CEO's Love Affairs

C1658 Tears Fell like Rain(1)

C1658 Tears Fell like Rain(1)

... ☆... ☆...    


At night, he slept continuously. Even though he slept very late, he seemed to be very uneasy. When he slept, his little hand that was grabbing Jiani tightly was as if he was afraid that Jiani would disappear at any time.    


For the entire night, Jiani hugged him and did not leave in a short period of time.    


Late at night, someone pushed open the door and came in.    


The blurry moonlight shone through the thin curtains and onto the bed. On top of that pair of quiet people.    


Her pitch-black eyes were like a dried-up well as she stared intently at her face, which was gradually becoming thinner and thinner.    


Her gaze was scorching hot, as if it was about to burn through the bed.    


After a long, long time, he finally bent down and reached out his hand to help the bed with great care. They covered themselves with the blanket and pressed it tightly. Then, they turned around and left the room.    


Jiani had been insomnia the entire time, so she knew that he had come before. It was just that she pretended to sleep.    


She did not have the courage to open her eyes to meet his deep pupils...    


The more it was like this, the more panicked she became!    


The next day, he still did not ask her. It was just that every time he looked at her, there was a burning look in his eyes. It was so hot that it almost burned her.    


During the day, he went to work and went to school.    


Everything was the same.    


Only, she was different...    


Actually, she felt that he had discovered something. However, if he did not ask, she would not say either.    


She did not have the courage to tell him...    


Perhaps, she was really selfish!    


Late at night, he had yet to return.    


It was the driver who picked up Mianmian.    


After midnight, he was still nowhere to be seen.    


This was the first time his body was diagnosed that he did not rest so late at night.    


He knew that his body could not bear the burden and was clearly very tired, but he could not fall asleep.    


The night was very deep...    


Finally, there was a burst of hurried doorbell ringing downstairs. Jiani bounced off the blanket and went downstairs.    


Even though her steps were a little staggering, even though her brain was very heavy, even though her face was very pale.    


When the door opened, Young Master Yin was standing outside, and her husband was still hanging on her shoulder.    


Obviously, he was drunk again.    


"Sister-in-law..." Young Master Yin called her.    


"Drinking again..."    


A hint of worry flashed across the slightly dim watery pupils. It hurriedly opened the door and let Young Master Yin in.    


"En!" Young Master Yin supported Lan Chengyu upstairs and answered Jiani's words.    


After going upstairs and putting the drunk Lan Chengyu on the big bed, Jiani sent Young Master Yin downstairs.    


"Sister-in-law..." At the entrance, Young Master Yin stopped walking and looked back at her.    


"Huh?" Jiani was slightly stunned for a second.    


"There are some things that I don't know if I should say or not!" Young Master Yin seemed to hesitate.    


"Go ahead..." Jiani smiled, her smile somewhat pale.    


Young Master Yin leaned against the bar beside him and smoked a cigarette. Just as he was about to light it, he looked at Jiani and paused. "Sorry!"    


He politely apologized and put the cigarette back in his hand.    


Jiani shook her head meaninglessly. "It's nothing. You can smoke it! I don't mind!"    


Young Master Yin smiled. "No need. Young Master Lan found out. He wants to beat me up!"    


" It's not that exaggerated... " Jiani's smile was very, very sweet.    


"Sister-in-law!" This time, Young Master Yin's voice sank a little. "Did you know? Young Master Lan and I have been brothers for so many years. Today, really, I saw that guy's tears for the first time..."    


Young Master Yin's words caused Jiani to be stunned.    


Her petite body was as stiff as a fossil.    


In an instant, it was as if there was a needle that ruthlessly pierced into Jiani's heart.    


"He sat alone in the corner and cried! I know that you women would probably laugh at this kind of man for being useless. But Young Master Lan is not that kind of useless man. Back then when Lee Xinyu dumped him, he did not even make a sound, let alone cry in front of us brothers! Sister-in-law, I don't know what happened between you and Young Master Lan. I just want to remind you that if you really love each other, then stay together! Don't torture each other! As brothers, we all saw Young Master Lan's change. Ever since he married you, he's no longer that impulsive Lan Chengyu!"    


Young Master Yin's words were like a heavy drum as they fiercely hit Jiani's heart membrane time and time again.    


Hot tears kept falling out of her eyes.    


Her heart was in so much pain that it felt like it was going to be crushed alive. It was a piercing pain!    


Jiani wiped away her tears. However, more and more tears appeared on her face. She could not wipe them away no matter how hard she tried.    


"Sister-in-law, don't cry either!" Young Master Yin was slightly apologetic and comforted her, "Hurry up and go upstairs to sleep!"    


"Okay..." Jiani nodded and nodded again. Her tears were still falling like rain.    


After sending Young Master Yin off, Jiani rushed upstairs.    


The light in the bedroom was off.    


Borrowing the blurry moonlight, Jiani's blurry eyes looked at him in a daze.    


Her eyes were so clear and focused.    


It was as if she wanted to deeply imprint this man into her eyes and mind.    


He lay quietly on the bed. His thick eyebrows were tightly knitted, and his eyes were slightly trembling. There was a kind of pain in them.    


His profile appeared to be so exhausted...    


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