Farm Girl: General, Please Accept

C179 A Gentleman's Heart Is like a Jade's Heart Is like Iron

C179 A Gentleman's Heart Is like a Jade's Heart Is like Iron

When she heard Ann Tan's words, Lee Wanning laughed. Her gaze slowly fell on Ann Tan.    


She stepped forward and said, "What, does the emperor want to kill me now? The Emperor had promised me before, how could he … That was Zhou Qu's little brother! Do you want Zhou Qu to have a direct confrontation with you!? "    


It was only after Lee Wanning had thought about it for a long time that she finally figured it out.    


He might... It was intentional.    


He wanted to force Zhou Qu to rebel!    


It wasn't enough for him to just have himself, and he wanted to add Zhou Huai as well. If Zhou Qu knew that his little brother was killed by the Emperor, he definitely wouldn't be at peace.    


Even though he didn't know, Zhou Huai was actually in his own bedroom right now.    


Ann Tan's eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Lee Wanning and asked, "Queen, what do you mean by that?"    


"I'm afraid the Emperor knows better than anyone else what I mean."    


Just as Lee Wanning finished her sentence, Ann Tan suddenly pulled out a long sword from the side and pointed it at Lee Wanning's neck.    


He said, "If I really wanted to force Zhou Qu to rebel, this would be more direct and straightforward. But Lee Wanning, do you really think that I don't dare to kill you?"    


Hearing this, Lee Wanning's expression didn't change at all. Even though his sword was placed against her neck, she didn't show the slightest bit of emotion on her face.    


She said, "Of course I believe that the Emperor holds the power to kill and to live in this world. What can a mere Lee Wanning count as?"    


Just as Lee Wanning finished her sentence, Chiang Yifeng, who was standing beside her, suddenly fell to her knees with a thump. She kept kowtowing, even though she was already drenched in blood.    


She said, "Your majesty, let Empress go. Let Empress go!"    


When Lee Wanning saw the blood continuously dripping from Chiang Yifeng's forehead, she felt as if something had knocked hard against her heart.    


Then, she said in a hoarse voice, "Yifeng, you don't need to …"    


Before Lee Wanning could finish her sentence, Ann Tan suddenly sneered. Then, he lifted his leg and kicked Chiang Yifeng away.    


"What are you? Do you really think that I am a human being just because I've looked at you twice? "    


Chiang Yifeng fell to the ground, her hands clutching her stomach. She frowned, the intense pain causing her expression to change. "Child …" "My child …"    


Hearing this, everyone's face changed. What Lee Wanning saw next, was fresh blood flowing continuously from Chiang Yifeng's legs.    




Lee Wanning finally reacted. She pushed Ann Tan away and helped Chiang Yifeng up.    


Cold sweat dripped down Chiang Yifeng's forehead. She held Lee Wanning's hand tightly. "Child …" "My child …"    


Lee Wanning looked at the stunned Ann Tan and said, "What are you still standing there for? Hurry and call a doctor! "    


Only then did Ann Tan react and rushed out to call for an imperial physician.    


Chiang Yifeng was placed on the bed. Her hand was still tightly holding Lee Wanning's, tears constantly falling from her eyes. She said, "I don't want, my child …" "I don't want anything to happen to him, I don't want …"    


Lee Wanning kept comforting her, "Don't be afraid. It will be fine. Don't worry, it will be fine!"    


Chiang Yifeng nodded. The imperial physician had already arrived. After taking Chiang Yifeng's pulse, she looked at Ann Tan. "Your majesty, esteemed Empress this child …" I'm afraid it will be hard to protect them! "    


Hearing that, Ann Tan's face suddenly changed, and then continued, "What do you mean it's hard to protect? If anything happens to the child in her womb, I want all of you in the entire hospital to accompany her in death! "    


The imperial physician's face was covered in cold sweat.    


Lee Wanning was invited in the end.    


She coldly looked at Ann Tan and said, "You said that you don't want to become someone like Royal Father, but the truth is, you have become someone even worse than him! If anything happens to Yifeng's child today, you will be the one who killed your child! "    


Just as Lee Wanning finished speaking, Ann Tan raised his head. The way he looked at her caused Lee Wanning's body to shiver. Before she could say anything, Ann Tan had already walked up and grabbed her neck.    


He said, "Stop it! Don't say anymore! "    


He was very strong, as if he wanted to strangle Lee Wanning to death. It was also the first time that Lee Wanning saw a mad look in Ann Tan's eyes.    


At this moment, a voice came from inside. "Your Majesty, esteemed Empress …"    


Hearing the sound, Ann Tan finally let go of his hand. He looked at the person who came out and said, "How is she?"    


"The child has been saved, but we still need to be careful and rest …"    


That person's voice was obviously trembling. After Ann Tan heard his words, he finally let go of Lee Wanning's neck.    


Lee Wanning started to cough violently.    


Ann Tan directly rushed in. Seeing him like this, Lee Wanning felt that he probably had feelings for Chiang Yifeng.    


Otherwise, his reaction just now would not have been like this.    


Even if... No children.    


Lee Wanning stood by the door for a while before walking away slowly.    


The next day, she personally went to stew the tonic and sent it over to Chiang Yifeng.    


Chiang Yifeng had woken up and was about to get up when she saw Lee Wanning. Lee Wanning stopped her and said, "It's okay, just lie down."    


Chiang Yifeng looked at her, her face still pale. "I'm sorry esteemed lady, I'm not trying to steal anything from you, and I'm not purposely not telling you about my pregnancy. It's because this child is too weak, and I could feel it myself, so I wanted to rest quietly for a period of time …"    


Lee Wanning shook her head and said, "It's fine. I know you're a good child."    


With these words coming out of Lee Wanning's mouth, Chiang Yifeng's tears fell. Lee Wanning smiled at her, wiping the tears off her face, and said, "Don't cry, silly girl. You're pregnant now, so you can't cry."    


Lee Wanning continued to nod her head as she picked up the bowl beside her and said, "Come, I personally stewed the chicken for you. Chiang Yifeng continued to nod her head as she picked up the bowl beside her and said," Come, I personally stewed the chicken for you.    


She kept nodding her head.    


Just like that, Lee Wanning helped her finish the bowl of soup. Chiang Yifeng looked at Lee Wanning and said, "Then the Empress …" "What you said about General Zhou yesterday …"    


Hearing this, Lee Wanning's expression changed. She continued, "Yifeng, you have to keep this matter in your heart. No one can say that you understand."    


Chiang Yifeng could only nod.    


Lee Wanning chatted with her for a while longer, but when she heard the emperor had arrived, she stood up.    


She said, "Then I'll be leaving first. Have a good rest."    


Chiang Yifeng's face was a little awkward. Lee Wanning knew what she was thinking about, so she reached out to rub her head and said, "It's fine, just like what I said just now. I know, you're a good kid."    


Chiang Yifeng's tears almost fell again. Lee Wanning had already stood up.    


Thus, Lee Wanning finally bumped into Ann Tan at the entrance.    


When Ann Tan saw Lee Wanning, he was also stunned for a moment.    


Ann Tan said that he was going to go back inside. Lee Wanning said, "Your majesty, now that Yifeng is pregnant, can you please treat her well?"    


Hearing Lee Wanning's words, Ann Tan's footsteps paused. Then, he sneered, "Of course!"    


Lee Wanning didn't say anything else and just turned around to leave.    


As Ann Tan entered, he saw that Chiang Yifeng was about to stand up and bow. He waved his hand and said, "No need."    


Chiang Yifeng looked carefully at Ann Tan.    


They were the closest person to each other, but his heart was so far away. Chiang Yifeng took a deep breath and was about to say something, when Ann Tan said, "Don't think about anything else now, just give birth to the child peacefully. You don't need to care about anything else."    


Hearing this, Chiang Yifeng's expression immediately changed. Before she could say anything, Ann Tan looked to the side and said, "This thing, did the empress cook it for you to eat?"    


Chiang Yifeng hurriedly nodded.    


Ann Tan said, "From today onwards, you are not to eat anything from her nor to get close to her."    


Chiang Yifeng stared at Ann Tan with her eyes wide open. There were three words on her face, "Why?"    


Ann Tan said, "I know what the women of the harem do. Aa Ning is a kind person and I don't want her to be involved in this kind of thing."    


After a long time, Chiang Yifeng finally understood what Ann Tan meant by that.    


Did he think that she would frame Lee Wanning? Who did he think he was?    


Chiang Yifeng gritted her teeth and said, "Empress treats me so well. It's impossible for me to do this …"    


Before Chiang Yifeng could finish her words, Ann Tan interrupted her, "You don't need to explain anything to me. I don't care what you think at all. What I want to say is, from today onwards, don't go near Aa Ning!"    


With that, Ann Tan stood up. As he turned to leave, Chiang Yifeng's voice came from behind, "Your Majesty, you just said that Empress is a kind person. So, what does Yifeng look like in your heart? Do you think I would use the child in my womb to frame Empress? Is Yifeng such a person in the heart of the Emperor? "    


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