CEO's Love Affairs

C1390 When We Met Again(1)

C1390 When We Met Again(1)

2Tong Si arrived half an hour earlier at the restaurant they had agreed upon and waited.    


She found a small room and sat down.    


Not long after, Tong Si felt a little tired.    


She did not know why, but recently, she seemed to be getting more and more sleepy. Her body also felt more and more uncomfortable. It was probably because she was not in a good state of mind recently and her appetite was too little!    


"Hua -" Suddenly, there was a sound. The door was pulled open.    


A tall black figure walked in.    


The next moment, before Tong Si could recover, the door was closed again.    


At that moment, looking at that familiar handsome face, Tong Si was almost unable to recover for a second.    


It had only been a few days...    


She actually had a feeling that it was a lifetime ago!    


A wisp of sorrow ignited in the bottom of his heart...    


However, he did not express it.    


"Miss Tong, you've been here for a long time?"    


Lyi Xun's usual charming and deep voice rang in Tong Si's ears. There seemed to be a hint of mockery in his distant voice.    


"I just arrived." Tong Si squeezed out a smile.    


"How have you been recently?" It seemed like it was just a family chat.    


"Not bad." Tong Si nodded, but she had a bitter smile in her heart. She did not expect that there would be a day when drug dealers could sit down and chat with the police like this.    


"What about you? Did you have a good time?"    


"Of course. Thanks to Miss Tong, the flour business is getting bigger and bigger." The irony in his words was obvious.    


Tong Si's expression changed slightly, but she quickly restrained her emotions and changed the topic, "Mr. Lyi, regarding your appeal, I hope to settle it privately. Can you do it?"    


"Based on what?" Lyi Xun looked at her with a smile.    


"It's not good for either of us if things get out of hand." Tong Si replied calmly.    


"Are you threatening me?" Lyi Xun narrowed his eyes and looked at Tong Si, whose expression did not change much.    


Tong Si shook her head. "You know I am only telling the truth."    


Lyi Xun laughed, "Miss Tong, when have I ever been afraid? However, if you really want to make peace with me privately, it's not impossible!"    


"Tell me..."    


"Please!" Lyi Xun looked at her with a sneer, "Beg me, I will reconcile with you! Not even a single cent of compensation is needed!"    


His words made Tong Si laugh softly.    


She shook her head and did not say anything. She just stood up and said in a distant manner, "Mr. Lyi, we will meet again when the opportunity arises."    


After saying that, she turned around and left without any hesitation.    


Only Lyi Xun, whose body was frozen and frozen, was left sitting there with a fierce aura.    


Damn that "female" person!    


Who allowed her to leave so quickly?    


From the moment he entered until now, not even ten minutes had passed, and she actually left without hesitation!!    


Was her self-esteem really that important? ?    


Or was it his pride...    


Too light - Despicable!    


Being toyed with and sold out like this, she was clearly so angry that she wanted to strangle her, so much so that she wanted to take her life with a single shot, but what happened in the end?    


In the end, she only ended this game for her...    


In the end, even though it was clearly over, she was still thinking of ways to get entangled with her!!    


The result was...    


Even though he knew that there was a dangerous abyss ahead, he was still jumping in fearlessly!!    


To put it nicely, it was bravery.    


To put it bluntly, it was cheap!!    


Even though he knew this was the case, he still couldn't help but get up and chase after them.    


"Is there anyone who talks about peace with others like this? Ah? Your attitude is so bad, you also want to reconcile? Are all policemen like you? "    


Lyi Xun chased after her, grabbed her arm, and shouted.    


Tong Si turned her head and looked at Lyi Xun, who was clearly very angry, but also seemed to be suppressing his emotions.    


Of course, she did not reply to him.    


The current her seemed to have no strength for everything.    


"Mr. Lyi, I can't fulfill your request. Of course, I can only leave." She replied in a neither servile nor overbearing manner.    


Lyi Xun's eyes narrowed. For a moment, he did not know what to say.    


"That's right!" Shih Qing seemed to have thought of something and said, "Thank you for going to read it. Also..."    


Tong Si paused slightly and looked at him.    


"What else?" Lyi Xun looked indifferent.    


"Also, I hope you don't hurt her..." Tong Si pursed her lips tightly.    


Lyi Xun, on the other hand, let out a mocking laugh. In the next moment, he turned around and left.    


He did not even say a word.    


He was actually angry because of one sentence from her!    


In her eyes, perhaps Lyi Xun had always been such a despicable person!    


If he really wanted to hurt her...    


Did she think that she could still stand in front of her and say such words to him?    


After that, Lyi Xun left.    


Tong Si, on the other hand, could not help but lie on the rubbish bin and retch.    


Fortunately, she did not eat for the whole day, so she was so uncomfortable that she could not spit out anything in her stomach.    


However, her internal organs were twitching in pain.    


It hurt so much that her tears...    


They couldn't help but flow out!    


Just now, when she saw that familiar face, her heart was in so much pain that even her breathing became difficult...    


But, so what...    


The fate between them had always been the same as at this moment. Even if they met, they could not fall in love...    


Because, between them, it would never be possible!!    


Lyi Xun did not know how long it had been since he drank like this. He also did not know how long it had been since he drank so much.    


It was already past two o'clock in the morning when he returned from the bar.    


Le Xiaozhi had also waited in Time Garden for Lyi Xun for nearly four hours. She had already slept on the sofa in the hall. When the door opened, Le Xiaozhi woke up on the sofa.    


A mellow smell of alcohol assailed her nostrils.    




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