CEO's Love Affairs

C1457 Good People(2)

C1457 Good People(2)

The wind was extraordinarily cold today. It actually felt a little cold and painful when it brushed against his face, as if it had been cut by a knife.    


"Ding Ling, Ding Ling..." Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang.    


Jiani was stunned for a moment. She took out her phone and looked at the caller ID.    


It was an unknown number.    


She pressed the answer button suspiciously. Just as she was about to say something, the man on the other end snatched her away.    


"Where is it?"    


The cold voice had no warmth at all.    


There was obvious anger mixed in the questioning tone.    


Jiani was stunned for a moment and came to a realization. She replied faintly, "On the way back..."    


And then...    


"Du Du Du..."    


The call was hung up.    


Jiani was stunned for a second and closed the phone suspiciously.    


He seemed to be in a very bad mood!    


Without thinking too much, he took a taxi and went straight to the house that did not belong to her.    


He opened the door with the room card and was slightly stunned.    


In the room, it was pitch black and there was not a trace of light. Even the drapes on the floor were tightly shut and could not penetrate the moonlight.    


The entire room was filled with an oppressive silence.    


Jiani panicked for a second and wanted to reach out to turn on the lights.    


Suddenly, her fingers seemed to have touched something. It was cold, but soft.    


"Ah..." Jiani was so scared that her entire body trembled. She could not help but scream. Just as she was about to withdraw her arm, she was suddenly grabbed by a large cold palm.    


"Where did you go?"    


In the darkness, there was nothing that could be seen clearly. Only that cold voice and that cold temperament were still there.    


The tone could not be more familiar. So it was him!    


A sense of relief swept across his heart. The color of blood instantly returned to his pale little face. He heaved a sigh of relief and stroked his frightened little heart. He asked softly, "Why didn't you turn on the light?"    


As she spoke, Jiani stretched out her hand to turn on the light.    


"Don't turn on the light!!" The strong long arm suddenly exerted force and Jiani's petite body fell into his cold chest without any warning.    


His deep eyes glittered in the deep darkness.    


A mellow and thick wine fragrance drifted into Jiani's breath. Her eyebrows trembled slightly and her small body struggled for a moment, trying to escape from his embrace, "You drank?"    


No wonder...    


Today, he was very wrong!    


Feeling Jiani's struggle, the force on Lan Chengyu's arm tightened even more. He buried his head deep into her soft hair and truly felt the faint fragrance of warmth from her body. "Yes, I was too happy. I drank a little bit!"    


He honestly told her.    


Too happy?    


Jiani twitched her lips and felt a little bitter.    


He really did not know whether he was happy or sad today!    


But there was one thing that she was very certain that happiness and sadness had nothing to do with her.    


Her delicate body was buried in his ice-cold embrace. Her chest was trembling in pain.    


"Where did you go today? Why did you come back so late!?"    


His hair was still in her hair, and his tone was stern as he questioned her.    


"I went to the hospital to see my mommy!" Jiani honestly told him.    


On his shoulder, he smiled lightly and said meaningfully, "Don't worry, she will be fine..."    


Jiani did not understand his words.    


But she knew that if it was not for his five hundred thousand, perhaps her mother would have really left them!    


"Let me help you up the stairs!"    


"Don't you want to know why I'm happy today?" He didn't move. He buried himself in her hair and asked her in a low voice.    


Jiani's petite body stiffened for a second before she pursed her lips and shook her head, "I don't want to know..."    


"Ha..." He sneered.    


His head on her shoulder slightly tilted and his cold lips lightly swept across her hot neck as he softly muttered, "Jiani, you are really a qualified mistress..."    


Jiani felt a pain in her heart.    


But she could not find a single word to say to him.    


His kiss gently landed on her neck and the coldness gradually faded. What replaced it was the burning sensation on his lips...    


This kind of feeling was too unfamiliar... so unfamiliar that Jiani's entire body could not help but tremble.    


He seemed to be extremely satisfied.    


Jiani's entire body stiffened for a second. Just as she realized what he wanted to do, her small body suddenly floated in the air and was abruptly lifted horizontally by him in front of her.    


"Ah..." Jiani was so scared that she cried out in a low voice.    


He carried her and walked towards the sofa in the hall.    


He seemed to be very used to the dark of the night, which was why he could clearly see everything in the house in the dark.    


He put Jiani's petite body on the leather sofa.    


His kiss was like a heavy rain, falling towards Jiani.    


It was not like the usual cold taste, but it was a kind of heat that was extremely unfamiliar to her. It was a kind of boiling heat that seemed to want to burn her to ashes...    


At that moment, she felt that she was really about to be burned away by his strange burning passion.    


He kissed her from her forehead all the way to her white and tender chest...    


Every kiss carried a deep heat, as well as a devotion that she had never felt before.    


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