Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C61 Only Thinking about Money

C61 Only Thinking about Money

Shen Family    


Shen Xiu'er and the other three were carried back, and after the horses went out of control, they pulled his and Madam Zhang everywhere. If they didn't run into a tree, they would be tripped by some huge stones, and in the end, the horse carriage fell into a small ditch, and both she and Madam Zhang were smashed and bruised. The two of them shouted for a long time in the ditch before they were discovered by the villagers who passed by, and after spending one or two silver coins, they finally found the Shen Family brothers and brought them back.    


Seeing her daughter in such a sorry state, the Xu immediately flew over and hugged her daughter and cried: "My Xiu'er, who was so heartless to beat you to such a state?"    


Because Shen Xiu'er was beautiful, he was very lively and charming, and Lady Xu had always been very pleased with himself and doted on her. Now, seeing her daughter's swollen face, with his nose crooked at the side, saying that she was as sinister as she could be, she was so angry, wishing that she could kill all the people who harmed her daughter.    


Mother, hurry up and get me a doctor. I don't want to have a bad appearance, wuu …." Shen Xiu'er held onto Lady Xu and cried out loud. She always cherished her own face, if her face was really disfigured, she would rather die.    


"That's right, that's right. I'll ask for a doctor. Mother will ask for a doctor right away …" Lady Xu immediately sent someone to get a doctor, while she personally supported her daughter back to her room.    


The doctor soon arrived and examined the wounds of the four people.    


On the other hand, Madam Zhang had a waist injury. It was not very serious, but it required a period of rest while Shen Chun Shan and Shen Xia Sheng were beaten up very badly, with a few broken ribs, so they needed to rest in bed for a long time.    


Hearing the doctor's diagnosis, Lady Xu could not help but wail, "What kind of sin is this? Everything was fine, why did such a thing happen? "My poor son …"    


The doctor looked at Lady Xu coldly and opened the pharmacy. He got the money from Shen Da Fu and left.    


"Aren't you guys going to look for Jinglee at Da Ping Village? How could this happen? " Shen Dafu asked.    


The Shen Family brothers and the Madam Zhang all fainted, and the only one awake was Shen Xiu'er.    


Shen Xiu'er's eyes were red, and he said grievingly: "We were chased out by the Fourth Brother, and met bandits on the way. Father, this Fourth Brother has such a vicious heart. The reason why we became like this is all because of this Fourth Brother. "    


Shen Xiu'er sobbed and pushed all the responsibility to Shen Jingli.    


Seeing Shen Xiu'er's situation, Lady Xu's heart tightened as she scolded: "That ingrate, he has been raised for nothing."    


"Jinglee chased you out?" Shen Dafu really couldn't imagine how his submissive son would dare to chase his own mother out. "Can he chase your second mother away?"    


"The Fourth Brother has hired guards, if they're fierce, throw us out of the door." Shen Xiu'er felt even more wronged the more he spoke.    


"Is your second mother messing around with her husband's house?" Shen Da Fu had read for a few years, and had worked as a lackey for a few years. He was quite intelligent, and did not believe Shen Xiu'er's one-sided words easily.    


Shen Xiu'er lowered his head and did not speak. She could not say that Second Mother asked Fourth Brother for money for a shop, and even cried and cursed at Fourth Brother for being unfilial, could it not be that telling others, that they were reaping what they sowed?    


When Shen Da Fu saw Shen Xiu'er's expression, he knew what was going on, and his heart was filled with anger. After being caused by them, the money he should have obtained, would have flown away.    


"Your second mother doesn't have brains, and you don't have brains either? If you rashly ran over to Jinglee's house to cause trouble, would he give you the money? Are you dumb or are others stupid? " Shen Da Fu looked at Shen Xiu'er in displeasure. He had always valued his son more than his daughter, and did not value Shen Xiu'er as much as the Xu family.    


"Master, Xiu'er..."    


"Don't spoil her too much, she's just a loser. If you have the time, you might as well think of how to take money from Jinglee."    


Shen Da Fu had a cold nature, his gains were above all others, he would not intentionally make things difficult for Shen Jingli for Shen Xiu'er and his siblings, but he was concerned about Shen Jingli's money.    


The whole family did not mention Shen Yue'er, as if that person had never existed.    


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