CEO's Love Affairs

C1360 You Are Peeking at Me(2)

C1360 You Are Peeking at Me(2)

0Lyi Xun's heart skipped a beat when he heard that. In the next moment, he subconsciously pulled Shih Qing aside and was about to walk around the hall towards the lounge.    


His face that had just eased up suddenly turned cold, as if there was still some panic hidden within.    


"What's wrong? Who's Sister Nan?"    


Shih Qing was surprised. Who was this so-called Sister Nan? Why did Lyi Xun turn around and leave when he heard that she was coming? Could it be that she was very powerful, so powerful that even Lyi Xun had to hide from her when he saw her? But why had she never heard of it?    


"A devil who kills without blinking his eyes!" Lyi Xun dragged her out of the hall quickly. Finally, Yin Nanyan, who was in the same hall, did not take a picture.    


He almost forgot that the bride and Yin Nanyan were good sisters today. Even to men, they used the same trick!    


The corner of Lyi Xun's mouth twitched, and a trace of a cold smile appeared on his lips. It was full of disdain.    


"Who is she?" Shih Qing was really surprised. A person who even Lyi Xun avoided should be a very powerful character.    


"Forget it. Let's not talk about her anymore." Lyi Xun changed the topic. His eyes sparkled.    


Shih Qing did not know. Actually, it was not how powerful Sister Nan was, but...    


The man in front of her did not want her to know about the existence of that "woman"! At least, she did not want to know now!    


Furthermore, she didn't need to know!!    


He and that "woman" person, sooner or later, it would be over!    


The rest door closed. When all the noise was blocked outside the door, Shih Qing realized that her hand was still tightly held in Lyi Xun's palm.    


Both of them were stunned. After a while, they awkwardly let go of their hands.    


"Your relationship with Young Master Xuan seems to be getting better and better..." Lyi Xun suddenly said. His tone was flat as if there was no other emotion in it.    


Shih Qing also snorted and blocked his way, "Young Master Lyi seems to have a good relationship with the girls outside!"    


Lyi Xun laughed lightly, "How do you know? Because you have been peeking at me?"    


"Who's peeking at you? I wanted to say that you've been peeking at me!"    


But that was not the case. There were a few times when she secretly went over to him like that, but she kept bumping into his eyes.    


"I was looking at him openly! Who was like you? You didn't dare to admit it even after you saw it! Coward turtle! "    


"You're the one who's the Coward turtle!!" Shih Qing scolded him back.    


Unexpectedly, Lyi Xun pressed her petite body on the table. Her evil eyes looked at her lazily, "Girl, don't you know that men shouldn't be called cowards by 'girls'? You are blatantly looking down on my ability as a man! "    




Shih Qing did not seem to care about Lyi Xun's teasing at all. Her eyes were slightly cold and her face revealed vigilance. "Listen..."    


She reminded Lyi Xun.    


Lyi Xun was stunned and listened attentively. He only heard a series of "Di Di Di" sounds as they sped away.    


Instantly, both of their expressions changed at the same time.    


"Bomb!" Lyi Xun reacted.    


Shih Qing, on the other hand, could only exclaim in her heart.    


Lyi Xun hurriedly let go of Shih Qing in his arms and found where the sound came from.    


It was a time bomb, and it was placed in a corner under the table.    


"Three minutes left."    


Shih Qing was shocked for a second. In the next moment, she took out her phone, "Call the police."    


"Wait a minute..." Lyi Xun pressed down on her phone. "There are many people at the wedding. We must not call the police easily. We can't tell which door the person is from. If we drag the police into this, it will only get more and more troublesome. "    


Shih Qing understood. "You know how to disassemble bombs?"    


Actually, she knew, but clearly, she could not do it.    


Lyi Xun did not make a sound. With a solemn expression, he took out his phone and hurriedly made a call. " Hello, it's me! Young Master Lyi, we found a time bomb in the lounge. Inform the security personnel to evacuate and investigate every place in the venue! Be quick!"    


After saying that, Lyi Xun hung up the phone in a hurry.    


"Do you have any scissors or something like that?" He squatted down and checked the bomb while asking Shih Qing.    


"You want to disassemble the bomb?" Shih Qing was shocked for a second. She quickly searched her body and found a string of keys. Luckily, the key was fitted with nail clippers. She quickly passed it to Lyi Xun. "Only nail clippers."    


Lyi Xun took it silently. After a pause, he suddenly said, "You go out first. Go as far as you can to prevent the explosion."    


"What about you?" Shih Qing frowned and asked him.    


"This bomb must be dismantled. There is no time to wait for them to come! I will dismantle this bomb and get out! You go first." Lyi Xun's tone did not allow any objection, but his hands were still busy. He did not even glance at Shih Qing.    


His sword-like brows were deeply furrowed, as if he was still thinking of a solution at the side.    


Shih Qing, however, was still rooted to the spot and did not move.    


"Why aren't you going out yet?" There seemed to be some anger hidden in his tone.    


Shih Qing was stunned for a moment and shook her head, "Let me take a look first."    


Shih Qing knew that Lyi Xun was worried that there might be an accident. Or rather, once this bomb exploded, everyone in the room would definitely be crushed into pieces.    


"What are you looking at!? You standing here will only make me split my heart! You don't understand."    


Lyi Xun frowned and shouted at her with annoyance, wanting to chase her away.    


However, she was like a nail on her foot. She did not move. Her eyes were fixed on the time that flowed away from the bomb.    


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