Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C145 Make High Heels

C145 Make High Heels

After looking at Shen Jingli's high heels made of floral shoes, Shen Yue'er became bewitched by his high heels. He spent his time holding Shen Jingli's drawing and pondering, occasionally pulling Jin Yu and Nanny Jin over it.    


"Madam, Yue'er's condition isn't right. She hasn't slept for a few nights because of that tiresome high heels, and she doesn't eat much either …" Nanny Jin was in the middle of embroidering a handkerchief, so when he mentioned this matter, the handkerchief did not have the mood to embroider anymore. He threw it into the needle basket and dragged the chair to sit beside Shen Jingli who was reading the account book.    


"I can see from her appearance that her cultivation is about to go berserk. How about, you go and advise her so that she won't mess around?" Nanny Jin didn't know what high heels were, and was not interested either. She was only afraid that Shen Yue'er would be too obsessed and lose his body.    


Hearing this, Shen Jingli's lips quirked in a strange expression. At that time, he had casually mentioned it, but when he saw that Shen Yue'er was interested, he drew a picture for her to see. Who knew that high heels would be so charming that even if Shen Yue'er didn't sleep, he still had to make a pair.    


"If she likes it, then let her go to hell." With Shen Yue'er's current situation, he probably wouldn't listen to anything he said. She was just a pair of high heels, and once she pulled it out, it would probably stop.    


"It's not that I don't want her to suffer, but she seems to be possessed. I'm worried that she might damage her body." If Shen Yue'er was only embroidering and had to hold insole, she would naturally be at ease in allowing her to work on it. However, she was doing high-heels that he had never heard of before, not knowing if he should come out or not, so he could only keep his eyes open all day.    


Needless to say, Shen Yue'er was stubborn. When he saw the high heels, it was as if he was injected with chicken blood.    


Shen Jingli sighed helplessly, and said: "Then let Jin Yu and Nian Hua go and help her. If there's really no other way, we'll go to the Embroidery Workshop to borrow some people from Big Sister Ningxiu and study with her."    


When Nanny Jin thought about Shen Yue'er's situation, she knew that she could not persuade him otherwise so she agreed to Shen Jingli's suggestion.    


But before they could even make a move, Shen Yue'er rushed out of the room excitedly, holding onto her shoes that he had been tossing and turning for the past few days.    


"Fourth Brother, Fourth Brother, I made the shoes …" Shen Yue'er took the treasured shoes that she had just made and rushed towards Shen Jingli, his delicate face blushing red from excitement, a pair of eyes brimming with vitality.    


It was a pair of flowery shoes embroidered with peony flowers. The front was two centimeters tall, and the back was about five centimeters. As it was the first time it was made, the soles of the shoes seemed a little strange.    


Shen Jingli looked at Shen Yue'er's excited eyes and praised: "Not bad, to be able to do it so quickly, have you tried it?"    


Shen Yue'er immediately held the shoes in his arms, shook his head, and said shyly: "I can't bear to wear it."    


This was something that she had spent several days and nights making. How could she bear to wear it?    


"You're wearing it reluctantly, why did you do it?"    


"I …" Shen Yue'er looked at the shoes in his hand again, looking hesitant.    


Seeing that Shen Yue'er had loosened his grip, Shen Jingli continued to speak: "If you don't try, how do you know if this shoe was successfully made?"    


Shen Yue'er thought that it was true. They had finally made shoes, but if they could not be worn, wouldn't that be a waste of effort?    


She hesitated for a while longer before clenching his teeth, taking off his flat bottom cloth shoes from before. After changing into this pair of high heels, Shen Yue'er immediately felt that he had grown a lot taller, he tried walking a few steps, but at first he was not used to it, but her steps were too big, he almost fell down. He tried walking a few more times before getting used to it.    


Because of the shoes, she stood up straight and crossed her hands in front of her stomach. She took small steps, her posture was graceful, and she had a different charm to her than before.    


Seeing her like this, Jin Yu became more interested in the high heels, and immediately pulled Shen Yue'er to try the shoes.    


Jin Yu was eighteen years old, and three years older than Shen Yue'er. Because she had lived in the Western Mu Mansion since young, he did not need to worry about food or clothes, and she grew taller than Shen Yue'er, so her body was also better than hers. However, because she had entangled his feet before when she was young, his feet were not much older than Shen Yue'er's, so she could still squeeze through.    


When she put on the pair of shoes, she immediately felt that she was much taller, with her front and back protruding, and her originally well-groomed body was even more fully exposed. Shen Yue'er was both envious and jealous.    


"Sister Jin Yu, you are so pretty." Shen Yue'er said, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart. Why is she so black and ugly? Even though he wore high heels, he was not taller than Sister Jin Yu. It seemed like he still had to listen to Fourth Brother, exercise more, jump rope, and strive to grow taller.    


Shen Jingli watched them walk around a few times, and discovered that although the shoes were a little ugly, wearing them walking wasn't a problem. He nodded his head, and said: "Not bad, improve them a little, then you can sell them."    


He casually said those words, but Shen Yue'er and Jin Yu took it for real. They had even researched how to make high heels look good and look good.    


Shen Jingli couldn't help but exclaim at the sight of him risking his life. The charm of his high heels was indeed irresistible.    


— —    


"Sister-in-law, what did you call me here for?" Yang Ningxiu drank the tea that Jin Yu brought up and asked.    


The moment she heard the message from the servant of the County Prince's Mansion, she immediately brought Nannan over, afraid that Shen Jingli would have something important to tell her.    


Shen Jingli drank his tea, raised his head and looked at Shen Yue'er with his chin: "It's not that I'm looking for you, it's that they are looking for you."    


Yang Ningxiu followed Shen Jingli's gaze, and saw that both Shen Yue'er and Jin Yu's eyes were shining brightly, looking very excited, as if they had met with some good news.    


"Is there any good news from the mansion?" Yang Ningxiu asked curiously.    


Shen Jingli looked at the two who were rubbing their fists and preparing to go all out, and said: "What are you two waiting for? If you have something to say, hurry up and say it. "    


Shen Yue'er and Jin Yu were waiting for these words. The moment Shen Jingli finished speaking, they took their completed shoes and rushed in front of Yang Ningxiu, talking at once.    


"Elder Sister Xiu, this is called high heels, their heels are higher than normal shoes …"    


"Don't think that the soles of these shoes are a little strange. It's actually very comfortable to wear. Moreover, when worn, it feels much taller, and the posture is also very elegant …"    




Listening to them continuously listing the benefits of high heels, Yang Ningxiu was a little curious as she picked up the finished product they had made.    


"You call these high heels?"    


"That's right. If you wear these shoes, you will be in high spirits." Shen Yue'er said excitedly, but afraid that Yang Ningxiu might not believe him, he decided to change into a pair of high-heeled cloth shoes and walk a few rounds in front of Yang Ningxiu.    


Yang Ningxiu saw that after Shen Yue'er put on the high heels, his whole body had straightened up quite a bit and his posture had become more dignified as well. He could not help but to widely open his eyes in shock.    


Seeing that Yang Ningxiu had become interested, Shen Yue'er immediately picked out a pair of shoes that matched her size and gave them to her: "Elder Sister Xiu, try it on, these shoes will make you addicted."    


Yang Ningxiu was indeed very interested, and seeing Shen Yue'er's look of anticipation, she began to put on the clothes easily. This time, he was really addicted to wearing it, and after walking a few rounds around the house, she felt that it was not too satisfying. She also wanted to go outside and walk a few rounds.    


"The roads are rough outside. Be careful." Shen Jingli reminded his out of good intentions.    


Because of Shen Jingli's reminder, Yang Ningxiu did not take the stone path outside. Instead, she walked a few laps around the flat corridor, the more she walked, the more she felt that this shoe was mysterious.    


"Sister-in-law, you asked me to come here, is it that you want me to sell these shoes in Embroidery Workshop?" Just as he walked around outside, Yang Ningxiu's face was flushed from the wind and because of being agitated, he looked even more radiant.    


"What do you think?" In truth, Shen Jingli had never thought about this matter, he thought of his high heels, and his head felt like it was burning, but he never thought that Shen Yue'er would be bewitched by this idea, and even planned to sell it as finished products.    


"I think the shoes will be well-received by some of the ladies." Ever since Yang Ningxiu opened her Embroidery Workshop to do business, she had been very clear about the psychology of females. She was very clear that females loved beauty, and also liked to compete with each other.    


"I think so too." Shen Yue'er interrupted, "Fourth Brother, is it possible for us to open a shop to sell high heels?    


With that, Shen Yue'er and Jin Yu looked at Shen Jingli with anticipation. Shen Jingli felt a little uncomfortable under their passionate gazes and said: "Do you guys really want to do this business?"    


The three of them nodded their heads.    


"Do you have any plans?" He didn't want to buy cabbages in the business anyway, so he wanted to see which one he could buy.    


"Nope." Shen Yue'er shook his head.    


"First, we have to run a shoe shop and train the workers before we can start making shoes, and then we can sell them."    


Hearing Shen Jingli's words, Shen Yue'er lowered his head in disappointment. Did this mean that he couldn't sell high heels? Why couldn't he sell such good shoes?    


Yang Ningxiu had been doing business for more than a year, so she understood more about the twists and turns of things than Shen Yue'er. She nodded and said: "Then we will first make a batch of shoes and sell them at the Purple Bamboo Association. If the reaction is good, then we will expand our production."    


"Sure." Shen Yue'er was the first to speak, "You can make the employees of the Purple Bamboo Association wear high heels to serve the ladies. When they see the employees wearing high heels, they would definitely be curious, and then we could send them a pair, so they would definitely like it."    


Just thinking about it made her excited. These high heels were the first shoes she had made. If high heels really became a fashion, then she would also become a celebrity. Just thinking about them made her even more excited.    


Shen Jingli felt that this method could be used, so he nodded and said: "Then let's try it this way first."    


With regards to the issue of the high heels, it was happily settled. Shen Yue'er was very excited, and volunteered to make Shen Jingli and the others a sumptuous lunch.    


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