Sick Man Turns Out to be a General



Because the emperor was going to have dinner at the mansion, County Prince's Mansion's meal was especially good tonight. Before the meal, there was an appetizing turtle soup, followed by four meat dishes, four vegetarian dishes, and a cold dish. There were both mountain treasure as well as seafood, as well as fresh wild vegetables sent over by the manor.    


Only after Lee Dehai had tested the poison one by one, did he finally fill the emperor with a bowl of soup. Then, he stood by his side, ready to serve him some food at any time.    


Although he already knew that the Emperor would have to go through such a procedure to eat outside, the true experience still made Shen Jingli feel that it was inconceivable.    


The emperor was drinking soup and eating bean curd pills, feeling extremely comfortable. When he raised his head, he found that Shen Jingli was standing at the side daydreaming, while Xun Er and Huaixin were obediently standing beside him, drooling while staring at the dishes on the table.    


"What are you standing there for? Sit down and eat together. " "Xun Er, come here. Royal Grandfather will give you some meat to eat."    


Xun Er played with the emperor for an entire afternoon and had a good impression of the emperor. After hearing his words, he ignored Shen Jingli's warnings and eagerly ran over and pushed his own chair over so that Lee Dehai could carry him up. Then, he pointed at the fat and tender steamed fish and said: "Grandpa Huang, Xun Er wants to eat the fish, the most tender fish."    


The emperor turned around and indicated to Lee Dehai. Lee Dehai immediately took Xun Er's small bowl and gave him half a bowl of rice. Only then did the emperor pick up a piece of fish, pricked it up and put it into his bowl.    


Xun Er immediately grabbed a spoon of the fish and ate it. As he ate, he pointed at the Red Braised Ribs in the middle and asked the Emperor to pick it up for him.    


Seeing Xun Er controlling the emperor to order dishes for him so easily, Shen Jingli didn't know what to do. He pulled Huaixin's chair over and carried him to sit on it, then first scooped up half a bowl of soup for him and watched him finish it. Then, he scooped up another half a bowl of rice and put some vegetables in his bowl.    


Huaixin was very sensible, and his thoughts were meticulous and sensitive. From Shen Jingli's attitude, he could tell that this "Grandfather Huang" was a powerful and important person, so he did not make trouble for Shen Jingli like he did in the past, nor did he cause trouble with Xun Er. Instead, he quietly ate his meal.    


Shen Jingli was also unusually quiet, because he was already too lazy to speak due to the scene of his grandfather being kind and filial. Being ordered around by Xun Er, he was laughing merrily.    


The emperor indeed liked Xun Er a lot. Looking at Xun Er gobbling down the food in his hands, he was actually happier than if he had completed a major task.    


"Are you full? Would you like another pill? " His grandson and granddaughter, plus his granddaughter, there was at least ten of them. However, he had never eaten with them like a normal grandpa or granddaughter, and they would never act like a spoiled child and act coquettishly under his knee.    


It was difficult to guess the emotions of the Emperor. The children of the Royal Family were all intelligent people who could read words and observe their appearance at such a young age. His children respected him, respected him, admired him, but just didn't want to get close to him.    


"Grandpa Huang, eat." Xun Er scooped up a piece of fish for the emperor with his spoon and said, "The food cooked by the cook is very delicious. Grandpa Huang should eat more of this fish since Dad likes to eat this fish the most and Xun Er likes it too."    


This was something that Shen Jingli had taught him, so he generously picked out the dishes that he liked and gave them to the emperor, even asking him to eat more. Shen Jingli thought that the emperor wouldn't eat it, but the emperor ended up eating it with relish.    


After dinner, the emperor's father took a fancy to the family's rocking chairs and had them moved into the courtyard to sit on the rocking chair and admire the moon.    


Shen Jingli was annoyed to death, he had been hoping for the emperor to leave quickly so that the mansion could return to normal. However, he didn't see the servants in his mansion, they were all trembling in fear, as if they were stepping on thin ice, like a flock of birds being attacked by falcons.    


However, the Emperor didn't allow him to do as he pleased and even allowed him to sit by the side to chat with an old man.    


He would accompany the emperor in a chat. If he was even the slightest bit careless and said something wrong, his head would fall to the ground. He really cherished his life and didn't want to do anything so dangerous.    


Although he was unwilling, he still moved a chair over and sat beside the emperor with a smile.    


The Emperor saw him holding a blanket as he looked into the distance with anticipation. He knew that Yue Yang was probably thinking about him and he felt it was a little funny.    


"From what Zi An said, printing is something you thought of, how did you know that printing books like this would save you so much effort?"    


Hehe, he did not come up with that, it was him who copied it. Shen Jingli laughed awkwardly, then picked up the cup of tea, thinking to himself, what kind of explanation would the Emperor only accept?    


He didn't dare put on airs in front of the Emperor, as he would be done for if he wasn't careful.    


After thinking for a long time, Shen Jingli still could not think of a good point, and could only reply, "Reporting to Your Majesty, this subject looked at it from a book left behind by an old carpenter, and after some minor modifications, it became what it is now."    


It was not a lie. He had indeed read it from the book, but it was not a book left behind by an old carpenter. He had originally been quite interested in it and had even compared it with the relief printing in the beginning.    


The emperor laughed and accepted this, "It's as Zi An said, you are indeed a smart child."    


Shen Jingli smiled and did not say anything. Plagiarism was not considered smart, after all intelligence belonged to others.    


"What do you think of war?" the Emperor asked.    


"Wasting one's life to harm one's wealth." War meant death, it meant life and death. He had never experienced war, so it couldn't be said that he understood the cruelty of war, but he had died. Leaving his loved ones made them sad and nostalgic.    


The emperor savored this sentence, but he then heard Shen Jingli say, "But sometimes we have no choice but to start a war."    


The Emperor pondered for a few seconds before suddenly laughing. Interesting, really interesting.    


"Lee Dehai, return to the palace."    


After greeting Shen Jingli and walking away with a few bottles of fruit wine, the emperor happily brought Lee Dehai back to the palace.    


— —    


On the second day at court, the emperor raised the matter of peace.    


As soon as the proposal for peace was put forward, it met with the opposition of many ministers. The reason was that their country's army was flourishing, and they were able to repel the enemy in just a few battles, forcing them to surrender. Why would they lower their heads to the enemy at such a crucial moment?    


In the imperial court, there were many ministers who objected to peace talks, but there were also those who agreed. What they advocated was not to cede territory and pay tribute to the enemy, but to sign an agreement on peaceful coexistence between the two sides and build friendly relations. Because of the recent internal troubles, they had spent a lot of manpower and resources, causing the treasury to be empty, so it was not suitable for them to continue fighting.    


Both sides held their own opinions and argued endlessly. The Emperor listened to their opinions but did not make a decision, thus he left the court.    


Regarding the matters of the imperial court, Shen Jingli had no way of knowing. He was still working for three days, resting for two days, taking care of the shops and taking care of the children at the same time.    


The twins grew very quickly, especially An An, who loved to move. They crawled very fast, making Xu Xiaobao, who came to visit them, cry. He often rode them, shouting that he wanted to conquer them.    


Every time he saw An An's little overlord pressing down on Little Treasure and shouting that he had won, Shen Jingli couldn't help but think that if he was suppressed by Little Treasure when he grew up, he really didn't know whether he would cry or cry.    


At the end of October, when the sky was clear and clear, Zhao Wenrui brought Little Treasure to visit Shen Jingli's home. Xu Yanlin had been busy to the point where he did not have any work to do at home, and had brought along a group of good bred horses from Zhao Wenrui's stable to head northwest, so they were the only two left in the house. Although Lady Xu had always asked them to return to their house, Zhao Wenrui thought that since they had moved out, it was better not to go back often, so as he did not want to cause displeasure with his sister-in-law.    


The weather was good today, the sunshine was bright and the breeze was gentle. Shen Jingli made people spread cushions in the courtyard and quilts on the cushions, making the children sit on the blankets to play.    


"If they're left in the sun like this, will they get sunburn?" Zhao Wenrui sat on the rocking chair, eating snacks and drinking tea as he leaned on the table, painting.    


"The more you bask in the sunlight, the better it is for your body. It can help with calcium absorption." Shen Jingli had been wanting to make a special pearl curtain recently so he could draw the pattern for him. Recently, he had racked his brains and drew a few diagrams, but he felt that the drawing was too tacky, so he kept modifying it.    


"Calcium?" Zhao Wenrui was doubtful, but he did not probe further. He was already used to Shen Jingli saying things from time to time that no one could understand. Although he did not understand, he knew that Shen Jingli would not harm anyone.    


"Madam means that people will be healthier if they bask in the sun more." Jin Yu brought the sweet water she had just made, "Lady Xu, you have added ice, don't drink too much, it's not good for your health."    


No matter if it was spring, summer, autumn or winter, when he was in a good mood, he would just drink a bowl. But Shen Jingli said that the weather was cold, eating too much ice would be bad for his body, so the weather had turned cold, thus Xu Yanlin did not allow him to eat more.    


Zhao Wenrui drank a large gulp of sweet water, his teeth were chattering non-stop, but in his heart, he felt very satisfied. "Your family's sweet water tastes really good, especially this taro ball, it's good in elasticity, has a lot of chewing power, and also has a lot of flavors."    


As Zhao Wenrui ate, he could feel it bouncing in his mouth. It was very chewy, even the kitchen girls in their residence had learned to make it, but it was just not this chewy.    


"If you like it, you can drink more." Shen Jingli drew a map that he was slightly satisfied with and also rested for the time being as he sat by the side and drank his sweet water.    


The children were tired, sprawled out on the quilts to sleep, worried that they might catch cold, and covered each of them with a quilt.    


The little fellows were sleeping soundly, and were making light snoring sounds. Shen Jingli watched them happily while drinking the sweet water.    


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