Farm Girl: General, Please Accept

C153 A Way of Competing for Beauty

C153 A Way of Competing for Beauty

Lee Wanning didn't expect Ann Tan to say something like that. Just as her expression stiffened, unsure of how to respond, Princess Changle already said, "The emperor really knows how to joke. Everyone knows Zhou Qu is the emperor's right-hand man, why did the emperor suddenly say such a thing?"    


Ann Tan acted as if he didn't hear Princess Changle's words, and stared fixedly at Lee Wanning.    


Lee Wanning bit her lips and said, "I just want to know how he is."    


"He's fine, I'm even going to point out the marriage to him." As Ann Tan said this, he slowly walked to the window and looked out. Lee Wanning's heart skipped a beat when she saw his back.    


Such a figure caused the uneasy feeling in Lee Wanning's heart to grow even stronger.    


She bit her lip, then said, "My lord, are you joking?"    


"Do you think I'm joking?" Ann Tan asked directly. He looked at Lee Wanning, who was standing in front of him.    


Princess Changle looked at the two of them and immediately laughed, "Your Majesty, look at how straightforward our Aa Ning is. You should know that in Aa Ning's eyes, nothing in this world is as important as Zhou Qu. She must be worried if you say that."    


Everything in the world... None of them were as important as Zhou Qu.    


Ann Tan didn't know why, but he wanted to laugh when he heard that. He looked at Lee Wanning for a long time and held it in.    


He said, "Of course General Zhou would not agree to this marriage."    


When she heard this, Lee Wanning immediately let out a sigh of relief. Before she could say anything, Ann Tan continued, "But before we left the capital, I heard that General Zhou spent a lot of money in the brothel and bought a girl named Wang. Did you know that?"    


Hearing this, Lee Wanning's expression changed. Princess Changle knew that Ann Tan wanted to provoke Lee Wanning, but just as he was about to say something, Ann Tan said, "Princess Changle, can you go out for a moment? "Let me and Princess Liuli stay here alone for a while."    


In this way, public opinion did not seem to be in accord.    


However, after looking at their faces, Princess Changle agreed.    


Lee Wanning looked at Ann Tan and said while gritting her teeth, "What are you trying to do?"    


Ann Tan liked to see Lee Wanning like this, with a bit of anger, like a small cheetah that would rush up to him and give him a scratch the next second.    


Ann Tan didn't like those gentle sheep or deer. What he liked was this kind of woman.    


Looking at Lee Wanning, Ann Tan's eyes slightly narrowed. Then, he said, "I don't want to do anything. I just want to tell you that not all deep emotions can be exchanged for one."    


Lee Wanning suddenly smiled and said, "Then I really have to thank the emperor. Do you think that I will doubt Zhou Qu just because of your words?"    


After so many years, Lee Wanning thought that she should have trusted him. Otherwise, when she left him, he would have been able to live happily ever after. There was no need to wait until now …    


Ann Tan's eyes swept across Lee Wanning's body and said, "General Zhou is the general of our Yingjia, so his character is naturally good. However, I feel that he has a very special relationship with the young lady with the surname Wang."    


Lee Wanning had already guessed who Ann Tan was when he mentioned Wang as his surname.    


After all, there was only one Wang Yanran in Zhou Qu's life.    


Hearing Ann Tan's words, Lee Wanning immediately clenched her hands tightly. Then, she said, "I will go back."    


The smile on Ann Tan's face froze for a moment. Then, he looked at Lee Wanning and asked, "How do we go back?"    


"No matter what, I have to go back!" Lee Wanning said without hesitation.    


Ann Tan slowly walked in front of her and said, "Do you need any help?"    


At this time, inside the General Mansion, it was bustling with noise and excitement.    


Zhou Heng stayed in his room and studied every day, practically ignoring everything else. Besides, Zhou Qu also stayed home every day.    


Since the last time Lili had been found pregnant, she had seemed reluctant to leave. When Zhou Qu said he wanted to buy her a place to stay, Lili had forced her to do it with her own death.    


On the other hand, when Xiao Wan heard the news, she stood up and said, "How can that work?"    


Zhou Heng looked at her strangely and said, "Why not?"    


Xiao Wan couldn't be obvious in front of Zhou Heng, so she could only grind her teeth and ask, "What if your sister-in-law comes back?"    


Zhou Heng thought for a moment and said, "My brother is a soft-hearted person. No matter what, it will be impossible for him to kick Wang Yanran out."    


Xiao Wan naturally knew that Zhou Qu was someone worth entrusting his entire life to. Moreover, Zhou Qu was the First General of the Imperial Court. As long as he could become the Madam General …    


Xiao Wan thought so. Wang Yanran must be thinking the same thing, so the two of them had been competing openly and secretly recently. However, Zhou Qu seemed to be blind to both of them.    


This kind of action made Xiao Wan and Wang Yanran feel that it was very strange … Frustration.    


On this day, just as Xiao Wan came out of her room, she saw Wang Yanran leisurely walking over with the little girl's support. Xiao Wan let out a cold laugh before stepping forward and saying, "Miss Wang."    


When she turned around, Xiao Wan had already walked up to her side and said, "The weather is very good today. Miss Wang, you should come out more and bask in the sun. That way, you won't think about dying forever."    


Wang Yanran knew that she was mocking him for threatening Zhou Qu with his death.    


She knew that Xiao Wan came into the General Mansion because of Zhou Heng. Even if Zhou Qu did not feel anything towards Xiao Wan, for the sake of her brother, he would definitely make her stay.    


Zhou Qu's feelings for him might be a little bit of pity and affection from the past. When such feelings were exhausted, it might be time for him to leave the house.    


Wang Yanran definitely wouldn't let such a thing happen!    


Hearing Xiao Wan's words, after a while, Wang Yanran slowly said, "Thank you for your concern, and so are you. Zhou Heng has had a hard time reading every day, right? You have to watch him more. "    


Xiao Wan naturally knew what Wang Yanran meant. She smiled lightly and said, "I don't understand those poems. We're all from brothels, how would we understand this? Wouldn't it be fine if we knew how to serve a man?"    


Hearing Xiao Wan's words, Wang Yanran's face immediately darkened. "Don't compare yourself to me! What the hell are you! "    


Although Wang Yanran had fallen into the brothel before, she still had her pride hidden deep in her bones. Now that she heard Xiao Wan's words, her face was filled with anger.    


Hearing her words, Xiao Wan immediately laughed and said, "Miss Wang, do you really think you're still that rich young miss? Don't forget, if it weren't for you crying and hanging yourself by your legs, would you still want to stay here? "    


Wang Yanran's expression changed immediately. Just as she was about to say something, Xiao Wan said, "The two of us really don't need to use it. I can put down my figure. How are you still carrying it today?"    


Facing Xiao Wan's naked and disdainful gaze, Wang Yanran immediately exploded. She said, "I advise you not to go overboard. Don't forget, I can be Prime Minister Wang's daughter before!"    


"Oh, it's that Prime Minister's daughter who had fallen into a brothel, and was even pregnant in the end?"    


As Xiao Wan said this, everyone laughed. Wang Yanran's face alternated between green and white as she pushed Xiao Wan, who was in front of her, away.    


"Shut up!"    


Xiao Wan's body was pushed down to the ground just like that. Beside her, there was a rock that directly cut through her fair skin, causing blood to continuously flow out.    


When Zhou Heng came out, he happened to see this scene. He immediately rushed over and asked, "Xiao Wan, are you alright?"    


"Zhou Lang …" Xiao Wan's face was pitiful. Wang Yanran clenched her hands tightly and was about to say something when Zhou Heng said to the person beside her, "What are you doing? Why aren't you asking for a doctor? "    


Zhou Heng clearly saw Wang Yanran push Xiao Wan away, but she was his brother's man after all, so Zhou Heng didn't say anything and could only carry Xiao Wan back to the room.    


To Zhou Heng, Xiao Wan's looks and other things weren't important. The important thing was that she never mocked his body's flaws, and she also gave him a lot of encouragement and support.    


What Zhou Heng didn't know was that the reason why Xiao Wan didn't laugh at him was that she had seen too many such men that would encourage and support him. It was just because she thought that finding someone to rely on was completely different from what Zhou Heng imagined.    


Zhou Qu heard about this when he came back from outside. When he saw Xiao Wan's wound, he frowned.    


Zhou Heng walked in front of him and said, "How about this, Brother, Xiao Wan and I will go out. After all, Miss Wang is also pregnant right now. If something happens between Xiao Wan and her …"    


"That won't do, it's a little chaotic outside right now. If you go out from my General Mansion like this, it'll definitely be dangerous …" Thinking for a moment, Zhou Qu said, "I'll talk to Miss Wang!"    


When Zhou Qu just opened the door, he saw Wang Yanran already kneeling on the floor. She was looking at him with her eyes that were filled with billowing waves.    


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