CEO's Love Affairs

C1663 Ridiculous and Sad(2)

C1663 Ridiculous and Sad(2)

"I wasn't going to tell you, but then I thought, after all, you are the father of the child, you have the right to know! " She smiled cruelly and looked at him. "Are you still unwilling to believe me? Didn't you keep asking me why I'm getting thinner? Don't you want to know why I won't let you touch me? Because I just had an abortion. My body is weak and I can't touch you! Do you understand?"    


Her smile was like a sharp knife. She cut his heart, and with every cut, she didn't forget to sprinkle salt on him.    


Blood flowed like a fountain...    


It actually hurt so much!!    


Her pupils constricted until she finally closed her eyes tightly and did not look at her again.    


Facing such a cruel person like her, shouldn't he continue to hold a skeptical attitude? Or... should he continue to console himself like this!    


Actually, he had been betting...    


He did not dare to let go of every expression on her face. He tried again and again to find traces of her lying in her eyes. However, no matter how he saw through her, she did not panic at all!    


Facing him, she had never been a person who did not panic in the face of danger!    


Therefore, this time, she was serious!!    


The cigarette butt burned out bit by bit, burning his finger. It was a bit painful, but he hadn't noticed it for a long time.    


He subconsciously put it out in the cylinder...    


The strength in his hand was very heavy!    


That day, in the shopping mall, she was so focused on buying clothes for Mianmian and preparing everything for them...    


That day, his heart was filled with panic. Thinking about it now, he still had lingering fears.    


Mianmian cried like a tearful person. As for him, he was completely silent. In fact, at that moment, his heart seemed to have frozen.    


Standing in front of the counter, he stared at the petite and pale girl in front of him. At that moment, the only thought in his mind was... panic, chaos!!    


What happened to her?    


Panic, in his heart, was like a bottomless abyss. At that moment, he thought of a terrifying white word, death!    


That day, he did not know how much he drank. He sat in the corner and drank non-stop. He only knew that alcohol could numb all pain.    


However, he realized that the more he drank, the more uncomfortable it was...    


In the end, he just sat in the corner and cried! He put his head on his knees and cried uncontrollably, not caring about his image.    


Actually, everyone thought that he was drunk. Only he himself knew that at that time, he was clearer than anyone else!    


After that, he never asked her anything because he didn't want to know. Perhaps it was a kind of self-deceiving, or a cowardly escape, but he just couldn't muster up the courage!    


Yes, he was afraid of the word death, a deep fear!    


He couldn't imagine what it felt like to fall from the vortex of happiness into the depths of hell...    


He would rather believe that it was just that he was overthinking it! Everything was fine!    


Until, at this moment, at this moment...    


Only then did he come to a realization!!    


It turned out that she was thin, her paleness...    


It was all because of his child!! She was so heartless that she killed his child without any mercy!!    


He could choose not to believe it, right? In his impression, she shouldn't be such a person!    


However, white paper and black words, such a large black word, so clearly written there, what else could he say? What else could he doubt?    


He sat there, smoking cigarettes one after another.    


Should he feel lucky? At least, the answer was not what he thought it was!    


Actually, he should have guessed it earlier. However, he chose to believe it!    


He believed that she loved him, just like how he had fallen in love with her!    


He took a deep breath of the cigarette in his hand and slowly exhaled the white smoke. Lan Chengyu looked up at her with a sad smile on his lips. "You came today to tell me this? "He actually wanted to make himself look calmer.    


"Yes..." Jiani took a deep breath and nodded.    


He smiled, and his dark eyes revealed a kind of wild and wild confidence. He stood up and heavily snuffed the cigarette butt in his hand, looking down at her from above. “ Ann Jiani, I have the ability to make you fall in love with me when I am eighteen. So now, I... still have it! "    


After he finished speaking, he turned around and with a" Hua "sound, he pushed open the door to the private room and left proudly without the slightest delay.    


His back view was so tall and arrogant in Jiani's eyes!    


Only, only he knew how stiff his back was at the moment he turned around and how pale his face was...    


Wasn't love a game of chasing? During the chase, when the people on both sides started to be covered in wounds, they would naturally understand what true love was and what life truly needed...    


A calm as water is true love!!    


Did she want to let go of her own hands? Ha! He doesn't remember that he was someone who could be defeated so easily!    


Give up on her? In his next life!    


However, for the sake of that man, she actually took away her own child cruelly. Was there still a need for him to chase after her? Even he began to doubt...    


His pale fingers clenched tightly, and his fingertips seemed as if they were about to pierce into his palm.    


He did not know that she was pregnant.    


She had an abortion, and he did not know either!    


Heh! Such an outcome, how laughable and lamentable...    


... ☆... ☆... ☆... ☆...    


Jiani sat in the private room blankly, not moving at all.    


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