cold Wind replied honestly.    


"When do you think you'll be able to get down?" Mu Chen continued to ask.    


Furthermore, after being exploited by the upper echelons, in the hands of the soldiers, there was not much left. However, in the Northwest Desolate Land, even if they had money, they would not be able to buy good things, and the people on top would not be able to send good supplies to them.    


"I bought some supplies and brought them back to the northwest. It's quite busy here in Qingyang City, and I have a lot of supplies that are needed in the northwest."    


He always followed Mu Chen's lead. As long as Mu Chen gave the order, he would do it even without asking for the reason.    


"Let's go back to the capital tomorrow. Let's have dinner together tonight." Mu Chen reached out and patted Cold Wind's shoulder. Without a doubt, he already knew that he had been living in torment for the past two years, and if it wasn't for him telling him to definitely defend the Northwest Army and that he knew he was still alive, he probably would have left the camp and come find him already.    


"Young master …" When he saw that young master who was brimming with energy and vitality, that Mu Chen had been poisoned back in the capital and had also been framed, he was so anxious that he almost led his troops to attack the capital. If it wasn't for the Qilin stopping him, he really didn't know what he would have done.    


"I'm fine, don't worry."    


The cold wind cautiously nodded his head, his gaze never leaving Mu Chen's body.    


— —    


The next morning, Mu Chen bade farewell to the cold wind. He brought five hundred elite soldiers to escort the three people from Shen Family and a bunch of evidence to the capital, while the cold wind brought some people to the nearby area to purchase supplies. After a few days, he returned to the Northwest Army Camp.    


"Young Master, take care." Thousands of words, they finally condensed into one sentence. The cold wind gazed upon Mu Chen with blazing eyes, as he cupped his fists and bowed.    


"Got it, take good care of yourself." Mu Chen couldn't say anything too warm, so he could only reply dryly.    


"I will." Cold Wind was beaming with joy. The young master actually told him to take care of himself, how considerate.    


"Let's go." Calmly turning his horse, Mu Chen shouted to the party, "Let's go."    


Xu Yanlin rode his horse up from behind and stopped beside Cold Wind. He said to him, "Don't worry, before long, at the age of fourteen, we will be back at the Northwest Army Camp.    


The latter part of the sentence contained a hint of ridicule. The cold wind replied with a smile and did not take it to heart.    


Watching Mu Chen's group leave the city, the cold wind started to organize his team and instruct them on various things.    


After leaving Qingyang County, Mu Chen's team travelled day and night.    


Mu Chen missed Shen Jingli and Xun Er in his heart, he wished that he could return to the capital in a day, the more he travelled, the more he missed them.    


The more they rode, the colder the weather became. Mu Chen rode until he saw the majestic and imposing city gates in front of him. Then, he revealed a faint smile and slowed his pace.    


Xu Yanlin came out of the carriage, and when he saw the city gate, he immediately felt a sense of relief, and couldn't help but gasp for breath, "We've finally arrived at the capital!"    


He was not like Mu Shisi, who had an iron body, able to travel day and night without rest, especially when the weather was getting colder and colder, he could not take it anymore and had the chief attendant hire a carriage to bring him back.    


Xu Yanlin smiled. After returning to the capital, he could take a good rest and go soak in a hot spring at the Purple Bamboo Association. Then, he would go home and eat a warm meal.    


"Young Master, we'll be entering the city soon." As he drove the carriage, he turned to look at Xu Yanlin who had a face full of relief.    


"Did you send the letter informing the Madam?" The longer they were separated, the more he missed Zhao Wenrui. The emotions in his heart were like fermented wine, and the longer he stayed there, the more pleasing it became.    


"It's sent." In order to let the young master see his wife earlier, he even specially instructed the messenger to personally deliver the letter to his wife.    


"Well done." Xu Yanlin praised him by patting his shoulder and said to Mu Chen, "Fourteenth, about coming back, did you inform my sister-in-law?"    


"Yes." Mu Chen replied casually.    


A long line of people were lined up at the entrance of the city for their inspection, following Mu Chen in the carriage.    


"Ah, Young Master, I see Madam. She has come to pick us up." The long follower suddenly shouted out in surprise. He pointed at Zhao Wenrui who was waiting at the city gate and shouted excitedly.    


Xu Yanlin quickly peeked his head out of the carriage, and sure enough, the handsome man who wore a green cloak with a golden crown on his head, and leisurely stood under the winter sun was the exact person he desired.    


Zhao Wenrui looked over through the crowd and smiled as he waved to them.    


Shen Jingli held Xun Er and stood together with him. The originally warm and sunny, drowsy little fellow hurriedly opened his eyes, and started dancing excitedly towards Mu Chen while shouting, "Father, father …"    


Xun Er had a good memory, even after being separated for more than three months, he still recognized Mu Chen in an instant. He struggled continuously in Shen Jingli's embrace, wanting to pounce onto Mu Chen's body.    


Shen Jingli was worried that Yue Yang would fall down, so he patted his butt hard and scolded him harshly: "Don't move."    


Xun Er stuck out his tongue, continued stepping on his short legs, and was about to pounce towards Mu Chen who was sitting on the horse.    


Mu Chen rode his horse and stopped in front of him. The warm sun lightly shone on his body, enveloping him in a layer of light gold light, making his smiling face look even more gentle.    


"It's so cold, why did you come out?" The rich voice was laced with admonishment and concern. It was exceptionally heartwarming.    


When Shen Jingli heard this, he missed him a lot. In these three months, it was as if a lifetime had passed, and he suddenly felt that this person was an indispensable person in his life.    


Inwardly overjoyed, he said, "I'm here to pick you up."    


Xun Er was afraid that his father didn't see him, so he tried his best to raise his head and reach his hands out to grab at Yue Yang.    


Mu Chen reached out and picked him up, telling him to sit in front of him. Once he sat on the horse, Xun Er happily patted the horse's neck, and twisted his butt excitedly.    


The little guy pointed happily at the horse and turned to smile at Mu Chen. Mu Chen then patted his head and jumped down from the horse, lifting Shen Jingli up. He sat behind Xun Er and said gently, "Let's go home."    


Shen Jingli turned his head and smiled at him, "Alright."    


"Go home, go home." Xun Er clapped happily. He looked extremely cute, causing both Shen Jingli and Mu Chen to laugh.    


Mu Chen turned back and instructed his trusted subordinates to bring the prisoner to the Ministry of Justice. He himself led the horse and brought his wife and children home.    


"In the past few days, the capital has been talking about your great achievements." Shen Jingli sat on the horse and spoke to Mu Chen.    


The news of Mu Chen exterminating the enemy traitor in Great Yan Nation had already spread throughout the capital a few days ago. The citizens on every street were all discussing and many families were fighting to come and welcome him.    


"Yes." Mu Chen casually replied, his eyes were full of his figure.    


The warm winter sun gently scattered its rays of light. The way the two of them looked at each other was like a beautiful painting. It was so peaceful that no one dared to disturb them.    


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