Farm Girl: General, Please Accept

C232 Unforeseen Future

C232 Unforeseen Future

Princess Changle didn't think that Aa Tia's reaction would be this big. Just when she didn't know how to respond, Aa Tia said, "Princess, you and Shangguan Jinghua are husband and wife, but you treated him as your husband. Did he treat you as his wife? If he treated you as his wife, would he do such a thing!? Princess, are you thinking about yourself!? "    


Princess Changle never expected Aa Tia to be this emotional. After her expression changed, she slowly said, "Aa Tia, don't be agitated, you …" "Calm down first."    


When Aa Tia saw Princess Changle's frightened expression, he realized that he had done something and gradually calmed down.    


He took a deep breath, "My apologies Princess, I have offended you. I am only a subordinate. Regarding the princess's matters, I really shouldn't talk too much."    


Princess Changle looked at him and said, "It's fine, you …" "Let's head out first."    


Princess Changle didn't know why, but when she saw Aa Tia in front of her, she suddenly had a feeling that he might lose control of himself.    


Previously, even if Princess Changle could feel Aa Tia's weird feelings towards her, she could tell that he could control her.    


However, it was clear that Aa Tia was a bit … Out of control.    


Just as Princess Changle was thinking this, Aa Tia had already turned around and left.    


Princess Changle's expression slightly changed, and she called for him to stop.    


"When the war here has subsided, I will arrange a marriage for you!"    


Aa Tia's expression couldn't help but change when he heard that. He slowly looked over.    


Princess Changle's face was full of smiles. "You'll definitely like this person as well."    


Aa Tia didn't know how he came out of the princess' tent.    


His eyes stared fixedly at the night in front of him, but no matter what, he couldn't return to his own tent to rest.    


At this moment, a voice came from the front, "General Tie."    


Aa Tia turned around and saw that it was Princess Changle's servant girl.    


Aa Tia lowered his head, "You haven't rested yet. If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first."    


Just when Aa Tia wanted to turn around and leave, the servant girl's voice came from behind, "General Tie, did you just come out of the princess' tent? There are some things about the Princess that I can... Tell you something? "    


The two of them entered a small forest in front of them.    


Aa Tia looked at the girl beside him and asked, "What do you want to say?"    


Hearing the voice, the woman turned her head and said, "Speaking of which, does General Tie know my name?"    


Aa Tia was stunned for a moment when he heard that, but she smiled and said, "I knew General Tie might not know it. General Tie, my name is... Xuan Er, did you remember that? "    


Aa Tia nodded.    


Xuan Er smiled and lowered her head. "I know what sort of feelings General Tie has for the princess, and I also know why he would protect the princess in such a way …" I grew up by the princess's side. When I saw a person like General Tie being good to the princess, I was also very happy and touched. However, for some reason, when I saw such a scene, I felt … "It's a bit sad."    


Xuan Er looked at Aa Tia and said, "General Tie, have you thought about this before? Your status and that of the princess are different. When the two of you are together, no, it's impossible for the two of you to be together. "    


Hearing Xuan Er's words, Aa Tia's eyes immediately darkened. He said, "You called me out tonight just to tell me this kind of thing? "If that's the case, then …"    


"That's not it, General Tie!"    


Xuan Er hurriedly said.    


In fact, she didn't know why she said it.    


She wanted to persuade Aa Tia to let the princess go, but she didn't know why, when she saw Aa Tia talking about the sad look on his face, she actually had a kind of melancholy.    


Thus, he just said those words out loud.    


Aa Tia also didn't want to talk to her anymore. When he turned around and was about to leave, Xuan Er's voice came from behind, "General Tie, did the princess tell you?"    


Aa Tia stopped his steps and turned around.    


Xuan Er clenched her hands tightly.    


She said, "The princess said that as long as this matter ends, we will be married."    


Yes, Princess Changle did say that she would arrange a marriage for him, but Aa Tia never thought of agreeing to it. He didn't want to get married, all he wanted was to stay by her side, stay by her side, and guard her!    


It had never occurred to him that he would become the husband of another woman.    


No matter who it was, as long as it wasn't her, Aa Tia didn't want it.    


But tonight, when Princess Changle mentioned it to him, he didn't refuse her directly.    


Because he didn't want Princess Changle to push him away.    


Originally, he knew that he had crossed the line in some of his actions tonight.    


Therefore, if Princess Changle said anything else at that time, she would definitely push him away.    


Aa Tia didn't want to.    


But now, Aa Tia found out that she wasn't on a whim. She had already thought of everything!    


Aa Tia was not a slow person. In Xuan Er's eyes, he could feel Xuan Er's feelings for him. However, Aa Tia did not want such feelings.    


However, Princess Changle didn't give him the chance to reject her offer.    


But even so, he did not want to agree!    


So now, he only looked at Xuan Er and said, "But even so, I will not agree."    


Xuan Er gritted her teeth. "Do you hate me that much?"    


"It's not because I hate you, but in my heart, there's only Princess Changle. That's all."    


Xuan Er took a deep breath and said, "But General Tie, the princess will not let you stay by her side like this. Only if you get married can you be by her side, and only I will be allowed to be by her side!"    


Aa Tia's expression immediately changed when he heard that.    


"You mean... "Even if it's marriage, you're still willing …"    


Before Aa Tia could finish his words, Xuan Er had already rushed forward and hugged him.    


"Don't push me away as long as you are willing to stay by my side." Don't push me away as long as you are willing to be by my side.    


As Xuan Er said this, her tears started to fall continuously. She also started to use more strength to hug Aa Tia.    


No woman wanted her husband to like someone else, but there was nothing Xuan Er could do.    


Just as she said, as long as she could be by his side, as long as this … That's good.    


Aa Tia had a complicated feeling in his heart as he said, "This matter... "Let's wait until the end of the war!"    


With that, he pushed Xuan Er's hand away and walked to the front.    


As Xuan Er watched his back, tears continuously flowed down her cheeks.    


Back in the tent.    


Princess Changle was waiting for him inside.    


Even if the imperial physicians were able to bring the world back to life, even if their Ku Scar Ointment was the best, the word "prisoner" on Princess Changle's face would never recover.    


This was the humiliation of her entire life.    


However, Princess Changle acted as if she did not care at all. She stayed in her tent all this time and covered her face with her veil whenever she needed to leave.    


Xuan Er was so envious of his attitude.    


From the moment she started following Princess Changle, Xuan Er had always felt that it would be great if she could become like Princess Changle one day.    


Including now.    


Just as Xuan Er was thinking this, she heard Princess Changle say, "Xuan Er?" What are you thinking about? "    


Hearing her voice, Xuan Er raised her head and said, "Princess, I …"    


"I just heard it. You and Aa Tia have already talked about it, right?"    


"Yes …" However, General Tie seemed to be … "I don't like servants."    


Princess Changle patted his head and said, "If you don't want it, I can help you find another marriage."    


Xuan Er kept shaking her head. "No, Princess, I'm fine. As long as I'm by his side, everything will be fine."    


Her eyes were filled with tears. Her expression made Princess Changle frown. She then looked forward and said, "You'll know that there are some things …" It's better for you to find someone who likes you than someone you like.    


Don't think that I'm talking big. Actually, I experienced this myself. Just look at me and you'll know, just like how I treated Shangguan Jinghua, I … Do you see what I look like now? "    


Princess Changle's eyes were filled with mockery as she said, "This is what happens to you. Of course, Aa Tia was a pretty good person. Even if he didn't love you, he would still treat you well. It's not as simple as you think. When you're by his side, you'll want more, just like the women in the palace. It's not like you haven't seen it before, they can do all sorts of things to gain a higher position of power. When that time comes … "    


Princess Changle didn't say anything else. She knew that Xuan Er would understand.    


Xuan Er only looked at the person in front of her before lowering her head and saying, "I understand Princess, but I just want to …" Others around General Tie don't believe in the princess, but you still don't believe in me? "    


Princess Changle could only smile wryly.    


It wasn't that she didn't believe Xuan Er, but she believed too much in the matter of love. These two words were enough to change a person.    


Princess Changle had a premonition that Xuan Er would become a stranger to her.    


Moreover, Princess Changle's intuition was very accurate.    


At this time, within Yingjia's army camp.    


When Zhou Qu just entered the tent from the outside, he found that the military camp was empty.    


His expression immediately changed. Just as he was about to leave, a person rushed in from outside and almost knocked him to the ground.    


Seeing him, Zhou Qu said snappily, "How dare you?"    


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