Sick Man Turns Out to be a General



The Emperor stood on the tower and gazed at the movement outside the city.    


He could vaguely see the tents stationed outside the city. There were soldiers walking back and forth in the trees. The tall trees were temporarily built up, and they were hidden in the emerald green leaves, as if someone was watching them closely.    


Who was the person opposite him?    


The ruthless and scorching heat mixed with his curiosity. His sharp eyes continued to stare, but he did not discover any useful information.    


It was a disappointment — he was surprised at his own good mood. The enemy troops were already stationed outside the city and could attack at any time, yet he still had the leisure to do so.    


It seemed like he hadn't personally led the operation in a long time.    


They would definitely make them retreat in the next few days.    


He slowly walked down the tower.    


At this time, an urgent military report came from below the city gate tower. When Lee Dehai received it and took a look, he became a little afraid and didn't dare to go forward to deliver it.    


The emperor knit his brows. When the flames looked at him, they could only feel his temples throbbing and the blood in his heart rushing to the corners of his eyes!    


"The food sent to the northwest has met with an accident, losing nearly 60% of it. What's going on?"    


He almost shouted these words out from the depths of his throat. Each word streaked across the back of his throat, carrying a sweet and fishy taste of blood.    


"Your Majesty, this is not good. If the rations were not delivered in time, no matter how capable His Highness King Jing and General Mu are, they would still be unable to defeat the million strong army of Great Qi." Lee Dehai was filled with worry.    


How could he not understand this? It was precisely because he understood that that was why he was so angry.    


"Who was the one who was escorting the food?"    


He closed his eyes and thought for a long time. He knew there was chaos in the country, but he did not manage to deliver the rations properly.    


"Your Majesty?" In the temporary silence before the storm, Lee Dehai called out softly, not knowing how to start.    


"In the end, I'm already old." He was so old that those young people thought they could play him round and round.    


The emperor suddenly revealed a mocking sneer, Lee Dehai's heart skipped a beat, his heart was thumping really fast. He had not seen this smile for a long time, he did not expect to actually see it at this time.    


He choked, not knowing what to say.    


"Lee Dehai, send an order for the Minister of Revenue to enter the palace to see us." The smile on his face was like that of a ferocious bird that had bared its fangs and claws as it stared at its prey.    


Did he really think that his White Tiger Army would be easy to deal with just because he stopped the delivery of fodder and grain?    




Just as he took two steps, the emperor turned around. "Also, inform Marquis Zhongyi and Marquis Zhenyuan to come and see me."    


Did he really think that he, Big Yan, would not have the ability to rely on fifty thousand men to invade the capital?    


However, his imperial court seemed to be hiding too much filth. Taking advantage of this internal strife, he should clean it up properly and leave it for the next generation.    


"Yes." Lee Dehai agreed, then turned around and ordered his foster son Xiao Shun Zi to accompany the emperor back to the palace, while he himself headed off to the various palaces to deliver the message.    


Back at the palace, a second flash report arrived.    


"Your Majesty, His Highness King Jing won the battle at the front line." Little Shun Zi handed the new military newspaper to the emperor, feeling uneasy. Logically speaking, the military newspaper should have arrived in the capital earlier than the military newspaper, but for some reason, it had arrived at the same time as the military newspaper.    


"The garrison outside the city is actually not able to stop these military reports. This really surprises me." Mu Chen had stayed in the Northwest Army Camp for more than ten years, and had fought countless battles with the Great Qi Army team. Yong Ming had also experienced a few big battles, and even though his experience wasn't as vast as Mu Chen's, he had a fighting mind that was very good at reading. Furthermore, his mind was meticulous, and he had already prepared for the worst before this happened.    


Although he was very worried about the food problem, he felt that they would find a way to solve it.    


Little Shun Zi stretched out his hand to wipe away the sweat on his forehead. 'Accompanying Jun Ruoru with Tiger' was not something that could be casually said. If he wanted to serve the Emperor, he really needed a strong heart.    


"Alright, just wait outside. No need to follow me in." The Emperor kept the information and entered the imperial study.    


Little Shun Zi heaved a sigh of relief, admiring Lee Dehai in his heart. His godfather was really amazing, to be able to accompany the emperor for so many years, even when facing the infuriated emperor.    


The Minister of Revenue, the Marquis of Zhongyi, and Marquis of Zhen Yuan quickly followed Lee Dehai into the palace. The Minister of Revenue gave orders to deal with the issue of food and fodder, while the Duke of Zhongyi and Marquis of Zhen Yuan gave orders to lead the troops to the troops outside the city.    


The capital was not a city that could be conquered just because he wanted to. Back then, in order to get this position, he had used up all of his resources. Those who could reach the pinnacle were not pulled down that easily.    


"Your Majesty, the situation outside the city isn't looking good. I'm afraid we won't be able to leave." The Minister of Revenue said worriedly.    


When the enemy attacked, the capital city was completely sealed off. The civilians were not allowed to leave the city, and many merchants stayed behind because there was an army surrounding them.    


"I know the situation outside the city." He lowered his eyes and spoke in a low voice, his voice tinged with a tinge of weariness and bleakness.    


"The troops outside the city have a plan to attack at this time. They want to lock us in." With the fodder from the northwest, no matter how powerful the Northwest Army was, it was impossible for them to win the war hungry.    


The Minister of Revenue immediately understood what the Emperor meant. When he left the city, he had to rely on himself, and he could not afford to fail.    


After the Minister of Revenue received his orders, he left first. The loyal officials and Marquis Yuan discussed the strategy with the emperor and left with him.    


"Lee Dehai, make a trip to the County Prince's Mansion and let Nanping County Prince enter the palace to accompany County Prince Yongan to relieve his boredom." Before Yongming left the capital, he told him that he must meet the daughter-in-law of 14. He said that this person's thoughts were different from others and was very creative.    


Live Printing and Agricultural Improvement?    


"What other interesting insights can he give me?"    


It was as if he was mumbling, yet at the same time, it was also as if he was anticipating something. At this moment, the emperor had a slight smile on his face.    


No matter how much he understood the emperor, Lee Dehai still wouldn't understand the underlying meaning of this smile. However, he still followed the emperor's orders to pass down the orders.    




"You want me to enter the palace to accompany County Prince Yongan to relieve my boredom?" Hearing the palace message, Shen Jingli was at a loss. Speaking of which, who was County Prince Yongan? How come I've never heard of it?    


"Yes, that's what His Majesty told me." The young eunuch sent the message, "Please get ready County Prince, we will follow this servant to the palace later. His Majesty knows that there are still a few young masters in the County Prince that need to be taken care of, His Majesty has said that he can bring a few Young Master s with him into the palace."    


He could also bring the four children along. How long did the Emperor want him to stay in the palace?    


As he slandered them in his heart, Shen Jingli still ordered Jin Yu and Nian Hua City to prepare some things. This was because the Emperor had especially shown mercy and allowed him to bring the servants over, probably because he was worried that Jin Yu alone wouldn't be able to take care of a few children.    


"Mama, I want to bring Da Hui and Er Hui there." Xun Er ordered two White-shouldered Eagle and said to Shen Jingli with a straight face. It seemed that if he was not allowed to write the two carvings, would lose his temper.    


Shen Jingli looked at the two eagles that were not small in size, and it was hard for him to nod his head in agreement. These two eagles are really fierce birds, not only are they scary, they can also hurt people.    


"Mama, Da Hui and Er Hui are very obedient, they will definitely not cause any trouble." Xun Er said.    


"No, we can't bring such a dangerous object into the palace." The young eunuch was scared speechless for a moment, but when he recovered, he hurriedly stopped her.    


God, how did the Nanping County Prince educate his children? To actually let such a small child raise such a savage pet, was he not afraid that these two sculptures would harm Young Master? As expected, someone who could marry General Mu was no ordinary person.    


"Did you hear that? So, let Second Uncle help you raise it, or send it to Big Brother Mu Xi's side, and have Big Brother Mu Xi take care of it for you for a few days. "    


"No, I want to be together with Da Hui and Er Hui." Xun Er firmly shook his head. He was so young, yet he was still as stubborn as Mu Chen.    


Shen Jingli didn't know how to persuade him, but the two of them stared at each other, the atmosphere was extremely weird.    


In the end, no one persuaded Xun Er. He stubbornly brought the two eagles into the palace, but the emperor didn't blame him, he even praised Xun Er a little.    


Shen Jingli saw County Prince Yongan at Jingyang Palace. To his surprise, he was actually a ten-year old child, with a tiger-like appearance, somewhat similar to Yan Chenglee.    


County Prince Yongan was obviously not interested in Shen Jingli, when he saw the two White-shouldered Eagle s, he immediately chased after them joyfully. He screamed non-stop, as if he had seen something extremely rare, but to him, the two White-shouldered Eagle s were still considered rare.    


Shen Jingli looked at County Prince Yongan, who was playing with Xun Er and Huaixin, and couldn't help but suspect the intention of the emperor in summoning him to the capital.    


When the Young County Prince got familiar with Xun Er and the others, he anxiously dragged them to see his collection.    


It turned out that County Prince Yongan was the empress's youngest son, and because he was young, he looked like the empress. The empress doted on him a lot, and Young County Prince liked little animals.    


Shen Jingli was also a little curious about what was raised inside, and followed along. He never thought that there would be a lot of animals raised inside, including peacock, sika deer, and even a white tiger.    


Shen Jingli had only seen the White Tiger in a zoo before, and heard that there were only a few hundred of them in the whole world. He never thought that there would be one in the zoo of the Young County Prince, ah, such an evil royalism.    


"Look, this is a White Tiger, the only one in the entire Great Yan." Young County Prince proudly flaunted, "Is it even stronger?"    


Xun Er wanted to open the door to enter, but he was stopped by the guard at the entrance. He raised his head to look at the guard, then looked at Young County Prince, as if he understood that the animals inside were dangerous.    


Young County Prince was immediately unconvinced and started to argue with Xun Er.    


In the evening, the Mister who was teaching Young County Prince came over and asked Shen Jingli to accompany him to study, and even gave Shen Jingli some homework to do. After looking at it, Shen Jingli suddenly felt that he understood the Emperor's intentions.    


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