Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C107 Comments by Mu Chen

C107 Comments by Mu Chen

did not go out much and stayed home all day to play with his son. In the past few days, Xun Er had grown a bit taller, and his body was thinner, making him look more and more like Mu Chen.    


"This brat will definitely be a person who loves to flirt with flowers and grass in the future." Xu Yanlin had been busy lately and had nothing to do, so he came to Mu Family to visit. He would only tease Xun Er for a bit every time.    


The little guy didn't like Xu Yanlin teasing him. Every time he had a stiff little face, he actually liked to crawl into Zhao Wenrui's embrace. This made Xu Yanlin say that he was a little pervert every time.    


After he said that, even Shen Jingli started to suspect if his son had inherited his lecherous gene and liked those beautiful beauties.    


The little guy snorted, twisted his body, which was still a little fat, and crawled into Zhao Wenrui's embrace. It even provokingly smelt something on Zhao Wenrui's face, then looked at Xu Yanlin proudly.    


Xu Yanlin was amused by his actions, he extended her hand to pinch his cheeks, causing the little fellow to whimper unhappily.    


"I don't have time to play with you today. I need to talk to your father about something." Xu Yanlin rubbed his head, and the little guy tilted its head and ignored him.    


"Stop teasing him." Zhao Wenrui could not watch any longer and slapped his hand away.    


Xu Yanlin took the chance and touched his face, and kissed him on the cheek, and asked: How's your familiarity with the horse farm?    


Caught off guard and kissed in front of the child, Zhao Wenrui was actually a little shy. He pushed Xu Yanlin a bit, "It's not bad, you should hurry up and leave."    


When Shen Jingli came in with a plate of radish cake, he bumped into Xu Yanlin when he was walking out.    


"I need to talk to Zi An about some official business. Have Jin Yu send a plate to the study room, and even make a pot of spring water."    


Since it was an official business, naturally he couldn't stop it. Shen Jingli immediately instructed Jin Yu before calling him over, "The radish cake that has just been cooked has a pretty good taste. Try it."    


Shen Jingli felt that he looked a little like an advertisement. He couldn't help but laugh as he reached out and picked up Xun Er, who was sitting in Zhao Wenrui's embrace, "This little guy grew even faster, and felt a little heavier."    


"You have grown taller, and look more and more like a Fourteenth Master. In the future, when you grow up, you will definitely become one of the most beautiful men in the capital." Zhao Wenrui also laughed as he ate a piece of radish cake. It was soft, oily and not greasy, and after taking a bite, his mouth was filled with the taste of radish and shrimp.    


Seeing that there was delicious food, Xun Er quickly pulled Shen Jingli and shouted: "Eat, Mama, eat!"    


Seeing him in such a state, Shen Jingli couldn't help but laugh. He poked his nose and said to Zhao Wenrui: "With such greedy words, no wonder you became a little fatty."    


The little guy could already distinguish between praise and mockery. Hearing Shen Jingli's words, it unhappily opened its eyes wide, reached out its little hands and rubbed Shen Jingli's face, silently protesting.    


"Aiyo, I'm talking about you, but you're still unhappy." Shen Jingli picked up a piece of Radish Cake and crushed it into four small pieces, carefully feeding them to Xun Er.    


"Xun Er is smart. Even though he doesn't like to talk, he actually knows what we're doing." Zhao Wenrui sipped on his tea and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.    


His son's praise made Shen Jingli happy, and his smile became even more brilliant. He let Xun Er eat a small piece of the cake with too much oil, Shen Jingli was afraid that he would eat too much, and his stomach would not be able to take it.    


After eating his fill, Xun Er wanted to play. Since he had no other choice, Shen Jingli asked Nian Hua to bring him to the courtyard to play.    


Only Shen Jingli and Zhao Wenrui was left in the house. Zhao Wenrui took a deep breath, and his face looked bad.    


"His face is so ugly, what has happened?" Shen Jingli poured him a cup of tea and asked with concern.    


"This is still not the matter of his maternal grandfather's family." Mentioning this, Zhao Wenrui felt a headache, "Come to think of it, you might not believe that his maternal grandfather's family is even slightly related to your family."    


"Oh!" Shen Jingli's interest was piqued.    


"Didn't you have a cousin last time? Her name is Feng Qingrou."    


He wanted to marry Mu Chen as his concubine.    


"She's from his maternal grandfather's family. However, her father and my mother-in-law are cousins and don't have much relationship with each other. However, this family's way of doing things is the same." Zhao Wenrui's eyes flashed with disdain.    


He had never seen such a shameless family. A young girl who came to her aunt's house on the first day and wanted to climb onto her cousin's bed. What the hell was this?    




"You are not from Beijing, so you may not know this, but the Feng Family relies on nepotism." Thinking about this, Zhao Wenrui's expression became even more unsightly, "The Feng Family specially picked out the beautiful ladies of their families to cultivate them since young, and when they grow up they will marry into a rich family, become wives, and seek benefits for their families."    


This method allowed the Feng Clan to quickly enter the upper echelons of the aristocracy. However, their foundations were not stable, and sooner or later, they would have to collapse.    


Tsk tsk tsk, to actually have such a clan, it was really an eye-opener.    


Last time I came to your house, it was Feng Qingrou who was not very outstanding and was also a branch of the Feng family, so she was not highly regarded. However, she had a mother who was even more ambitious than the heavens, wanting to marry into a rich family. In the end, she did not love herself and ended up with a neighboring Elementary Scholar.    


So when he had set his eyes on Mu Shisi, Shen Jingli didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Madam Jiang really had a screw loose in her brain, this kind of person who had bad morals was even introduced to her own family.    


"Did his family send a woman to Zhongping again?"    


Zhao Wenrui shook his head, "It's not him, it's Big Brother. After being scolded by Big Sis and having that girl sent back, this caused Mother to lose face, afraid that Big Sis would go back to her mother's house in anger."    


Zhao Wenrui felt that it was a little embarrassing, he was unwilling to say more, and turned to talk about the horse farm.    


— —    




"Did you notice anything wrong?" Xu Yanlin picked up a piece of radish cake and enjoyed eating with relish.    


"According to Wei Zuo's investigation, that lunatic was a servant of the Third Prince Consort's family. He served the Prince Consort's family all the way until he committed an offense and was beaten up and sold out."    


"I can't believe Qian Yi didn't investigate such an important matter?" He deserved to lose his black veil.    


"Maybe someone doesn't want him to check." Mu Chen's lips curved into a cold smile, "The Master Cao beside him belongs to the Right Premier."    


"This has something to do with the Right Wing?"    


"I'm not sure. Although Qian Yi's ability is insufficient, he is completely neutral. The Right Minister and Prince Consort Ma support the Third Prince. Perhaps the Right Minister wants to sacrifice Qian Yi and doesn't want the case to involve the Prince Consort." Mu Chen laughed faintly, with ridicule in his eyes.    


Xu Yanlin felt that something was amiss. The madman had come out from the Third Prince's Mansion, and the Right Minister had deliberately concealed his identity as the madman, so as to not let the Third Prince be involved in this matter.    


"What does this have to do with the third prince?" Why the hell did he think things were getting complicated?    


"This will depend on the results of Wei Zuo's investigation." Mu Chen said, but I can tell you, I am afraid that this matter will implicate your family.    


Xu Yanlin frowned, he did not understand what this had to do with his family. But he knew that Mu Chen would not speak carelessly.    


"Something to do with the Feng Family?" Other than the Feng Family, he could not think of anyone else that would cause such a ruckus.    


Mu Chen nodded, but did not elaborate.    


"I have to go back and say hello to my dad. What else do you know?"    


"It's a popular medicine before at Fragrance Court. I heard that after eating it, it would be exciting and floating in the air."    


Xu Yanlin frowned again, "This pill can make people lose their minds, to the point of going crazy?"    


"I'm not sure if it's crazy, but it's addictive."    


Addiction was troublesome enough. If someone were to use these pills maliciously to control some of the nobles, then wouldn't the capital... Damn it, Xu Yanlin cursed fiercely.    


"I need to go back and discuss this with my dad and brother." If this really had anything to do with the Feng Family, then he had to quickly take them out. If the Feng Family wanted to die, he couldn't let them die with him.    


"I also want to go see Thirteenth Brother." Since Thirteen had given him such a big gift, he should return the favor.    


After greeting Zhao Wenrui, Xu Yanlin hurried back to the Xu family, while Mu Chen went to the capital city's prefectural city's yamen.    


Mu Yu was having a headache just as he could not find any clues, hearing that the constable had brought Mu Chen here, he anxiously asked someone to invite him to the back hall for tea.    


"Zi An, you came at the right time. I was having a headache." Mu Yu acted as if he saw his savior and pulled Mu Chen along to chat, "The Minister of Rites's assistant refused to allow the coroner to examine his son's corpse, saying that his son accidentally fell and died, while his concubine made a mistake, causing his son to become angry and get beaten to death."    


Mu Yu felt very agitated, he rubbed his forehead and said impatiently: "I feel that something is amiss, I want the coroner to inspect their bodies, but they are not willing to hand over their corpses, and have emphasized that their concubine's death is a crime."    


Mu Yu sighed, he always knew that this case was not simple, but he never expected to encounter so much resistance.    


"I feel that the murder case of the Minister of Rites' assistant minister has something to do with the case of the Minister of Work and Eunuch Li."    


Mu Chen saw that his expression was a little haggard, with a pair of panda eyes. It looked as if he hadn't slept well for a few days, probably because he was worried about this everyday.    


When Mu Chen heard his views on this case, he felt that they were extremely direct and sharp, causing Mu Chen to have a whole new level of respect for him.    


"That dead lunatic was originally a servant of the Third Prince Consort." Mu Chen said.    


"Didn't they say that he is a parentless beggar?" Mu Yu was shocked.    


"Don't trust the people from the yamen too much. If they do things well, you won't be in charge of this Prefect's office."    


Mu Yu nodded his head, thinking of a plan in his mind.    


"If you really want to handle this case, then get someone to secretly pay attention to the movements of the 3rd Prince's horse, and also the situation of the Liuxiu Court." With that said, Mu Chen got up and bid farewell.    


Mu Yu sent him out, and when they parted, he clasped his hands and bowed to him.    


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