Farm Girl: General, Please Accept

C170 The Heart of a Man Cannot be Fathomed General

C170 The Heart of a Man Cannot be Fathomed General

At that time, Lee Wanning was in the kitchen eating dumplings because she suddenly remembered that she wanted to eat them, but none of the dishes in the kitchen suited her taste, so she packed them herself.    


Chiang Yifeng was helping at the side. When Su Ann came in, she saw the master and servant wrapping dumplings there.    


"Servant will participate in Empress."    


Hearing the voice, Lee Wanning raised her eyes, looked at Su Ann and said, "Get up, what's the matter, Your Majesty?"    


Ever since Xiu Er's incident, Lee Wanning's attitude towards Ann Tan became even colder. However, on the surface, she still wouldn't disobey. She definitely wouldn't give Ann Tan a reason to kill her.    


As for Su Ann, Lee Wanning didn't know how he felt when he heard Xiu Er expose him and then get killed by Ann Tan, but looking at his smile, Lee Wanning knew that as long as it wasn't related to her, they wouldn't have any feeling of caring.    


Su Ann looked at Lee Wanning and said, "The emperor wants the empress to accompany him out of the palace."    


Lee Wanning's hands paused for a moment. Then, she raised her head and asked, "Where are you going?"    


"Go see General Zhou."    


When she heard that, Lee Wanning threw the thing in her hand down. Su Ann's expression changed when he saw it.    


Lee Wanning also felt that her reaction was a little too extreme. After trying hard to control herself, she raised her eyes to look at Su Ann, "Why?"    


"How could this servant know the reason for the emperor's decision?" Esteemed Empress should hurry and clean up. The emperor is waiting outside the palace! "    


Lee Wanning felt a little responsible. She thought for a moment, but still couldn't figure out what Ann Tan was going to do with her. He must be trying to test her and Zhou Qu.    


Zhou Qu...    


Lee Wanning didn't even care if it was dumplings or not. She threw the things in her hands down and turned to leave.    


Chiang Yifeng hurriedly stopped her. "Empress, do you need to change your clothes?"    


Hearing this, Lee Wanning's steps finally stopped. She looked at her own body before finally reacting. With a slight smile, she said, "Yes, I want to change clothes …"    


Chiang Yifeng rushed over with some clothes and helped Lee Wanning change into them. When she was dressing Lee Wanning, she could clearly see the smile on Lee Wanning's face from the corner of her eyes. Chiang Yifeng also laughed softly and said, "Is it happy that the Empress can go out?"    


Lee Wanning was stunned for a moment. She turned her head to look at her and replied with a soft 'En'.    


She couldn't show it too clearly, otherwise, Ann Tan would definitely be unhappy about it and she might not be able to go.    


But if Zhou Qu sees himself standing with Ann Tan...    


Thinking of this, Lee Wanning became a little worried. She had ten thousand reasons to meet him, but what about her status?    


Right now, she was the queen of the nation of Yingjia, and he, was a general of the nation of Yingjia.    


Such an identity...    


What should they do?    


Just as Lee Wanning was thinking this, she heard Su Ann's voice from in front of her, "Is the mistress alright?"    


Lee Wanning calmed herself down and slowly stood up.    


When she walked to the entrance of the palace, Lee Wanning saw Ann Tan, who was waiting there.    


He wore a dark blue long robe with a golden crown on his head. When he glanced at his body, he seemed to smile.    


Lee Wanning had no idea what he was laughing at.    


The two of them rode in a car.    


Lee Wanning tried her best to keep a distance from him. Ann Tan acted as if he didn't see her and continued to sit there.    


Lee Wanning paused and turned to look at him. "Why does the emperor want to see General Zhou all of a sudden?"    


Ann Tan looked at him and said, "What, don't you want to see General Zhou?"    


He knew it.    


Lee Wanning said in her heart, but her expression did not change at all.    


"I just thought it was strange."    


Ann Tan smiled lightly and then said, "Because I suddenly remembered that General Zhou has not been in court for half a month and wants to see him."    


Lee Wanning didn't answer. Ann Tan looked at her and said, "But I believe that the empress should know the identity of the empress, right?"    


Lee Wanning only replied with a slight 'En'.    


She believed that as long as she did something wrong, it might be the fuse that Ann Tan used to kill Zhou Qu. She wasn't that stupid.    


Just as Lee Wanning was thinking this, she heard Su Ann's voice from in front of her, "Your majesty, Empress, the General Mansion has arrived."    


Lee Wanning pulled open the curtain of her carriage. When she saw the familiar door in front of her, her expression changed slightly, and there were even tears in her eyes.    


Ann Tan's hand suddenly reached over. Under everyone's gaze, he pulled her out of the car.    


Zhou Qu had already come out of the General Mansion and was kneeling at the door.    


Lee Wanning almost lost control of her tears.    


Wang Yanran was not one of them.    


When she heard that the emperor was about to arrive, Zhou Qu had someone stand guard at her door. Wang Yanran thought that he probably didn't want Lee Wanning to know that she was here.    


But how would he know?    


Actually, Lee Wanning already knew about it. She even said that she would take good care of him.    


This Lee Wanning …    


The position above everyone else was originally his to begin with. Wang Yanran really couldn't see what was so good about Lee Wanning. Zhou Qu was one thing, but this Ann Tan had actually made her his queen!    


Why should she!?    


As for himself? Previously, he had been reduced to a brothel, but now, he had to stay in the General Mansion to carefully watch the expressions of others …    


Wang Yanran hated him!    


But even if it was hatred, so what?    


There was nothing she could do.    


At this moment, Lee Wanning walked over step by step. Her eyes were fixed on Zhou Qu, but Zhou Qu only lowered his eyes. That seemingly avoided her, making Lee Wanning want to cry.    


Following that, her eyes slowly shifted to the side.    


She didn't see Zhou Bao.    


At this moment, Ann Tan's voice sounded, "General Zhou, please get up."    


Zhou Qu slowly stood up after hearing Ann Tan's words.    


Lee Wanning was still looking at him. He raised his head and gave her a quick glance before turning his eyes away.    


Lee Wanning's tears, which she had finally managed to control, almost came back to her eyes.    


"I wonder what business does the emperor have for him to come in person?"    


He didn't know why, but when he heard Lee Wanning's voice, he felt as if he was going to break down any time soon.    


Lee Wanning tried to hold back her tears, but she heard Ann Tan say, "General Zhou has only been in court for half a month. Lee Wanning tried to hold back her tears, but she heard Ann Tan say," General Zhou has not even been in court for half a month.    


Zhou Qu quickly looked at Ann Tan and Lee Wanning. The former was smiling, but the latter was trying hard to control her tears.    


Zhou Qu lowered his head again and said, "Thank you for the relationship with the emperor. Zhou Qu is fine, please come into the mansion, Your Majesty!"    


Ann Tan held Lee Wanning's hand. Lee Wanning tried her best to struggle free, but she found that Ann Tan didn't loosen his grip. Instead, he tightened his grip.    


Lee Wanning's eyebrows creased, but with so many people around, she couldn't say anything. She could only endure it.    


The lobby was very clean. Ann Tan didn't stand on ceremony as he pulled Lee Wanning to sit at the main seat.    


Ann Tan looked around and said, "Speaking of which, I seem to have never come to this General Mansion before. I wonder if General Zhou is here?"    


Zhou Qu had just come back and just laid down when he heard about the arrival of the Emperor. That's why he hurriedly got up.    


At this moment, his voice was still hoarse as he said, "Your Majesty's words are too harsh. This humble subject is a barbarian; no matter where I live, I'll be fine."    


Lee Wanning looked at Zhou Qu. He seemed to have lost a lot of weight and his skin was darker. When he looked at Zhou Qu … It seemed very different.    


This made Lee Wanning feel a little sad. After pausing for a moment, she tried to say, "General Zhou …" Isn't there a child? "    


These were the first words Lee Wanning said when she entered the room. Zhou Qu's entire body trembled, and then he said in a low voice, "Yes, but right now, the season is changing and he has suffered a bit of cold. This humble subject is afraid of disturbing the emperor …" Empress, so he was allowed to stay in the room. "    


Hearing this, Lee Wanning stood up from her chair, her actions making Ann Tan frown. When he turned around, he saw Lee Wanning staring at Zhou Qu without caring about his expression, saying, "Can I see him?"    


Zhou Qu first looked at Ann Tan.    


There was no expression on his face.    


Lee Wanning also looked at him and said with some difficulty, "Your majesty, I want to …" "To see the children."    


Ann Tan suddenly laughed and said, "Of course it's okay. Since our new year's child has caught the cold, the empress should be careful. General Zhou, Zhen has something to say to you."    


Lee Wanning knew that Ann Tan didn't want her to go with Zhou Qu, but now, she wanted to see her own child.    


Under the guidance of the person beside her, Lee Wanning headed straight for Zhou Bao's room.    


Chiang Yifeng followed behind her and asked curiously, "Niangniang, do you know this child?" "Your body is precious. If that child's chills were to spread to your body …"    


Lee Wanning's footsteps paused for a moment before she continued, "No, I just …" You want to see the kid, that's all. "    


Chiang Yifeng didn't know about the relationship between Lee Wanning and Zhou Qu, so when she heard this, she felt it was strange and didn't say anything else.    


As they were walking forward, they heard a voice from behind them. "Sister-in-law?"    


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