Farm Girl: General, Please Accept

C171 You and I Are on Each Side of the Water

C171 You and I Are on Each Side of the Water

Lee Wanning's whole body shuddered when she heard that. Then, she slowly turned her head around.    


Zhou Heng stood there. He looked at his own eyes and was filled with disbelief.    


Lee Wanning paused for a moment. Then, she immediately turned her head and was about to walk away, but Zhou Heng's voice kept coming out, "Sister-in-law? Sister-in-law! "    


Lee Wanning didn't care. She just kept walking in front and Zhou Heng's footsteps were also stopped.    


He looked at the person before him in disbelief, then turned around and left as if he had thought of something.    


Zhou Qu was in the main hall. Looking at the man next to him, Zhou Heng suddenly remembered something. The Emperor had just arrived. And from Lee Wanning's expression just now, she had obviously been acting very respectful …    


When Lee Wanning reached a certain place, she slowly stopped. She bit her lips tightly. Chiang Yifeng, who was beside her, could tell at a glance. She said slowly, "Empress, that person just now was …"    


"Yifeng, there are some things, don't ask, don't tell, understand?"    


It was the first time that Chiang Yifeng saw such a stern expression from Lee Wanning's eyes. Her expression couldn't help but change as she hurriedly nodded her head.    


Lee Wanning saw Zhou Bao very quickly.    


When Kang Kang was forced to leave, Zhou Bao already knew how to run. When he looked at her, his eyes were filled with a sense of unfamiliarity.    


The person next to him taught him to bow. When Zhou Bao was about to kneel down, Lee Wanning already went up and pulled his hand.    


Zhou Bao was stunned for a moment. Then, he tried his best to shake his hand off. Fear filled his eyes.    


That gaze was as if something had stung his heart. Lee Wanning stood there, not knowing what to do. A voice came from behind her. "Empress, His Majesty sent you back."    


Lee Wanning acted as if she didn't hear him, staring fixedly at the child in front of her. She really wanted to reach out and hug him, but the fear and strangeness in Zhou Bao's eyes made her not dare to take a step closer.    


Ever since she was born, she had only accompanied him for a few days. At the beginning, she was on the road, but later, she was directly taken away by Ann Wen. Then, it was like this now, she couldn't meet him even if she wanted to.    


Tears flowed unceasingly out of Lee Wanning's eyes. She tried her best to control them as she turned her head and said, "Yifeng, go tell the emperor that I'll be there later."    


Chiang Yifeng kept nodding her head and turned to leave with that person.    


Lee Wanning slowly squatted in front of Zhou Bao. She took out a piece of candy from her pocket and said, "Baby, do you want to eat some?"    


Zhou Bao looked at her, then looked at the candy in her hand and continuously nodded.    


Lee Wanning's tears suddenly dropped. When the mama saw this, she hurriedly said, "Empress, don't be offended. This child doesn't like to talk to people, so …"    


Lee Wanning continuously shook her head as she fixed her eyes on the child in front of her. After a long while, she finally spoke in a hoarse voice, "Have you forgotten about me? Have you forgotten? When you were little... I held you. "    


Zhou Bao's expression changed slightly, but he still didn't say anything.    


Lee Wanning said, "You can..." Would you like to call me? "    


Zhou Bao glanced at the mama beside him, who immediately said, "Hurry up and call Empress."    


Only after hearing what the mama said, Zhou Bao called out, "Empress."    


Lee Wanning, who could still control her tears, bit her lips. Then, she stuffed the candy in his hand and turned to leave.    


Zhou Bao was completely shocked.    


Lee Wanning continued to walk forward, looking very strange in the eyes of others.    


But Lee Wanning doesn't care, really... Not at all.    


When she arrived at the lobby, she saw Chiang Yifeng waiting there. When she saw her, she hurriedly went up to welcome her.    


"Empress, you've finally returned. The emperor seems to be very angry."    


Lee Wanning wiped away her tears and walked in slowly.    


Ann Tan glanced at her and said, "I thought that child took away the empress's soul, but the empress knew she was coming back?"    


Lee Wanning naturally understood the ridicule in Ann Tan's words. She said lightly, "That child is very cute. Chenqie …" I really like it. "    


Zhou Qu's head was lowered. Lee Wanning couldn't see his expression. Actually, the distance between the two of them was only a few steps apart, but Lee Wanning knew she couldn't cross it, and neither could he.    


She was the queen, he was the general.    


How could he dare to approach such a relationship?    


Hearing Lee Wanning's words, Ann Tan seemed to smile a little. Then, when Lee Wanning couldn't react in time, he pulled his body over and put his hand on his waist. "Then I should work hard and let the empress have her own child!"    


Lee Wanning's expression couldn't help but change. She wanted to break away from Ann Tan's hand, but Ann Tan wouldn't let her.    


Lee Wanning also saw that Zhou Qu, who was standing opposite her, was clenching his hands tightly.    


As if he didn't see that, Ann Tan looked at Zhou Qu and said, "What do you think about what I just said, General Zhou?"    


Zhou Qu took a deep breath and said, "No matter what, Zhang Zhu is the former court magistrate. It's definitely not a good thing for him to just die like this. The Emperor should order someone to thoroughly investigate this matter!"    


Hearing Zhou Qu's words, Ann Tan kept nodding his head, and then he said, "I think so too, but it's always like this. We always need someone we can trust. Do you have any candidates, General Zhou?"    


Zhou Qu didn't say anything.    


Ann Tan smiled and said, "Actually, I have already made up my mind. How about you, General Zhou?"    


Hearing that, Zhou Qu slowly raised his eyes. Ann Tan was looking at him with a smile, with a dark look in his eyes.    


Zhou Qu didn't know if he knew something, but ever since he stepped into this General Mansion, he had been continuously probing himself, whether it was Lee Wanning's matter or Zhang Zhu's.    


However, since he had done all of Zhang Zhu's work so cleanly, he shouldn't have noticed it. If he had to say something, he might just … Someone leaked the news.    


Who could it be?    


The people that came with him was Soong Yun, and they were all people that he trusted. During this period of time, Zhou Qu had also carefully observed everyone without anything out of the ordinary.    


If there really was a traitor, then it wasn't because of the betrayal after killing Zhang Zhu, but because … Previously, Ann Tan had already planted someone beside him.    


Just as Zhou Qu was thinking this, he heard Ann Tan say, "What? Is General Zhou not willing?"    


Zhou Qu came back to his senses then, after looking at Ann Tan, he said slowly, "This subject naturally listens to the emperor's orders, but this matter is very important, if this subject goes alone, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. The emperor also knows that this subject only knows how to lead soldiers to war. I hope that the Emperor can send someone else to assist this humble subject! "    


Ann Tan couldn't help but nod his head at Zhou Qu's words. His eyes slightly narrowed as he said, "General Zhou's words are true. Then, I'll look for another person!"    


"However, I just mentioned it casually today. The most important thing is to check on General Zhou's injuries. If I wasn't too angry at that time, I wouldn't have let General Zhou suffer such physical pain."    


Zhou Qu couldn't figure out what Ann Tan meant, so he said, "This subject is fine, please do not worry, Your Majesty!"    


Their lunch was already prepared, so naturally, An Xi brought Lee Wanning along to eat.    


The table was round, with Ann Tan sitting in the middle. Lee Wanning and Zhou Qu sat on his left and right sides, so as long as Lee Wanning raised her head slightly, she could see Zhou Qu.    


However, at such a close distance, it made Lee Wanning feel even more uncomfortable. She felt that Ann Tan did it on purpose. He didn't want her to have a good time, but he also wanted her to suffer.    


He clearly knew …    


Lee Wanning just lowered her head to eat. Ann Tan would talk to Zhou Qu from time to time, and Zhou Qu would answer them seriously. Zhou Qu's tone was calm, as if nothing had happened.    


It was as if in front of him, Lee Wanning was really just … Just a stranger.    


Lee Wanning felt a throbbing pain in her heart. After having lunch, Ann Tan finally said that he was going back. Just as Lee Wanning was about to leave, Ann Tan suddenly said, "But I want to go somewhere first. General Zhou and the empress can wait here first!"    


Zhou Qu and Lee Wanning naturally agreed. Lee Wanning even looked towards Zhou Qu, but there was no expression on Zhou Qu's face.    


Lee Wanning seemed to have heard the sound of something shattering.    


Lee Wanning didn't know whether it was their relationship or her own heart.    


She only knew that her heart felt as if it was truly going to die.    


After Ann Tan had left, Lee Wanning said softly, "General Zhou."    


Zhou Qu slowly raised his head and their eyes met.    


Even after Ann Tan left, there were still a lot of people on the scene. The two of them couldn't say anything or do anything, so they could only look at each other silently.    


No, it was Lee Wanning who turned her eyes away first. Her hand tightly gripped her skirt. On the back of her white hand was a patch of blue veins.    


Zhou Qu saw it, but he didn't say anything.    


Lee Wanning took a deep breath and slowly turned around. She smiled at him, but her voice was hoarse. "General Zhou …" Take care. "    


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